similar to: Side by side scatter plots with specified regression lines

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Side by side scatter plots with specified regression lines"

2011 Jul 10
grey colored lines and overwriting labels i qqplot2
I created this graph in ggplot and added ablines to the different facets by specifying with subset commands. As you might see, there are still a few issues. 1.) I would like to have the diamonds in a grey scale instead of colors. I accomplished this (see graph 2) until I overwrote the label title for the treatments and the colors came back (graph 1). I used these two commands: p=ggplot(data =
2011 Jun 26
changing graphs in qqplot2
This is what I have now so far. p=ggplot(data = test, aes(x = YEAR, y = TOTAL, colour = TREATMENT)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE) + facet_wrap(~COUNTRY) > p +scale_x_continuous(limits=c(1,4)) I would also like to: 1.) change the headline for the faced wraps ?high? and ?low?. Is there any other way of
2012 Oct 10
se's and CI's for fitted lines in multivariate regression analysis
I?m entirely stumped on this particular issue and really hoping someone has some advice for me. I am running a covariant model in lm I would like to give the standard errors or the confidence intervals for the fitted lines. I?ve been using the dataset OrangeSprays where I want lines for each level of treatment over the covariant ?colpos?. I?ve been able to calculate intercepts and slopes for
2011 Nov 08
nesting scale_manual caracteristics in ggplot
Hi there, I am having a little problem with combining three scale_manual commands in a facet plot. I am not able to combine the three different characteristics, instead ending up with three different descriptions next to the graph for the same geom. I would like to see two separate labels (not three); one describing lines 1-7 and the other 8-14. For each of the treatments (A-B) I want a
2009 Sep 11
R - box design-scatter plot für means/regression/lme?
Dear All! It's now weeks that I'm going crazy with R, and as I'm a new user I now ask for help (also because I still have only a few days to finish..)... So shortly I describe you my Experiment in which I was looking for the decomposition of herbivore dung under different treatments: I made a box design experiment which is structured in the following way: I collected dung from 2
2002 Oct 21
3-D scatter plot laid over Surface plot
Hello, I have created a Fitness surface (persp()), with data that was created by a tp spline procedure. Now I would like to superimpose a set (XYZ) of existing points (from two different treatments) onto this surface. I didn't come across any function or command that is able to do this in R. Could somebody please help me in finding a solution to this problem Thank you Peter --
2007 Apr 27
Scatter Plot in R - Help
Dear All, I am using the following commands to do the scatter plot of two vectors, say X and Y. plot(X,Y, col="blue") abline(a=1,b=1, col="red") abline(a=-1,b=1, col="green") I would like to split the scatter plot into 3 part with 3 different colors: (i) points lies between 2 lines, (ii) points above line 1, and (iii) points below line 2. I am struggling to do
2010 May 12
what the problem could be if i am suddenly unable to add abline to the scatter plot?
I am doing very regular stuff like the following: attach(wtana) fm<- lm(Body.Wt.on.SD1~Heart.Wt, data=wtana) #fm<- lm(wtana$Body.Wt.on.SD1~wtana$Heart.Wt) lrf<- loess(Body.Wt.on.SD1~Heart.Wt, wtana) #lrf<- loess(wtana$Body.Wt.on.SD1~wtana$Heart.Wt) plot(Body.Wt.on.SD1,Heart.Wt) #plot(wtana$Body.Wt.on.SD1,wtana$Heart.Wt) #lines(spline(Heart.Wt,fitted(lrf)), col=2) abline(fm, col=4)
2012 May 22
scatterplot x axis specifications
I have created a scatter plot that has come out okay but I am having trouble with the x axis. My data consists of 4 treatments but these treatments are days so R keeps reading them as numeric and making my x axis continuous. Here is what I have so far: plot(pair$MC~pair$Day, pch=c(19,24)[as.factor(Cookie)], main='Paired t Test', xlab='Days in Field', ylab='Moisture
2009 Dec 01
draw a box at 10% lower and upper in scatter plot
Hi,   I would like to draw a box at each corner of lower 10% and upper 10% in the scatter plot on(0,1)*(0,1)  to indicate the lower and upper tail.  I hope somebody can help me.   Here is my code: ## scatter plot plot(hume_uni[,2],beec_uni[,2], pch=19, xlab="Hume_uni", ylab="Beec_uni", col= "blue")  title(main="Scatter plot of uniformised data of Hume and
2009 May 15
Additional points to scatter plot show up at wrong place
Hi everyone, I have a problem with adding points to scatter plots. The plot is drawn with the scatterplot() function from the car library: scatterplot(data[,2] ~ data[,1], data=data,smooth=F,reg.line=F,xlim=c(0.5,1),ylim=c(0.5,1),ylab="ML",xlab="Freq",cex.lab=1.9,cex.axis=1.8) after that, I draw one line with abline(0,1,col="gray20") which works perfectly fine.
