Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Taking Integral and Optimization using Integrate, Optim and maxNR"
2010 Mar 12
Question regarding to maxNR
Hi R-users,
Recently, I use maxNR function to find maximizer. I have error appears as follows
Error in maxNRCompute(fn = fn, grad = grad, hess = hess, start = start, :
NA in the initial gradient
My code is
Does anyone know how
2010 Aug 28
maxNR in maxLik package never stops
I use maxNR function under maxLik package to find the REML estimates of the parameters of variance components in heteroskedastic linear regression models. I assume that in the model there is additive/multiplicative/mixed heteroskedasticity and I need estimate the respective parameters of additive/multiplicative/mixed variance components.
For my research purposes I make a
2010 Mar 22
maxNR - Error in p(a, b) : element 1 is empty; the part of the args list of '*' being evaluated was: (b, t)
Hello everyone...
We were trying to implement the Newton-Raphson method in R, and estimate the
parameters a and b, of a function, F, however we can't seem to implement
this the right way. Hope you can show me the right way to do this. I think
what we want R to do is to read the data from the website and then peform
maxNR on the function, F. Btw the version of R being used is "RGui for
2009 Mar 23
newton method
Hi R-users,
Does R has a topic on newton's method?
Thank you for the info.
2013 Apr 09
Solving an integral in R gives the error “The integral is probably divergent”
I am trying to solve an integral in R. However, I am getting an error when
I am trying to solve for that integral.
The equation that I am trying to solve is as follows:
$$ C_m = \frac{{abs{x}}e^{2x}}{\pi^{1/2}}\int_0^t t^{-3/2}e^{-x^2/t-t}dt $$
[image: enter image description here]
The code that I am using is as follows:
a <- seq(from=-10, by=0.5,length=100)
## Create a function to compute
2011 Jun 08
PS to Taking Integral and Optimization using Integrate() and Optim()
Hello again.
Thank you for the comments. I have written these codes.
for (i in (1:2))
for (xx in x[i])
fy=function(y) (exp(-exp(y+log(xx)))*(-exp(y+log(xx)))^2)/(1-exp(-exp(y+log(xx))))
In 1D optimize() works perfectly on iy(). However
2010 Jul 19
integral in R
Hello All,
I have to create a variable that is a function of another one (already
created), its cumulative distribution function and the integral of this
cumulative distribution, with limits: 0 and the value of the variable.
To be clear, I have the variable called “cip”. And its cdf called “cdfcip”
I need to create the variable:
bip = cip + ((1 – cdfcip)^4)*integral((1-cdf(u))^4*du, 0, value
2007 Dec 06
Integral implicit function
Could somebody help me with the following. I want to calculate the integral over an implicit function. I thought to integrate over a function depending on uniroot. In previous topics I found a thread about finding the root of an integral. And that works. But the other way around, does not work. Does R support this?
I included the following example. The function in the example is very easy
2011 Jul 12
LOESS function Newton optimization
I have a question about running an optimization function on an existing LOESS
function defined in R. I have a very large dataset (1 million observations)
and have run a LOESS regression. Now, I want to run a Newton-Raphson
optimization to determine the point at which the slope change is the
I am relatively new to R and have tried several permutations of the maxNR
and nlm functions with
2008 Aug 26
Problem with Integrate for NEF-HS distribution
I need to calcuate the cumulative probability for the Natural Exponential Family - Hyperbolic secant distribution with a parameter theta between -pi/2 and pi/2. The integration should be between 0 and 1 as it is a probability.
The function "integrate" works fine when the absolute value of theta is not too large. That is, the NEF-HS distribution is not too skewed. However, once the
2010 Dec 22
How to integrate a function with additional argument being a vector or matrix?
