similar to: Unreasonable syntax error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Unreasonable syntax error"

2010 Mar 18
aumentar tamaño de memoria a mas de 4Gb‏
Hola de nuevo, Esta es la información de mi sesion: R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_CTYPE=Spanish_Spain.1252 [3] LC_MONETARY=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C [5] LC_TIME=Spanish_Spain.1252 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base Lo que yo prentendo es
2005 May 26
Help needed - Use of RSrvr in macro mode
Dear All, I am experiencing a problem for which I need some help. I have created a small file containing a simple function File name = smalltest.r Content : smalltest=function(extvar) { itworks=paste('Ca marche',date()) setwd("c:/windows/temp") write.table(itworks,file="resultat.csv", append=FALSE) } This function works when operated from R environment To get
2010 Apr 30
Find solution for an error in the condition of if
Dear r-help, Could you help me to find a solution for this error: Il y a eu 50 avis ou plus (utilisez warnings() pour voir les 50 premiers) > warnings() Messages d'avis : 1: In if ((data[pa, k] == df[, j]) & (data[ch, k] == i)) { ... : la condition a une longueur > 1 et seul le premier élément est utilisé 2: In if ((data[pa, k] == df[, j]) & (data[ch, k] == i)) { ... : la
2007 May 04
hello, > subset(swiss, Agriculture > 60 & Examination != c(14,16), select = c(Agriculture,Examination,Catholic)) Agriculture Examination Catholic Broye 70.2 16 3.30 Glane 67.8 14 4.20 Aigle 62.0 21 5.16 Avenches 60.7 19 5.23 Cossonay 69.3 22 5.62
2020 Aug 19
utils::isS3stdGeneric chokes on primitives and identity
Dear R-devel, utils::isS3stdGeneric tries to subset the body of the function it's fed, primitives don't like that because they don't have a body, identity doesn't like it either because it's body is a symbol. According to the doc, any function is a legal input. See below: identity #> function (x) #> x #> <bytecode: 0x0000000013d6da28> #> <environment:
2020 Aug 20
utils::isS3stdGeneric chokes on primitives and identity
>>>>> Gabriel Becker writes: > I added that so I can look at the proposed fix and put it or something > similar in bugzilla for review final review. > Apologies for the oversight. Fixed now with - while(as.character(bdexpr[[1L]]) == "{") + while( && (as.character(bdexpr[[1L]]) == "{")) (the suggested fix does not work on
2007 Oct 01
[nls] singular gradient
Hi, I am new to R. I don't have strong background of statistics. I am a student of Geotechnical Engineering. I tried to run a nonlinear regression for a three-variable function, that is N = f(CSR, ev) # N is a function of CSR and ev, and N = CSR/(A +B*CSR), wherer (A,B) are function of ev. N, CSR and ev are observed in the experiments. Following is my R script. rm(list=ls())
2011 Sep 15
p-value for non linear model
Hello, I want to understand how to tell if a model is significant. For example I have vectX1 and vectY1. I seek first what model is best suited for my vectors and then I want to know if my result is significant. I'am doing like this: model1 <- lm(vectY1 ~ vectX1, data= d), model2 <- nls(vectY1 ~ a*(1-exp(-vectX1/b)) + c, data= d, start = list(a=1, b=3, c=0)) aic1 <- AIC(model1)
2004 Jul 06
aide pour une affiner une AFD.
madame, monsieur, help me please, Je debute avec R. J'ai r??alis?? une analyse factorielle discriminante avec R. J'obtient les resultat graphiques et les tables assici??es ?? l'analyse. Cependant je souhaiterais savoir si les distances separant les groupes (decades) sont statistiquement significatives. pour cela il me faut utiliser la distance de mahalanobis et la statistique de
2020 Aug 28
utils::isS3stdGeneric chokes on primitives and identity
Trace adds something to the body of the function, so it does make sense that it doesn't. Whether traced functions still technically meet the definition of standard s3 generic or not is, I suppose, up for debate, but I would say that they should, I think. As before, if desired I can work on a patch for this if desired, or someone on R-core can just take care of it if that is easier. Best, ~G
2009 May 11
Using ACE in the ape package
Having a problem running the ace command in ape. After reading my table into R and then putting the names of the rows in the table in same order as the tree I can't get ace to run and get the message Erreur dans as.matrix(x) : dims [produit 25] ne correspond pas ? la longueur de l'objet [0] This is the command I am using and each of the vectors used in the snalysis.