2011 Jun 16
Scatter plot produces "'x' and 'y' lengths differ"
Hello, I am working on a project to create some scatter plots. I have syntax for 26 plots, and 22 of them display as they should. But here, for example, is a sample of the command syntax I am using: good <- complete.cases(affect1,adh1scr) plot (jitter(affect1,2.0),jitter(adh1scr,1.0),xlim=c(1,35),ylim=c(1,35),pch=1 6, main='Adherence Score by Affectiveness Level - Visit 1',
2009 Apr 02
Scatter plot
Hi. How do I plot the straight line and r? in a scatter plot using a simple file x~y? Sueli Rodrigues Eng. Agr?noma - UNESP Mestranda - USP/ESALQ PPG-Solos e Nutri??o de Plantas Fones (19)93442981 (19)33719762
2012 Sep 24
add lowess predicted line to scatter plot
Hi, I have a scatter plot of the variables GNI and Lifeexp (Gross National Income and Life Expectancy, both metric). So I plotted them and I want to add a regression line and a lowess line. I use lowess and not loess because I have missing values. My code: plot(GNI,Lifeexp) abline(lm(Lifeexp~GNI), col="red") y.loess<-loess(Lifeexp~GNI,na. action = na.exclude)
2010 Apr 07
Creating two lines of best fit on a scatter plot
Hello I am trying to plot two lines of best fit on a scatter plot. I'm plotting number of visits (y) against personality (x), half the plots are blue for patchchoice one and the other plots are red for patchchoice two (these options come from one factor, see below) . So i need a line for the patch ones and another line for the patch twos. How would i go about doing this? I know i
2005 Dec 02
cloud() 3D scatter plot
Hello, I am creating a 3D scatter plot with the cloud function. I ask it to group my rows by a "Treatment" column (there are 4 different groups). I need to know which points in the plot correspond to which rows (which treatment). By default it assigns pchs and cols to each group. When I try to define the colors or point shapes it seems to use the first color and pch for both the first
2011 May 04
scatter plot with Z value
Hi all, I would like to create a scatter plot of two variables (y, x) whith third value (z) written on the plot? After that i would like to add a line (Y=0.7*(x-20)) to the graph. I tried plot(x~y) but there is no command for the third vairable to be shown on the graph also i can't find a way to add a Y=x*(0.7-20) to the chart. Thanks, m [[alternative HTML version
2012 Apr 18
how to plot separate lm ablines on the same xyplot by group
Hi, I am trying to use xyplot to plot the relationship between size and day (y~x) by a food factor that has two levels, low and high. I have 3 reps per factor/day. I want the plots from each food treatment on the same axiss, so I used this code: xyplot(Size ~ Day, groups = Food, data =,col=1, pch=c(1,17), panel=function(x,y,groups,...){ panel.superpose(x,y,groups,...)
2009 Nov 24
Scatter plot with margin distributions
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2007 Sep 20
help with making a function of scatter plot with multiple variables
Dear list, I have done a scatter plot of multiple variables in the same graph, with different col and pch. I managed to do it with the following code but not know how to make a function of these so that next time if I want to do similar graph but with new variables, I dont have to copy the code and then change the old variables with the new ones but just call a function with the new