similar to: problem with mediation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "problem with mediation"

2012 Jul 31
Mediation analysis
Hello all, I apologize for the simplistic question, but I have been having some trouble learning how to do mediation analysis in R. Ideally, I would like to use Preacher's Bootstrapping test for mediation (Preacher & Hayes, 2004). I have attempted to use the mediate package to set this up, using code that looks basically like this: model.m <- lm(data$outcome ~ data$mediator +
2013 Mar 21
Control variables in mediation analysis
Hi everyone,I would like to test a mediation model, that has several control variables. More specifically, I would like to test the indirect effect with bootstrapping. However, all the packages I have found so far (e.g. MBESS) only allow testing a simple mediation model (One independent, one mediator, one dependent) so that I cannot include any controls. Can somebody help me? [[alternative HTML
2013 Nov 04
Fwd: mediation analysis with R
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile URL: <>
2011 Sep 16
help with mediate() and medsens()
I'm having trouble with the mediate() and medsens() functions from the mediation package. My treatment, mediator and outcomes variables are all continuous and scaled to the 0-1 interval. The data is observational not experimental. I am thus using lm() for the initial outcome and mediation regression models. I also use weights as the data are survey data. (As a footnote, I use the svyglm()
2009 Feb 13
problem with mediation
Dear friends, i've a little problem with a study about mediation. I will call my dependent variable "Y", the independent "X" and "Z" will be my mediator variable... Using a linear regression, i can say that there isn't a direct effect of X on Y because the coefficient of X isn't significative, but i've tried to use anyway the Sobel's test to
2010 Oct 02
Memory allocation in 64 bit R
Hi Everyone, I am getting the following error message Error: cannot allocate vector of size 2.6 Gb In addition: Warning messages: 1: In dim(res$res) = dim(bi) : Reached total allocation of 8122Mb: see help(memory.size) 2: In dim(res$res) = dim(bi) : Reached total allocation of 8122Mb: see help(memory.size) 3: In dim(res$res) = dim(bi) : Reached total allocation of 8122Mb: see
2012 Jun 06
Sobel's test for mediation and lme4/nlme
Hello, Any advice or pointers for implementing Sobel's test for mediation in 2-level model setting? For fitting the hierarchical models, I am using "lme4" but could also revert to "nlme" since it is a relatively simple varying intercept model and they yield identical estimates. I apologize for this is an R question with an embedded statistical question. I noticed that a
2010 Jul 08
bootstrapping: multilevel and multiple mediation
Hello, Have someone performed a bootstrap in a multiple-mediator model? I am trying to compute a bootstrap in a multiple and multilevel mediation. Up top now, I have developed bootstraps in random coeffient models, but I am very lost concerning the mediation. Could someone to provide me some ideas about syntax in R? Thank you very much in advance, Bea
2006 Oct 12
zfs/raid configuration question for an application
Hi all, I am going to have solaris 06/06, a database (postgresql), application server (tomcat or sun app. server) on x86, 2GB with max. 3 scsi (hardware raid possible) disks. There will be no e-mail or file serving. The ratio of write/read operations to database is >=2 (and there is no other significant disk io). Block size of postgresql is default (I think it is 8K). Our application
2017 Jan 09
Leer csv separado por comas y por espacios
Buenas compañeros! Tengo una duda y no se muy bine como resolverlo. Tengo un csv en el que hay variables separadas por comas y otras esparadas por espacios (tabulaciones). Algo así V1 V2 V3,V4 M1 123 2512,2522 M2 117 2852,3521 ................................... Para leerlo he probado poniendo:
2003 Mar 07
cbr/vbr decoding - supported sample rates
Hi, Is there any difference between decoding of CBR or VBR streams in realtime in terms of CPU usage/cost? Are sample rates other than 44100Hz supported by Vorbis officially ? If it is supported, is it efficient to use them or is Vorbis specifically (or at the moment) optimized for 44100Hz ? Thanks in advance. --- Mete BALCI Senior Game Programmer Momentum DMT Istanbul, TURKEY
2018 Mar 09
Imputar NA a SQL Server
No , lo mete como string... Obtener Outlook para Android<> ________________________________ From: Javier Marcuzzi <javier.ruben.marcuzzi en> Sent: Friday, March 9, 2018 3:47:46 AM To: Jes?s Para Fern?ndez Cc: Lista R Subject: Re: [R-es] Imputar NA a SQL Server Estimado Jes?s Para Fern?ndez Pruebe lo siguiente: str_replace_all(values,
2010 Feb 05
Censored outcomes - repeated measures and mediators
Hello, In a study exploring transgenerational transmission of anxiety disorder we investigate whether infants react to experimentally induced mood changes of their mothers. We measured the time that an infant needed to cross a cliff (=crossing time) depending on whether his mother had previously undergone a mood induction (treatment) or not (control). The treatment is thus a
2019 Apr 02
Orientación para hacer un sitio web con R
Buenas; La pregunta va resultar evidente una vez se entienda, espero saber darme a entender. Quiero identificar qué tengo que aprender para poder hacer un sitio web con R. Este sitio web tiene que poder: * Recibir los datos (archivos .csv mutuamente referenciados) que alguien conectado a la red (vos mismo, usted misma) suba. * Procesarlos * Devolver resultados en base a esos datos introducidos.
2018 Jun 22
loop con matriz que cambia de nombre
Funciona, me crea una matriz en cada iteración, con un nombre que incluye el nº de la iteración. Me surge ahora el problema de que, dentro del mismo bucle la quiero convertir en df y ponerle nombre a las columnas, y como el nombre de la matriz es distinto cada vez, no sé cómo hacerlo. Supongo que se hará todo al crearla, pero no sé cómo. Un problema adicional es que las variables
2003 Mar 07
problem with encoding cbr (updated)
Hi, Regarding to my previous question, I think I have found out from oggenc source code that the correct way to initialize encoding is: vorbis_encode_init_vbr (or vorbis_encode_setup_managed for cbr etc.) vorbis_encode_ctl (to turn off or use avg bitrate management) vorbis_encode_setup_init By this way, there is no problem with encoded stream. However, there is no documentation of the three
2019 Apr 03
Orientación para hacer un sitio web con R
Por complementar lo de Carlos, ahora con docker el tema esta teniendo alternativas lowcost, pero dificiles de configurar si no eres un experto Obtener Outlook para Android<> ________________________________ From: R-help-es <r-help-es-bounces en> on behalf of Carlos Ortega <cof en> Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 10:04:46 PM
2015 Sep 15
Fwd: problema en while y en extraer valores de un vector
Hola chicos, muchas gracias, funcionan vuestros códigos, pero no entiendo porqué el mío no funciona, y me gustaría aprender R bien. Quiero sacar números de 5 en 5, desplazándome una posición cada vez para la derecha: a <- c(8,10,4,1,7,2,4,6,3,8) b <- rep(0,5) i=1 while (i<=6) { b <- a[i:i+4] print(b) i=i+1 } quiero que en la primera iteración me saque en
2018 Jun 23
loop con matriz que cambia de nombre
Bien, Carlos, lo de ir metiendo las dfs en una lista parece buena idea, y después puedo fusionarlas con un cbind, tal y como hago ahora mismo, después de crear cada una de ellas independientemente. Son 9 dfs, y obtener cada una de ellas toma bastante tiempo de computación. Lo que quiero es que me haga las 9 en un loop. El problema es que si no les pone nombres distintos a las variables,
2010 Apr 13
vegan (ordisurf): R² for smoothed surfaces
Dear r-helpers, I just read in an article by Virtanen et al. (2006) where vegetation-environment relationships are studied by fitting smoothed surfaces on an NMDS ordination using GAMs (Wood 2000). The authors describe, that they used R? as goodness-of-fit statistic, which they compare to the R? of fitted vectors. Calculations were carried out using the package vegan (Oksanen). I know that I can