Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "zoo column names"
2012 Mar 22
read.zoo - combining two columns with date and time respectively into one index column?
I have three columns in my raw data: date, time, and dry bulb temperature:
The date format is %Y%m%d and the time format is %H:%M. Any ideas on how to
read it in such that it looks at the first two columns and then merges it
into one column combining both the date and time?
View this message in context:
2011 Jul 26
Calculate the latest Z-score of all zoo time series
I have a population of 2000+ zoo time series (but my environment also
contains objects that are not zoo time series). I'm trying to calculate the
latest 90 days Z-Score of all zoo time series, using the following code:
LZS<-function(ser) {
sapply(ls(), LZS )
The LZS function works on individual zoo time
2011 Sep 08
Seasonal and 11-day subset for zoo object
I have a zooreg object and I want to be able to generate a value for seasons
and 11-day composites paste it onto my zoo data frame, along with year,
month and days.
Right now I have the following to work from:
eg. dat.zoo.mdy <- with(month.day.year(time(dat.zoo)), cbind(dat.zoo, year,
month, day, quarter = (month - 1) %/% 3 + 1, dow =
as.numeric(format(time(dat.zoo), "%w"))))
2011 Nov 13
cannot load zoo package
Mac OS 10.7.2
R version 2.13.2
I cannot load the zoo package. The install runs fine but when trying to
load it i get the following error:
/Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
unable to load shared object
dlopen(/Users/ntyhurst/Library/R/2.13/library/zoo/libs/i386/zoo.so, 6):
Library not loaded:
2010 Nov 23
Plot two zoo object with different indexes
Dear R community, I have the following two zoo objects:
> plot(z)
> par("usr")
[1] 1977.76333 2011.15333 70.39856 227.03744
> z=zooreg(cpius$Value,as.yearmon("1979-11"),frequency=12)
> str(z)
?zooreg? series from Nov 1979 to Oct 2010
Data: num [1:372] 76.2 77 77.8 78.5 79.5 80.3 81.1 82 82 82.6 ...
Index: Class 'yearmon' num [1:372]
2012 May 28
zoo: variable gets modified at making zoo object
I'm doing:
> alyL32007z <- zoo(alyL32007,alyL32007$time)
> range(time(alyL32007z))
[1] "2007-01-01 00:00:00 UTC" "2007-12-31 23:30:00 UTC"
But then, while the original variable is:
> summary(alyL32007$NEE_st)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
-15.340 -1.615 -0.054 -0.814 0.750 8.965 11124
the variable within the zoo object
2011 Apr 13
Overcoming warning in package zoo
Dear R users,I have a long program that I am trying to run--I am using RStudio as my interface with R. The pieces of the program run well individually but when I try to run everything in sequence it bogs down because of a warning after using rollmax from package zoo. Here is the warning:
"In rollmax.zoo(zoo(Pmat), 7, na.pad = FALSE, align = "right") : na.pad is deprecated. Use
2011 Sep 27
Coercing a character zoo to a numeric
Dear R-helpers,
It seems to me that a character zoo cannot be coerced to a numeric zoo.
Below is a minimal example. Can someone tell me what I have done wrong?
> z<-zoo(1:4,order.by=1:4)
> coredata(z)<-as.character(coredata(z))
> str(z)
‘zoo’ series from 1 to 4
Data: chr [1:4] "1" "2" "3" "4"
Index: int [1:4] 1 2 3 4
2011 Sep 12
Hourly data with zoo
I have date data as a numeric and hourly data in 0 to 2300 hours in a dataframe.
d <- rep(20110101,24)
h <- seq(from = 0, to = 2300, by = 100)
df <- data.frame(LST_DATE = d, LST_TIME = h, data = rnorm(24, 0, 1))
S <- chron(dates. = as.character(df$LST_DATE), times. =
paste(as.character(df$LST_TIME/100), ":0:0", sep = ""),
format =
2012 Feb 18
still need read.zoo command help
The problem now is it looks like my read.zoo isn't working.
Sorry for sort of double posting.
