similar to: and Cairo and ggplot2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: " and Cairo and ggplot2"

2007 Sep 27
Cairo on windows
Hi All, I just installed Cairo on R 2.5.1 on windows XP. My hope was to get to see the transparency output e.g. ggplot2 - stat_smooth , which I finally managed to do. However, I find the Cairo device, which I access either through CairoWin() or Cairo(type="win"), is pretty shaky in a number of respects : - whatever portion of the Cairo
2007 Dec 13
use ggplot in a function to which a column name is given
Hi everyone, Hi ggplot users in particular, ggplot makes it very easy to plot things given their names when you use it interactively (and therefore can provide the names of the columns). qplot(x,foo,data=A) where A has columns (x,y,foo,bar) for example but I would like to use this from inside a function to which the name of the column is given. I cannot find an elegant way to make this
2015 Jul 14
Use cairo fallback resolution greater than 72dpi in cairo_pdf and cairo_ps in grDevices
Dear all, In grDevices R functions cairo_pdf and cairo_ps it is mentioned that when transparency (alpha channels) are used in vector output, it will rasterize the PDF or postscript exported graph at a resolution of 72 dpi : You can see the problem if you try library(ggplot2) cairo_ps(file = "test.eps",onefile =
2009 Feb 04
ggplot: problem with fill option in stat_smooth()
Hi all, I am using ggplot2 and continuing to find it very useful and pretty. However, I am trying to create some graphics for publication that would be included in an MS Word document (not my choice!) in Windows Vista. The problem is that I want to use stat_smooth() to add an fitted linear model line along with its 95% confidence band, but I cannot seem to get the confidence band in a format
2012 Jan 21
semi-transparency not supported in devel R? "alpha" cannot be specified in qplot()
Hi dear all, In my laptop(ubuntu 11.10 64bit), I maintained a released R (2.14) and a developmental R, I can specify qplot(..., alpha = ) in R 2.14 , but when I try to use transparency in developmental R, I got a warning message and the plot is clearly not I want. minimal example: > qplot(data = mtcars, x = mpg, y = cyl, alpha = cyl) Warning message: In, x$x, x$y,
2012 Jan 21
semi-transparency not supported in devel R? "alpha" cannot be specified in qplot()
Hi dear all, In my laptop(ubuntu 11.10 64bit), I maintained a released R (2.14) and a developmental R, I can specify qplot(..., alpha = ) in R 2.14 , but when I try to use transparency in developmental R, I got a warning message and the plot is clearly not I want. minimal example: > qplot(data = mtcars, x = mpg, y = cyl, alpha = cyl) Warning message: In, x$x, x$y,
2015 Jul 18
Use cairo fallback resolution greater than 72dpi in cairo_pdf and cairo_ps in grDevices
The 'at a minimum' information requested by the posting guide is missing. According to their documentation the cairo default fallback resolution is now 300dpi, and when I run your example on Fedora 21 that is what the emitted postscript says it is. You can easily alter the R code to set it to something different: see for the
2007 Jul 12
ggplot2 / reshape / Question on manipulating data
I'm an R newbie but recently discovered the ggplot2 and reshape packages which seem incredibly useful and much easier to use for a beginner. Using the data from the IMDB, I'm trying to see how the average movie rating varies by year. Here is what my data looks like: > ratings <- read.delim("groomed.list", header = TRUE, sep = "|", comment.char = "")
2008 Mar 04
qplot (ggplot2) faceting histogram with missing values
Hi, I've run into a difficulty with qplot function (in the ggplot2 package). I can facet histograms even when the faceting variable contains missing values, but only so long as the faceting variable is not a factor. Example: y1 <- rnorm(10) x1 <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4), NA) x2 <- factor(c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4), NA)) library(ggplot2) qplot(y1, geom = "histogram", facets =
2008 Aug 04
Sweave and ggplot2
Hi all, I've been trying to run Sweave with R code embedded - using the ggplot2 package and in particular the qplot command. There appears to be a problem in Sweave not picking up that qplot is a function. Has anybody else tried to use qplot in Sweave and have you been successful? Any help would be very much appreciated. Kind Regards, Sorn Notice: This email and any attachments may
2009 May 07
I updated/reinstalled ggplot2 and the trouble started...
