Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "R-code in R-file documentation"
2013 Jan 10
help with knit_hooks
Dear R-listers,
does anybody can suggest some manual where I can learn more about how the
hooks in knitr work?
I am trying to enclose the output of an R command in the Latex verbatim
I defined a hook as follows:
knit_hooks$set(fsverb = function(x, options) {
paste("\\begin(verbatim)\n", x, "\\end(verbatim)\n", sep = "")
then I set a chunk as
2012 Aug 20
Changing line length in Sweave output works for numeric, but not for character vectors
Hi there: I'm preparing a report in RStudio 0.96.330 on a Mac OS. I'm running R 2.15.0
I understand from Ross Ihaka's document (http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~stat782/downloads/Sweave-customisation.pdf) that you can modify the line length of Sweave output by a call to options(wdith=x).
This works great for me for numeric output, but not for character vectors that I have to print.
2012 May 25
knitr customization
I am trying to transition from Sweave to knitr, but there are a few
things about customization of the appearence of R input and output that
I did not get yet. Maybe somebody on the list can help me.
In my Sweave presentations I used a slanted font for the R input and a
normal font for the output, both in a small font. I also indented
everything by an extra 2em. All this was achieved by the
2011 Jan 05
convert expressions to characters
Suppose I have
x = parse(text = "
now x is an expression with some src attributes.
> x
My question is, how can I get my string back (the string passed to
parse() as the text argument)?
2013 Jan 04
Bug in R CMD check for \ in Rd?
I have a function knit_expand() and its source/Rd are below:
When I run R CMD check on the package I get this warning (with both R
2.15.2 and R-devel):
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... WARNING
Codoc mismatches from documentation object
2011 Mar 05
file mode lost in file.copy()?
Recently I noticed file.copy() would discard the file mode
information. Is this the expected behaviour or a bug for file.copy()?
> file.create('testfile')
[1] TRUE
> file.info('testfile')
size isdir mode mtime ctime
testfile 0 FALSE 644 2011-03-05 17:06:39 2011-03-05 17:06:39
atime uid gid uname grname
2011 Mar 05
file mode lost in file.copy()?
Recently I noticed file.copy() would discard the file mode
information. Is this the expected behaviour or a bug for file.copy()?
> file.create('testfile')
[1] TRUE
> file.info('testfile')
size isdir mode mtime ctime
testfile 0 FALSE 644 2011-03-05 17:06:39 2011-03-05 17:06:39
atime uid gid uname grname
2012 May 22
how to remove the 'promise' attribute of an R object (.Random.seed)?
The problem arises when I lazyLoad() the .Random.seed from a
previously saved database. To simplify the process of reproducing the
problem, see the example below:
## this assignment may not really make sense, but illustrates the problem
delayedAssign('.Random.seed', 1L)
# [1] "integer"
# Error in rnorm(1) :
# .Random.seed is not an integer
2012 May 22
how to remove the 'promise' attribute of an R object (.Random.seed)?
The problem arises when I lazyLoad() the .Random.seed from a
previously saved database. To simplify the process of reproducing the
problem, see the example below:
## this assignment may not really make sense, but illustrates the problem
delayedAssign('.Random.seed', 1L)
# [1] "integer"
# Error in rnorm(1) :
# .Random.seed is not an integer
2012 Jan 19
Sweave question - Setting Soutput code chunks to stay inside page margins?
Hello all,
Sometimes I get to make an R code chunk (in Sweave) which is longer then
the margins of the page. Is there a way to force it to "go to the next
line" (in Sweave) once that happens?
Here are two cases this happens in the resulting .tex file (one is a "hard"
case, and the other is simpler)
2013 Jan 31
CRAN task views: markdown? better .CSS?
CRAN task views are useful, but they seem difficult to write and
maintain because the XML format is rather
limited (no sectioning) and the <packagelist> must be maintained manually.
They are also difficult to read because the generated html and .css used
are extremely basic, giving an
overly dense page.