2005 Oct 24
Pb with function taxo2phylog (package ade4)
Hello I'm using the package ade4 to obtain classification from a .txt file. I use the following commands: cronquist <- read.table("cronquist.txt", h = T, row.names = 8) cronquist <- as.taxo(cronquist[7:1]) cro.phy <- taxo2phylog(cronquist) in which cronquist.txt is a file with a classification of 218 genus of tree species from french Guiana. We I try to use the
2015 Nov 10
función par dentro de bucles, representar gráficas en bucle
Hola chic en s, querría construir mi primera función, y tengo una duda respecto al comando par( mfrow =c(3,3)). Primero de todo, tengo una tabla con 10 variables, para cada variable, unos 145 datos. Quiero representar para cada variable su gráfica de dispersión respecto a las demás. Es decir, coger la primera variable y la segunda, y hacer gráfica, coger la primera variable y la tercera, y hacer
2011 Aug 02
Memory limit in Aggregate()
Dear all, I am trying to aggregate a table (divided in two lists here), but get a memory error. Here is the code I'm running : sessionInfo() print(paste("memory.limit() ", memory.limit())) print(paste("memory.size() ", memory.size())) print(paste("memory.size(TRUE) ", memory.size(TRUE))) print(paste("size listX ", object.size(listX)))
2006 Nov 15
trellis.par.set and grid : how to set by default that I want a grid on my graphes ?
Hello all, I want to draw a grid behind my graphes, using lattice package. I manage to do it with instructions like this one : xyplot(Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Length , data = iris, allow.multiple = TRUE, scales = "same",type="l", panel = function(...) { panel.grid(h=-1, v= -1) ; panel.superpose(...) } ) I was wondering if there were a way to do it
2020 Jan 09
Hello, Is there a reason for the following behaviour? > mean(c("1","2","3")) [1] NA Warning message: In mean.default(c("1", "2", "3")) : l'argument n'est ni num?rique, ni logique : renvoi de NA But: > var(c("1","2","3")) [1] 1 And also: >
2006 Apr 27
Execute controller function from RJS
Hi all, I wonder if it is somehow possible to execture or redirect to a controller function from RJS? Right now I do: def foo() render :partial => ''executeagain'' end _executeagain.rhtml <script> new Ajax.Updater(''elmntID'', ''/test/foo/'', {evalScripts:true}); </script> This will loop I know :) How can I achieve the same
2007 Nov 09
Wanted: tutorial on troubleshooting SIP issues
For someone that's network-aware, but hasn't sat down and plowed through umpteen SIP-related RFC's and memorized the standards, is there a good primer on troubleshooting SIP issues? I'm seeing a lot of NOTIFY/603 messages on my network between Asterisk and my Sipura 942's, for instance... Not sure what these are... perhaps the qualify keepalives? In which case, I guess
2002 Jul 12
Crosstabs in R
Before I reinvent the wheel, I have need for a relatively straightforward crosstabulation (2 x n) function. I know that R has table(), ftable(), xtabs(), and summary(xtabs()), but none of these produce a fully "tricked" out cross-tabulation with marginal totals, expected cell frequencies, and an array of statistics about the contingency table. Is there a more complete (something
2020 Jan 09
I think median() behaves as designed: As long as the argument can be ordered, the "middle observation" makes sense, except when the middle falls between two categories, and you can't define and average of the two candidates for a median. The "sick man" would seem to be var(). Notice that it is also inconsistent with cov(): >