Hi Ian, Per your suggestion, I reinstalled R 2.9.0, then I reinstalled ggplot2 on top. The problem persists. Here's the what happens after the installation: > qplot (carat, price, data = diamonds, alpha = I(1/10)) Warning message: In"L_points", x$x, x$y, x$pch, x$size) : semi-transparency is not supported on this device: reported only once per
2010 Feb 14
Problems with boxplot in ggplot2:qplot
Dataframe closed contains balances of closed accounts: each row has month of closure (Date-type column month) and latest balance. I would like to plot by-month distributions of balances. A qplot call below produces several warnings and no output. Can anyone help? Thank you. PS. A really basic task, very similar to the examples on p. 71 of the ggplot2 book, apart from a Date grouping column; I
2009 Apr 21
ggplot2 - boxplot of variables / columns
Hi, ggplot/qplot is great - it has really helped me do some nice things. However, simple boxplot of different columns/variables is a bit tricky, because of (i think) qplot's generic Y conditional on X input form. Se below. # Some data: a <- rnorm(100) b <- rnorm(100,1,2) c <- rnorm(100,2,0.5) # normal boxplot of a,b,c boxplot(a,b,c) # Looks good library(ggplot2) # loads qqplot2 #
2009 Mar 02
ways to put multiple graphs on single page (using ggplot2)
Hi, Here are three plots: library(ggplot2) data(diamonds) randind <- sample(nrow(diamonds),1000,replace=FALSE) dsmall <- diamonds[randind,] qplot(carat, data=dsmall, geom="histogram",binwidth=1) qplot(carat, data=dsmall, geom="histogram",binwidth=.1) qplot(carat, data=dsmall, geom="histogram",binwidth=.01) What are ways to put these three plots on a single
2008 Mar 20
I need help integrating ggplot2 into Excel
Dear all I use ggplot2 extensively for my plotting routines and rexcel to have the best of two worlds. (RExcel v 1.75 and R (D)Com v. 2.5) I can run my ggplot functions, such as qplot(...), in scratchpad mode, but not in Macro nor Worksheet functions mode. I have tried the following in Macro mode: Call RInterface.RRun("library(ggplot2)") ... Call
2011 Jan 14
bug in qplot (library ggplot2)
Hello, this following code give a nice png: /library(ggplot2) i <- 1 png(file=paste('test ',i,'.png',sep='')) qplot(carat, data=diamonds, fill=color,geom='histogram')+scale_y_continuous(i) / I would like to get more files, but the following code doesn't make any file: /library(ggplot2) for (i in 1:2) { png(file=paste('test
2012 Jul 18
ggplot2 qplot pch not working anymore
Is there a way to use a continuous variable to pch in qplot? I believe this worked in previous version. I need to specify certain values of a shape for particular points so that multiple graphs all show the same shapes for the same streams. I have gone to the original data and added a pch column that I would like to use to specify the shapes to pch in qplot. Any help would be greatly
2010 Jun 09
specifying plot symbol sizes in qplot or ggplot2
Hi. first things first ... thanks for ggplot2. Now my question. I'm using qplot to generate a plot as follows where X,Y,Z, A are columns in a dataframe. qplot(X, Y, data=XYDATA, color=Z, geom=c("point"), size=A) This works as expected. Factor A has three levels so there are three sizes of the point plot symbol. I understand that the factor levels are mapped to symbol sizes.
2011 May 26
Question about ggplot2
Hi all, Is there any way for me to to string in the argument of qplot or ggplot? for example qplot(x='carat',y='price',data=diamonds,geom=c('point','smooth')) instead of qplot(x=carat,y=price,data=diamonds,geom=c('point','smooth')) Thanks!! Regards, TszKin Julian [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Feb 11
Time Series in R with ggplot2
Hi Folks, First, the important information. > sessionInfo() R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16) Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) Second, my problem. I have a series of data sets comprised in the following format. > totsoc Location Year Value 1 SOUTH 1998 29 2 SOUTH 1999 20 3 SOUTH 2000 32 4 SOUTH 2001 29 5 SOUTH 2002 25 6 SOUTH 2003 28 7