Are there any markdown-like tools for writing a CTV? Is it possible to
apply a
2013 Jan 09
Sweave, Texshop, and sync with included Rnw file
Hello everyone.
I am in the process of writing a book in Latex with Texshop, on Mac.
This book contains a lot of R code, hence the need to use Sweave.
I was able to compile Rnw files, and to sync back and forth from the pdf to the source Rnw.
My problem now is that the book is divided in Chapters, and every chapter is in its own Rnw file.
I can compile them from the main one (book.Rnw) using the
2013 Apr 08
savePlot() under Windows
A Windows user asked me a question and I believe this is a bug of R
3.0.0 under Windows:
> plot(1:10)
> savePlot('test.wmf')
Error in .External(C_savePlot, device, filename, type, restoreConsole) :
Incorrect number of arguments (4), expecting 3 for 'savePlot'
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.0.0 (2013-04-03)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
2010 Nov 25
Go (back) from Rd to roxygen
Hi all,
Since roxygen is a great help to document R packages, I am wondering
if there exists an approach to go back from the raw Rd files to
roxygen-documentation? E.g. turn "\author{Somebody}" into "@author
Somebody". This sounds ridiculous, but I believe it helps in the long
term for me to maintain R packages.
Yihui Xie <xieyihui at
2011 Apr 10
deparse operators in expressions
I observed a slight problem in deparse(): it will add spaces around
most operators except /. I wonder if this is easy to fix. I know this
is quite trivial, but I will appreciate if / is not treated as an
exception. Examples:
> deparse(expression(1/1))
[1] "expression(1/1)"
> deparse(expression(1+1))
[1] "expression(1 + 1)"
> deparse(expression(1%in%1))
2011 Jun 20
Quote the path of graphics output in Sweave when it contains spaces
I'm aware of the definition of a "valid filename" in
.SweaveValidFilenameRegexp, but I think it might be better to quote
the filename when it contains spaces instead of just giving a warning.
This should bring us safer LaTeX code (although I never use spaces in
Here is the simple patch:
Index: src/library/utils/R/SweaveDrivers.R
2012 Jan 21
semi-transparency not supported in devel R? "alpha" cannot be specified in qplot()
Hi dear all,
In my laptop(ubuntu 11.10 64bit), I maintained a released R (2.14) and a
developmental R, I can specify qplot(..., alpha = ) in R 2.14 , but when I
try to use transparency in developmental R, I got a warning message and the
plot is clearly not I want.
minimal example:
> qplot(data = mtcars, x = mpg, y = cyl, alpha = cyl)
Warning message:
In grid.Call.graphics(L_points, x$x, x$y,
2012 Jan 21
semi-transparency not supported in devel R? "alpha" cannot be specified in qplot()
Hi dear all,
In my laptop(ubuntu 11.10 64bit), I maintained a released R (2.14) and a
developmental R, I can specify qplot(..., alpha = ) in R 2.14 , but when I
try to use transparency in developmental R, I got a warning message and the
plot is clearly not I want.
minimal example:
> qplot(data = mtcars, x = mpg, y = cyl, alpha = cyl)
Warning message:
In grid.Call.graphics(L_points, x$x, x$y,
2012 Nov 29
bootstrapped cox regression (rms package)
I am trying to convert a colleague from using SPSS to R, but am having
trouble generating a result that is similar enough to a bootstrapped cox
regression analysis that was run in SPSS. I tried unsuccessfully with
bootcens, but have had some success with the bootcov function in the rms
package, which at least generates confidence intervals similar to what is
observed in SPSS. However, the
2011 Nov 15
Sweave and accented letters
I often use Lyx/Sweave and I typically write in english.
Today I had to write a document in Italian and, as many of you know,
many italian popular words use ?, ?, ?. ?, etc.
I discovered that if I type in Italian (that is there is at least one
letter with accent) with the Sweave module selected lye is not able
to correctly compile the document.
I tried to change the input encoding, but it