Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "question about val.surv in R"
2011 Jul 15
validate survival with val.surv
Dear R users:
I want to externally validate a model with val.surv.
Can I use only calculated survival (at 1 year) and actual survival?
Or I needed the survival function and actual survival.
*Yao Zhu*
*Department of Urology
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center
Shanghai, China*
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2009 Sep 12
could not find function "Varcov" after upgrade of R?
After upgrading R to 2.9.2, I can't use the anova() fuction.
It says "could not find function "Varcov" ".
What's wrong with my computer? Help needed, thanks!
Yao Zhu
Department of Urology
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center
No. 270 Dongan Road, Shanghai, China
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2007 Jun 18
psm/survreg coefficient values ?
I am using psm to model some parametric survival data, the data is for
length of stay in an emergency department. There are several ways a
patient's stay in the emergency department can end (discharge, admit, etc..)
so I am looking at modeling the effects of several covariates on the various
outcomes. Initially I am trying to fit a survival model for each type of
outcome using the psm
2012 May 11
survival analysis simulation question
I am trying to simulate a regression on survival data under a few
1. Under different error distributions
2. Have the error term be dependent on the covariates
But I'm not sure how to specify either conditions. I am using the Design
package to perform the survival analysis using the survreg, bj, coxph
functions. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This is what I have so far:
2004 Feb 02
PSM function in Design package (PR#6525)
Full_Name: Oleg Raisky
Version: 1.8.1
OS: Windows 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
This is a completely fresh R install. I'm trying to use Design package. Every
time I run the first example for psm() I'm getting an error <<couldn't find
function "survreg.fit">>. However, survreg.fit does exists in the search path.
Is there something I can do to fix
2013 Jan 14
Does psm::Surv handle interval2 data?
Does Surv in psm handle interval2 data? The argument list seems to indicate it does but I get an error.
# code
left <- c(1, 3, 5, NA)
right <-c(2, 3, NA, 4)
Surv(left, right, type='interval2')
survreg(Surv(left, right, type='interval2') ~ 1)
Surv(left, right, type='interval2') # error
2012 Apr 22
Hi all,
I am trying to run Weibull PH model in R.
Assume in the data set I have x1 a continuous variable and x2 a
categorical variable with two classes (0= sick and 1= healthy). I fit the
model in the following way.
Test=survreg(Surv(time,cens)~ x1+x2,dist="weibull")
My questions are
1. Is it Weibull PH model or Weibull AFT model?
survreg(formula = Surv(time, delta) ~ x1
2011 Jan 28
survreg 3-way interaction
> I was wondering why survreg (in survival package) can not handle
> three-way interactions. I have an AFT .....
You have given us no data to diagnose your problem. What do you mean
by "cannot handle" -- does the package print a message "no 3 way
interactions", gives wrong answers, your laptop catches on fire when you
run it, ....?
Also, make sure you read
2006 Feb 13
Survreg(), Surv() and interval-censored data
Can survreg() handle interval-censored data like the documentation
says? I ask because the command:
survreg(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ 1, data = heart)
fails with the error message
Invalid survival type
yet the documentation for Surv() states:
"Presently, the only methods allowing interval censored data are
the parametric models computed by 'survreg'"
2012 Aug 31
fitting lognormal censored data
Hi ,
I am trying to get some estimator based on lognormal distribution when we have left,interval, and right censored data. Since, there is now avalible pakage in R can help me in this, I had to write my own code using Newton Raphson method which requires first and second derivative of log likelihood but my problem after runing the code is the estimators were too high. with this email ,I provide
2007 Nov 29
Survreg(), Surv() and interval-censored data
Can anybody give me a neat example of interval censored data analysis codes in R?
Given that suvreg(Surv(c(1,1,NA,3),c(2,NA,2,3),type="interval2")~1)
works why does
not work where
data is :
T.1 T.2 Status
1 0.0000000 0.62873036 1
2 0.0000000 2.07039068 1
3 0.0000000
2009 May 22
System crash when using surv=T in cph
Can someone help me. I am very new to R. I am fitting a Cox model using Frank
Harrell's cph as I want to produce a Nomogram. This is what I have done:
Srv<- Surv(time,cens)
f.cox<- cph(Srv~ v1+v2+v3+v4, x=T, y=T, surv=T)
As soon as I press enter, Windows XP crashes. If I remove surv=T, then it
works. I have R version 2.9.0.
Is there a way of displaying the parameter estimates (ie beta
2004 Nov 23
Weibull survival regression
Dear R users,
Please can you help me with a relatively straightforward problem that I
am struggling with? I am simply trying to plot a baseline survivor and
hazard function for a simple data set of lung cancer survival where
`futime' is follow up time in months and status is 1=dead and 0=alive.
Using the survival package:
lung.wbs <- survreg( Surv(futime, status)~ 1, data=lung,
2001 Feb 08
Test for multiple contrasts?
I've fitted a parametric survival model by
> survreg(Surv(Week, Cens) ~ C(Treatment, srmod.contr),
> data = poll.surv.wo3)
where srmod.contr is the following matrix of contrasts:
prep auto poll self home
[1,] 1 1 1.0000000 0.0 0
[2,] -1 0 0.0000000 0.0 0
[3,] 0 -1 0.0000000 0.0 0
[4,] 0 0 -0.3333333 1.0 0
[5,] 0 0
2008 Jan 23
Parametric survival models with left truncated, right censored data
Dear All,
I would like to fit some parametric survival models using left
truncated, right censored data in R. However I am having problems
finding a function to fit parametric survival models which can handle
left truncated data.
I have tested both the survreg function in package survival:
fit1 <- survreg(Surv(start, stop, status) ~ X + Y + Z, data=data1)
and the psm function in package
2009 May 15
Function Surv and interpretation
Dear everyone,
My question involves the use of the survival object.
We can have
Surv(time,time2,event, type=, origin = 0) (1)
As detailed on p.65 of:
My data (used in my study) is 'right censored' i.e. my variable corresponding to 'event' indicates whether a person is alive (0) or dead (1) at date last seen
2008 Apr 25
Use of survreg.distributions
Dear R-user:
I am using survreg(Surv()) for fitting a Tobit model of left-censored longitudinal data. For logarithmic transformation of y data, I am trying use survreg.distributions in the following way:
tfit=survreg(Surv(y, y>=-5, type="left")~x + cluster(id), dist="gaussian", data=y.data, scale=0, weights=w)
2009 Mar 08
survreg help in R
Hey all,
I am trying to use the survreg function in R to estimate the mean and
standard deviation to come up with the MLE of alpha and lambda for the
weibull distribution. I am doing the following:
and I get the following
2010 May 05
Error messages with psm and not cph in Hmisc
sm4.6ll<-fit.mult.impute(Surv(agesi, si)~partner+ in.love+ pubty+ FPA+
strat(gender),fitter = cph, xtrans = dated.sexrisk2.i, data =
dated.sexrisk2, x=T,y=T,surv=T, time.inc=16)
runs perfectly using Hmisc, Design and mice under R11 run via Sciviews-K,
2005 Jul 11
validation, calibration and Design
Hi R experts,
I am trying to do a prognostic model validation study, using cancer
survival data. There are 2 data sets - 1500 cases used to develop a
nomogram, and another of 800 cases used as an independent validation
cohort. I have validated the nomogram in the original data (easy with
the Design tools), and then want to show that it also has good results
with the independent data using 60