Someone please assist if you have time with my read.zoo command line.
my data is as just below this line, a time stamp and a real number with a
comma sep.
10/11/2011 23:00:06,432.12
format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",
2011 Jan 27
Problem converting zoo object (daily data) to a timeSeries object
When I try to convert the zoo object to a timeSeries object, which would
allow me to utilize Rmetrics packages, I get an error message.
> Data<-read.zoo("c:\\DOWUBSPRICING.txt,na.strings="NA",sep="\t",header=T)
> is(Data)
> as.timeSeries.zoo(Data)
Error in .local (.Object, . )
Is this happening because I am using daily data?
2012 Nov 26
zoo timeseries plot; minor tic mark level control
I cannot figure out how to tune the minor tic marks on the date axis of a
zoo plot.
I read hundreds of CSV files from a zip archive transparently. The
time/date strings I convert to POSIXct format, order them and then make a
zoo object as there may be cases which have unequal time stamping. As
#Transform timestamps and reorder them
dat <- transform(dat,
2010 Oct 25
zoo.read intraday data
Hello all,
I'm trying to use zoo.read but can't figure out
how to deal with the time format. (example below)
would be nice if someone could help.
best regards,
L <- "Date,Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Up,Down
2012 Mar 05
Filter/Ceiling for unwanted data - zoo
Here's my script:
I want to draw attention to the code block where the read in of the raw data
is located. Is there a function that filters out unwanted data with respect
to a ceiling limit. For example, I want to remove any value over 500 kW in
the rawCool variable. Any ideas where to go with that? I figure it would be
an argument within read.zoo or an external
2011 Jan 06
[zoo] - Individual zoo or data frames from non-continuous zoo series
#Is there a way to break the below zoo object into non-NA data frames
#this is a small example of a much larger problem.
#It is really no even necessary to have the continuous chunks
#end up as zoo objects but it is important to have them end
#up with the index column.
#thanks for all of your help in advance, and
#if you need anything else please let me know
2012 Sep 05
cex.lab ignored in plot.zoo for multiple plots
Hello everyone,
a problem with the plot.zoo function. In the parameters of the function,
cex.lab is ignored. I tried to reduce the size of the yaxis labels by at
least 50%.
sample <- as.zoo(EuStockMarkets)
plot.zoo(sample, plot.type="multiple", main="Time Series", xlab="Date",
yaxt="n", cex.lab=0.5,
2012 Jan 13
read.zoo problems
I am having trouble importing a zoo object after writing it. When I
try to import using read.zoo, I get the following error:
Error in read.zoo(data_location) : index contains NAs
But when I inspect the file I don't have any NAs
A sample data (.txt 2KB) can be downloaded at: http://www.mediafire.com/?29dqndxf2do9m9e
Thanks for the help,
2011 Apr 06
A zoo related question
Dear all, please consider my following workbook:
lis1 <- vector('list', length = 2)
lis2 <- vector('list', length = 2)
lis1[[1]] <- zooreg(rnorm(20), start = as.Date("2010-01-01"), frequency = 1)
lis1[[2]] <- zooreg(rnorm(20), start = as.yearmon("2010-01-01"), frequency =
lis2[[1]] <- matrix(1:40, 20)
lis2[[2]] <-
2011 Nov 04
zoo performance regression noticed (1.6-5 is faster...)
Good morning,
I have discovered what I believe to be a performance regression
between Zoo 1.6x and Zoo 1.7-6 in the application of rollapply.
On zoo 1.6x, rollapply of my function over my data takes about 20
minutes. Using 1.7-6, the same code takes about 6 hours.
R --version
R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
2011 Jan 24
how to slice a zoo object
Would anyone have any pointers on how to slice up a large zoo table. I
have the following structure: -
> str(ZOO_OBJ)
?zoo [1:632, 1:83] 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.3 ...
?- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
??..$ : NULL
??..$ : chr [1:83] "COL1" "COL2" "COL3" "COL4" ...
?- attr(*, "index")= POSIXct[1:632], format: "2009-05-01