Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "(no subject)"
2002 Aug 01
A question from a newbee...
Hello .
I have a little question ..
I work with Anova (aov) and Manova (manova) and want to print some result in a
text file. I see the results with the summary function or the summary.aov
function but i do not know how to save the differents probabilities of error
in a value.
Sorry for my poor English
Thanks a lot.
Lamoral Julien
2011 Nov 19
persp() problem
Hi, and thanks in advance for any assistance,
I'm new to R and to this mailing list, and am having trouble with the *
persp()* function. I've got a matrix (z) of values for various combinations
of x and y, each of which is a set of (0, 5, 10, 15, 20). But when I try *
persp(x,y,z)*, I get an "*invalid z argument*" error, and when I try simply
*persp(z)*, R returns an
2008 Dec 16
GlusterFS process take very many memory
I try use GLusterFS + openvz, but gfs process every 1 minute memory usare increase at ~2MB. How i can fix this?
P.S. sorry about my bad english.
Cluster information:
1) 3 nodes (server-client), conf:
# local data #
volume vz
type storage/posix
option directory /home/local
volume vz-locks
type features/posix-locks
subvolumes vz
2009 Jun 25
lme gives different results to SAS Proc Mixed
http://www.nabble.com/file/p24211204/repeated.csv repeated.csv
Dear all,
I'm currently trying to replicate some Proc Mixed results using lme() and
have a curious result I can't explain.
The dataset is a repeated measures example where patients (each on one of
several treatments) are measured over a number of days. Putting aside issues
of the error covariance structure I'm using
2002 Mar 29
Output from examples in help files
I have a large number of troff help files which are automatically converted to .Rd files. Many of these have examples which contain the printed output of the examples. This makes example(functionname) not work. Is there a way to avoid removing all this output by delimiting it in some way such that the output will not appear in R-ex? Secondly, it would be nice if there was a place where output
2002 Aug 14
Why can't Anove (car package) see the data?
At the end of the 'Details:' section of the help on Anova (car
package), it states:
The standard R `anova' function calculates sequential (type-I)
tests. These rarely test meaningful hypotheses.
So I thought I'd try it. However, I was perplexed to get this
Browse[1]> Anova.glm(leaf.glm1, type ="II")
Error in terms.formula(formula, data = data) :
2011 Nov 01
factor level issue after subsetting
Dear list,
I cannot figure out why, after sub-setting my data, that particular item
which I don't want to plot is still in the newly created subset (please
see example below). R somehow remembers what was in the original data
set. A work around is exporting and importing the new subset. Then it's
all fine; but I don't like this idea and was wondering what am I missing
2011 Feb 27
substract 2 data.frames
I have 2 data.frames: "fish" and "popn":
xloc yloc id birth size weight energy gonad
20 15 15 54 -60 107.9 63.0 15952.9 8.0
21 15 15 32 -60 105.1 61.4 15538.8 7.8
91 4 43 96 -60 118.9 69.4 17573.2 8.8
71 32 4 64 -60 121.6 71.0 17976.0 9.0
34 2 64 20 -60 116.2 67.9 17173.0 8.6
95 6 20 58 -60 106.5
2003 Apr 04
Bug in %in% (match)
Am I hitting some limit in match? Consider the following example:
> tst<-seq(100,125,by=.2)%in%seq(0,800,by=.1)
> sum(tst)
[1] 76
> seq(100,125,by=.2)
[1] 100.0 100.2 100.4 100.6 100.8 101.0 101.2 101.4 101.6 101.8 102.0
[13] 102.4 102.6 102.8 103.0 103.2 103.4 103.6 103.8 104.0 104.2 104.4
[25] 104.8 105.0 105.2 105.4 105.6 105.8 106.0 106.2 106.4 106.6 106.8
2003 Apr 04
Bug in %in% (match)
Am I hitting some limit in match? Consider the following example:
> tst<-seq(100,125,by=.2)%in%seq(0,800,by=.1)
> sum(tst)
[1] 76
> seq(100,125,by=.2)
[1] 100.0 100.2 100.4 100.6 100.8 101.0 101.2 101.4 101.6 101.8 102.0
[13] 102.4 102.6 102.8 103.0 103.2 103.4 103.6 103.8 104.0 104.2 104.4
[25] 104.8 105.0 105.2 105.4 105.6 105.8 106.0 106.2 106.4 106.6 106.8
2008 Nov 19
GAMM and anove.lme question
Greetings all
The help file for GAMM in mgcv indicates that the log likelihood for a
GAMM reported using
summary(my.gamm$lme) (as an example) is not correct.
