similar to: Interpreting Quantile Regression

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Interpreting Quantile Regression"

2011 Nov 19
wald test: compare quantile regression estimators from different samples
Dear all, I am trying to compare the estimated coefficients of a quantile regression model between two different samples. It is a Wald test, but I cannot find one way to do that in R.The samples are collected conditional on a specific characteristic and I would like to test whether such characteristic indeed affect the estimators. The problem in the test anova.rq is that the response variable
2012 Jul 17
Threshold Quantile Regression code CRASHES in R
I am working on a two stage threshold quantile regression model in R, and my aim is to estimate the threshold of the reduced-form equation (call it rhohat), and the threshold of the structural equation (call it qhat), in two stages. On the first stage, i estimate rhohat by quantile regression and obtain the fitted values. I use these fitted values to estimate qhat on the second stage. The code is
2009 Jun 09
Non-linear regression/Quantile regression
Hi, I'm relatively new to R and need to do a quantile regression. Linear quantile regression works, but for my data I need some quadratic function. So I guess, I have to use a nonlinear quantile regression. I tried the example on the help page for nlrq with my data and it worked. But the example there was with a SSlogis model. Trying to write dat.nlrq <- nlrq(BM ~ I(Regen100^2),
2008 Jan 01
Non-Linear Quantile Regression
Please, I have a problem with nonlinear quantile regression. My data shows a large variability and the quantile regression seemed perfect to relate two given variables. I got to run the linear quantile regression analysis and to build the graph in the R (with quantreg package). However, the up part of my data dispersion seems a positive exponential curve, while the down part seems a negative
2006 Jul 23
Warning Messages using rq -quantile regressions
I am a new to using quantile regressions in R. I have estimated a set of coefficients using the method="br" algorithm with the rq command at various quantiles along the entire distribution. My data set contains approximately 2,500 observations and I have 7 predictor variables. I receive the following warning message: Solution may be nonunique in:, y, tau = tau, ...)
2012 Jun 07
Quantile regression: Discrepencies Between optimizer and rq()
Hello Everyone, I'm currently learning about quantile regressions. I've been using an optimizer to compare with the rq() command for quantile regression. When I run the code, the results show that my coefficients are consistent with rq(), but the intercept term can vary by a lot. I don't think my optimizer code is wrong and suspects it has something to do with the starting
2006 Dec 02
nonlinear quantile regression
Hello, I?m with a problem in using nonlinear quantile regression, the function nlrq. I want to do a quantile regression o nonlinear function in the form a*log(x)-b, the coefficients ?a? and ?b? is my objective. I try to use the command: funx <- function(x,a,b){ res <- a*log(x)-b res } Dat.nlrq <- nlrq(y ~ funx(x, a, b), data=Dat, tau=0.25, trace=TRUE) But a can?t solve de problem,
2008 Feb 06
Mixed models quantile regression
Dear R, I have a question concerning quantile regression models. I am using the quantile regression model to test the relationship between abalone and the percentage cover of algae etc at different sites and depths. An example is fit<-rq(abalone~%coversessileinvertebrates+factor(Depth)+factor(Site),tau=0.7) In this model depth is fixed and site is random. My question is, is it possible
2004 Feb 04
Fitting nonlinear (quantile) models to linear data.
Hello. I am trying to fit an asymptotic relationship (nonlinear) to some ecological data, and am having problems. I am interested in the upper bound on the data (i.e. if there is an upper limit to 'y' across a range of 'x'). As such, I am using the nonlinear quantile regression package (nlrq) to fit a michaelis mention type model. The errors I get (which are dependant on
2006 Oct 25
Quantile Regression
Hi, how is it possible to retrieve the corresponding tau value for each observed data pair (x(t) y(t), t=1,...,n) when doing a quantile regression like <- rq(y~x,tau=-1). Thank you for your help. Jaci --
2008 Sep 23
quantile regression: plotting coefficients on only one variable (rq)
Dear all. I have a question on plotting the coefficients from a series of mutivariate quantile regressions. The following code plots the coefficients for each RHS variable x1 and x2. Is there a way to plot only the coefficients on x1? In the data I am using, I have a large number of fixed effects and do want to plot the coefficients on these fixed effects. quant.plot <-
2011 Jul 11
quantile regression: out of memory error
Hello, I?m wondering if anyone can offer advice on the out-of-memory error I?m getting. I?m using R2.12.2 on Windows XP, Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit). I am using the quantreg package, trying to perform a quantile regression on a dataframe that has 11,254 rows and 5 columns. > object.size(subsetAudit.dat) 450832 bytes > str(subsetAudit.dat) 'data.frame': 11253 obs.
2010 Oct 07
quantile regression
Dear all, I am a new user in r and I am facing some problems with the quantile regression specification. I have two matrix (mresultb and mresultx) with nrow=1000 and ncol=nsim, where I specify (let's say) nsim=10. Hence, the columns in my matrix represents each simulation of a determined variable. I need to regress each column of mresultb on mresultx. My codes are the following:
2012 Jul 19
Quantile regression questions
Hi, everyone. I have some questions about quantile regression in R. I am running an additive quantile regression first for a complete matrix and then with some selected rows. I am doing the following: datos <-read.table("Regresion multiple.txt",header=T) Fit<-rqss(datos$campings ~datos$Cobarbogrupo+datos$CobSDgrupo+datos$Areadecultivosgrupo, tau=0.9) summary.rq(Fit) #The
2018 Feb 23
Quantile regression with some parameters fixed across tau..
Hi, I would like to fit the following model with quantile regression: y ~ alpha + beta where both alpha and beta are factors. The conceptual model I have in my head is that alpha is a constant set of values, that should be independent of the quantile, tau and that all of the variability arises due to beta. If I just fit the model using the quantreg package like so: mdl <- rq( y ~ alpha
2011 Aug 23
Change Variable Labels in Quantile Plot
I have spent hours on this ---looked through the quantreg manual and r-help site--- still couldn't figure out the answer. Can someone please help me on this? I plot the result from quantile regression and want to change the variable labels: temp<-rq(dep~inc+age50, data=newdata, tau=1:9/10) temp2<-plot(summary(temp)) dimnames(temp2)[[1]]<-c("Intercept", "Per Capita
2012 Feb 13
non linear quantile regression - Median not plotting where it should
Hi, I'm attempting to calculate the 0.25 and 0.97 quantiles for tree height (0-50 meters) against tree age (0-300 years) and I am running into some difficulty with the plotted grafic. I've run the examples in the quantreg help and can get those to work properly and by plugging in my data I can also get the lines plotted on my dataset. Unfortunately I'm running into a problem with the
2013 Jun 29
Quantile Regression/(package (quantreg))
Mike, Do something like: require(rms) dd <- datadist(mydatarame); options(datadist='dd') f <- Rq(y ~ rcs(age,4)*sex, tau=.5) # use rq function in quantreg summary(f) # inter-quartile-range differences in medians of y (b/c tau=.5) plot(Predict(f, age, sex)) # show age effect on median as a continuous variable For more help type ?summary.rms and ?Predict Frank ------------
2009 May 31
warning message when running quantile regression
Hi All, I am running quantile regression in a "for loop" starting with 1 variable and adding a variable at a time reaching a maximum of 20 variables. I get the following warning messages after my "for" loop runs. Should I be concerned about these messages? I am building predictive models and am not interested in inference. Warning messages: 1: In
2011 Jan 11
Confidence interval on quantile regression predictions
I am using the quantreg package to build a quantile regression model and wish to generate confidence intervals for the fitted values. After fitting the model, I have tried running predict() and predict.rq(), but in each case I obtain a vector of the fitted values only. For example: library(quantreg) y<-rnorm(50,10,2) x<-seq(1,50,1)