Dear expeRts,
I somehow don't see why the following does not work:
integrand <- function(x, vec, mat, val) 1 # dummy return value
A <- matrix(runif(16), ncol = 4)
u <- c(0.4, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
integrand(0.3, u, A, 4)
integrate(integrand, lower = 0, upper = 1, vec = u, mat = A, val = 4)
I would like to integrate a function ("integrand") which gets an "x" value (the
2013 Feb 12
integrate function
Hi All,
Can any one help to explain why min and max function couldn't work in the
integrate function directly.
For example, if issue following into R:
integrand <- function(x) {min(1-x, x^2)}
integrate(integrand, lower = 0, upper = 1)
it will return this:
Error in integrate(integrand, lower = 0, upper = 1) :
evaluation of function gave a result of wrong length
However, as min(U,V) =
2011 Nov 10
performance of adaptIntegrate vs. integrate
Dear list,
[cross-posting from Stack Overflow where this question has remained
unanswered for two weeks]
I'd like to perform a numerical integration in one dimension,
I = int_a^b f(x) dx
where the integrand f: x in IR -> f(x) in IR^p is vector-valued.
integrate() only allows scalar integrands, thus I would need to call
it many (p=200 typically) times, which sounds suboptimal. The
2004 May 05
Discontinuities in a simple graph (machine precision?)
I've got an ugly but fairly simple function:
mdevstdev <- function(a){
l <- dnorm(a)/(1-pnorm(a))
integrand <- function(z)(abs(z-l)*dnorm(z))
inted <- integrate(integrand, a, Inf)
inted[[1]]/((1- pnorm(a))*sqrt((1 + a*l - l^2)))
I wanted to quickly produce a graph of this over the range [-3,3] so I
plotit <-function(x=seq(-3,3,0.01),...){
2011 May 30
Error in minimizing an integrand using optim
Am not sure if my code itself is correct. Here's what am trying to do:
Minimize integration of a function of gaussian distributed variable 'x' over
the interval qnorm(0.999) to Inf by changing value of parameter 'mu'. mu is
the shift in mean of 'x'.
# x follows gaussian distribution
# fx2 to be minimized by changing values of mu
# integration to be done over
2012 Oct 20
Error in integrate(integrand, 0, Inf) : non-finite function value
Dear R users,
When I run the code below, I get the error "Error in integrate(integrand, 0,
Inf) : non-finite function value". The code works if the function returns
only "sum(integ)". However, I want to add "cmh" to it. When I add "cmh" I
get that error. I can't figure out why this is happening because my
integrate function has nothing to do with
2009 Apr 07
Maple and R
Hi R-users,
Can Maple function be exported to R?
I have a jacobian matrix (4X4)?from maple in algebraic form which involve modified Bessel function of the first kind.
I just wonder whether we can use algebraic form into R before the value of the parameters can be estimated.
Thank you so much for your attention and help.
2002 Jun 28
integrate function fails! (PR#1718)
Full_Name: José Enrique Chacón
Version: 1.5.0 and 1.3.1
OS: Windows Millenium
Submission from: (NULL) (
Dear reader:
I was trying to evaluate the L2 error produced when estimating the density
function N(0,1) from a sample of size 100 using a kernel density estimate. It
produced a strange value. You can reproduce the process by typing
2011 Jun 25
integration function
Hi all,
Can anyone please take a look at the following two functions.
The answer does not seem to be right.
Thank you very much!
f1 <- function(x)
{integrand <- function (x, mu){
dnorm(x, mean=mu, sd=1)*dnorm(mu, mean=2, sd=1)
integrate(integrand, -Inf, Inf,x)$val
f2 <- function(x)
{integrand <- function (x, mu){
2012 Jan 17
Problema para integrar una funcion ajustada a un conjunto de datos con la instruccion sm.density(x)
Estimada comunidad, nuevamente con algo que no se como hacer en R, pero
aprendiendo ....
El problema es el siguiente:
1. tengo un conjunto de 10 mil datos (n) cuyo valor va entre 0 y 10.000 a
los que aplico una funcion sm.density() para obtener una especie de
histograma pero con una curva que parece continua.
2. Una vez que obtengo esa curva necesito calcular el area bajo la curva en