However, in a past R-help post (included below), there is some indication
that the likelihood ratio test in anova.lme(mygamm$lme, mygamm1$lme) is
How can I tell if anova.lme results are meaningful (are AIC, BIC, and
2010 Jan 10
Dieter Menne pointed out that the (small) xml attachment didn't make it.
Here is an in-line version (see end of message). Let's hope it works
this time.
I'm struggling with interpreting XML files created by ADODB as
data.frames and I'm looking for advice.
This xlm contains a result set which comes from a rectangular data
array. I've been trying to play with
2008 Jul 14
nlme, lme( ) convergence and selection of effects
Hi all,
I''ve been trying to fit a mixed effects model and I''ve been having problems.
=>My aim:
to know whether states atributes, political parties and individual atributes
affect the electoral results of men and women candidates.
I use candidates as replications for states and for political parties.
=>Response: Percentage of valid votes casted to each
2010 Jan 22
lm on group
Hi all,
I have a quick question about lm on group, say I have:
x <- 1:10
y <- x*3
buckets <- seq(0, 10, by=5)
g <- cut(x, buckets)
summary(lm(y ~ g - 1))
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
g(0,5] 9.000 2.121 4.243 0.00283 **
g(5,10] 24.000 2.121 11.314 3.35e-06 ***
What is it doing exactly? I guess the
2012 Nov 14
aggrete data from combination
Dear R users,
A have a dataframe (matrix) with two collumns (plot, and diameter (d)). I
want all diameters values for different combination of plots.
For example I want all d values for all posible combination, 100C2 (all d
values for plot 1 with all d values in the plot 2.......with all d values
from plot 1 with all d values from plot 100, ...... with all d values from
plot 99 with all d values
2007 Nov 05
Making the video plugin + patched MPlayer work with other backends
I'm wondering how I can make my patched up mplayer work with other
MPlayer frontends, such as mplayer-plugin, GMPlayer, SMPlayer and
KMPlayer. When I play a video using mplayer normally with:
mplayer video.ext,
It detects the compiz video output and works fine, however when it is
called from other players (AFAIK, it just creates a window then asks
mplayer to display in it) with mplayer
2008 Feb 15
wire.frame tick labels from matrix
Dear R Users, close to the end of this I used wireframe to create a 3D plot
from a matrix. The x and y axis tick labels (1-6) for each were created
from the matrix being a 6X6 matrix. I need the axis tick labels to be the
row and column headings which you can see in the output (mat.x). I have
tried several work arounds, but they have not been successful.
Thanks in advance. keith
2004 Jun 29
discrete hazard rate analysis
Dear R users,
I have more of a statistical/econometric question than straight R one.
I have a data set with the discrete hazard rate of small firms survival on
400 counties over a period of 9 years. This data was generated using census
information from the VAT registration number of each one of these business.
I would like to analyze the effect of regional factors (deprivation index,
2008 Dec 03
Hmisc latex() and Rcmdr numSummary() percentage issues
Dear R users,
I have issues regarding latex() from Hmisc and numSummary() from
Rcmdr. Here's an example:
> library(Rcmdr)
> data(Angell, package="car")
> numSummary(Angell[,"hetero"], statistics=c("mean", "sd", "quantiles"), quantiles=c( 0,.25,.5,.75,1 ))
> .numSummary <- popOutput()
> latex(as.table(.numSummary$table),
2012 Jun 04
Chi square value of anova(binomialglmnull, binomglmmod, test="Chisq")
Hi all,
I have done a backward stepwise selection on a full binomial GLM where the
response variable is gender.
At the end of the selection I have found one model with only one explanatory
variable (cohort, factor variable with 10 levels).
I want to test the significance of the variable "cohort" that, I believe, is
the same as the significance of this selected model: