Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Ranking submodels by AIC (more general question)"
2011 Jun 22
AIC() vs. mle.aic() vs. step()?
I know this a newbie question, but I've only just started using AIC for
model comparison and after a bunch of different keyword searches I've
failed to find a page laying out what the differences are between the
AIC scores assigned by AIC() and mle.aic() using default settings.
I started by using mle.aic() to find the best submodels, but then I
wanted to also be able to make comparisons
2002 Apr 01
something confusing about stepAIC
Folks, I'm using stepAIC(MASS) to do some automated, exploratory, model
selection for binomial and Poisson glm models in R 1.3. Because I wanted to
experiment with the small-sample correction AICc, I dug around in the code
for the functions
and came across something I just don't understand.
stepAIC() passes dropterm.glm() a
2005 Dec 08
mle.stepwise versus step/stepAIC
I have a question pertaining to the stepwise regression which I am trying to
perform. I have a data set in which I have 14 predictor variables
accompanying my response variable. I am not sure what the difference is
between the function "mle.stepwise" found in the wle package and the
functions "step" or "stepAIC"? When would one use
2005 Jun 14
RGui crashes on wle call
Hi all --
I'm seeing the following commands reliably produce a crash in RGui,
version 2.0.1, for both my home and office machine:
> rm(list = ls(all = TRUE));
> load("dataset.R");
> library("wle");
> data.wle = wle.lm(abortion ~ year * lib.con + age + gender +
+ urbanism + census + income + church.att + children + educ +
+ religion.imp, data =
2010 Aug 17
AIC in MuMIn
I am using package MuMIn to calculate AIC for a full model with 10
explanatory variables.
Thanks in advance in sharing your experience.
In the AIC list of all models, each model is differentiated by model number.
Please kindly advise if it is possible to
find the corresponding explanatory variable(s) for the model number.
Q2 error message
I tried to display sub-model with only
2023 May 09
RandomForest tuning the parameters
Hi Sacha,
On second thought, perhaps this is more the direction that you want ...
X2 = cbind(X_train,y_train)
colnames(X2)[3] = "y"
regr2<-randomForest(y~x1+x2, data=X2,maxnodes=10, ntree=10)
#Make prediction
predictions= predict(regr, X_test)
predictions2= predict(regr2, X_test)
On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 6:40?AM Eric Berger <ericjberger at gmail.com>
2003 Apr 22
Subject: Eliminate repeated components from a vector
X-Mailer: VM 7.00 under 21.4 (patch 6) "Common Lisp" XEmacs Lucid
Reply-To: fjmolina at lbl.gov
FCC: /home/f/.xemacs/mail/sent
Does anyone know how I can eliminate repeated elements from a vector?
2003 Nov 24
mle in the gamma model
Dear [R]-list,
I'm looking for a classic equivalent of the wle.gamma function (library
wle) that estimate robustly the shape and the scale parameters of gamma
I have a vector of iid gamma rv :
and a vector of their weights:
and want to estimate the scale and shape of the gamma
2017 Oct 05
working with ordinal predictor variables?
I'm trying to develop a linear model for crop productivity based on
variables published as part of the SSURGO database released by the
USDA. My default is to just run lm() with continuous predictor
variables as numeric, and discrete predictor variables as factors, but
some of the discrete variables are ordinal (e.g. drainage class, which
ranges from excessively drained to excessively poorly
2007 Sep 21
Likelihood ration test on glm
I would like to try a likelihood ratio test in place of waldtest.
Ideally I'd like to provide two glm models, the second a submodel of the
first, in the style of lrt
(http://www.pik-potsdam.de/~hrust/tools/farismahelp/lrt.html). [lrt
takes farimsa objects]
Does anyone know of such a likelihood ratio test?
Chris Elsaesser, PhD
Principal Scientist, Machine Learning
2007 May 11
model seleciton by leave-one-out cross-validation
Hi, all
When I am using mle.cv(wle), I find a interesting problem: I can't do
leave-one-out cross-validation with mle.cv(wle). I will illustrate the
problem as following:
> xx=matrix(rnorm(20*3),ncol=3)
> bb=c(1,2,0)
> yy=xx%*%bb+rnorm(20,0,0.001)+0
> summary(mle.cv(yy~xx,split=nrow(xx)-1,monte.carlo=2*nrow(xx),verbose=T),
mle.cv: dimension of the split subsample
2015 Apr 15
Weighted Likelihood
Buenas tardes,
Estoy intentando ajustar distribuciones utilizando un vector de ponderación
en los datos (Weighted Likelihood). ¿Existen paquetes en R que resuelven
esto? He mirado ya el paquete "wle" pero no me permite introducir los pesos
mediante los cuales ponderar los datos.
En un primer momento, se me ha ocurrido realizar lo siguiente: repetir
cada elemento del vector datos
2012 Mar 16
Change in behavior of update.views()?
I haven't seen this cryptic warning before:
> update.views('Robust')
Warning message:
In update.views("Robust") :
The following packages are not available: covRobust, distr, FRB, MASS, mblm, multinomRob, mvoutlier, quantreg, RandVar, rgam, RobAStBase, robfilter, RobLox, RobRex, robust, RobustAFT, robustbase, ROptEst, ROptRegTS, rrcov, sandwich, wle
2017 Oct 05
working with ordinal predictor variables?
I would consider this is a question for a statistics forum such as
stats.stackexchange.com, not R-help, which is about R programming. They do
sometimes intersect, as here, but I think you need to *understand what
you're doing* before you write the R code to do it.
Obviously, IMO.
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and
2002 Apr 06
packages in OS X
Simple CRAN packages which do not compile without modifications (all
others do)
-- akima
/usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _idlc_
-- fracdiff
/usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _gammfd_
(and others)
-- odesolve
2006 Jul 28
tests performed by anova
Dear R-helpers,
In the case of two categorical factors, say a and b, once I have
fixed the constrasts, the model matrix is set according to these
contrasts with "lm", and the t-tests for the significance of the
parameters provided by "summary" indeed concern the comparison of the
model with each submodel obtained by removing the corresponding
column of the model matrix.
2012 Sep 18
New Package 'JMbayes' for the Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data under a Bayesian approach
Dear R-users,
I would like to announce the release of the new package JMbayes
available from CRAN (http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=JMbayes). This
package fits shared parameter models for the joint modeling of normal
longitudinal responses and event times under a Bayesian approach using
The package has a single model-fitting function called
2012 Sep 18
New Package 'JMbayes' for the Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data under a Bayesian approach
Dear R-users,
I would like to announce the release of the new package JMbayes
available from CRAN (http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=JMbayes). This
package fits shared parameter models for the joint modeling of normal
longitudinal responses and event times under a Bayesian approach using
The package has a single model-fitting function called
2000 Dec 18
Packages for R 1.2.0 for Windows
I have re-built all the compiled packages for R 1.2.0 for Windows, and the
set available in CRAN/bin/windows/contrib are now for rw1020.
If you are upgrading to rw1020, please replace all the compiled
packages you have downloaded by ones from this set.
There a few packages available for the first time:
RMySQL mlbench netCDF
and a few that are not yet running on 1.2.0 on any platform
2000 Dec 18
Packages for R 1.2.0 for Windows
I have re-built all the compiled packages for R 1.2.0 for Windows, and the
set available in CRAN/bin/windows/contrib are now for rw1020.
If you are upgrading to rw1020, please replace all the compiled
packages you have downloaded by ones from this set.
There a few packages available for the first time:
RMySQL mlbench netCDF
and a few that are not yet running on 1.2.0 on any platform