Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Fwd: simple question"
2011 Sep 03
problem in applying function in data subset (with a level) - using plyr or other alternative are also welcome
Dear R experts.
I might be missing something obvious. I have been trying to fix this problem
for some weeks. Please help.
ped <- c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 3), rep(3, 3))
y <- rnorm(10, 8, 2)
# variable set 1
M1a <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T)
M1b <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T)
M1aP1 <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T)
M1bP2 <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T)
2011 Jun 30
CCF of two time series pre-whitened using ARIMA
Hi all,
I have two time series that I would like to correlate but as they are
autocorrelated, I am "pre-whitening" them first by fitting ARIMA models,
then correlating their residuals....as described in
However, http://www.stat.pitt.edu/stoffer/tsa2/Rissues.htm discusses some
issues with ARIMA in R. In particular, for issue 2, if
2024 Apr 23
System GMM yields identical results for any weighting matrix
A copy of this question can be found on Cross Validated:
I am estimating a system of seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) in R.
Each of the equations has one unique regressor and one common regressor. I
am using `gmm::sysGmm` and am experimenting with different weighting
matrices. I get the same results (point estimates, standard errors and
2024 Apr 23
System GMM yields identical results for any weighting matrix
Generally speaking, this sort of detailed statistical question about a
speccial package in R does not get a reply on this general R
programming help list. Instead, I suggest you either email the
maintainer (found by ?maintainer) or ask a question on a relevant R
task view, such as
https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Econometrics.html . (or any other
that you judge to be more appropriate).
2014 Mar 17
Quiero comparar varias dosis letales 50% (LD50) usando análisis probit. He
seguido un ejemplo que viene en paquete DRC, pero no obtengo el resultado
esperado. Lo que quiero es saber si las LD50s, son diferentes y si la
diferencias son estadísticamente significativas.
Gracias de antemano.
José Arturo
e-mail. jafarfan@uady.mx <grejon@uady.mx>
e-mail alterno. jafarfan@gmail.com
2015 Mar 23
robust updating methods
Dear Ben,
Last week I was struggling with incorporating lme4 into a package. I traced
the problem and made a reproducible example (
https://github.com/ThierryO/testlme4). It looks very simular to the
problem you describe.
The 'tests' directory contains the reproducible examples. confint() of a
model as returned by a function fails. It even fails when I try to
calculate the confint()
2002 Apr 09
Problem handling NA indexes for character matrixes (PR#1447)
In a package I've been developing for manipulating genetic data I discovered
a problem when indexing into character arrays using NA's:
Create a character matrix and a numeric matrix
> cmat <- matrix( letters[1:4], ncol=2, nrow=2)
> nmat <- matrix( 1:4, ncol=2, nrow=2)
Create an index vector containing an NA value
> indvec <- c(1,2,NA)
Indexing works fine for both
2015 Mar 22
robust updating methods
Hash: SHA1
WARNING: this is long. Sorry I couldn't find a way to compress it.
Is there a reasonable way to design an update method so that it's
robust to a variety of reasonable use cases of generating calls or
data inside or outside a function? Is it even possible? Should I
just tell users "don't do that"?
* `update.default()` uses
2015 Mar 27
robust updating methods
Hash: SHA1
[Sorry to those who don't like it for top-posting]
Thierry, I'm curious whether this addresses your problem (although
we don't have a hard timetable for the next release [it has to avoid
conflicts with the 3.2.0 release in 2.5 weeks at the very least], so
this might be problematic if your package needs to depend on it).
2006 Jan 27
lme4_0.995-2/Matrix_0.995-4 upgrade introduces error messages (change management)
I'll address two issues. The first is today's error message and the other is change management for contributed packages on CRAN.
I switched from the 0.995-1 versions of lme4 and Matrix to those referenced in the subject line this afternoon. Prior to using these packages on anything else, I applied them to code that 'worked' (provided numerical results
2005 Mar 22
RE: Asterisk-Users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 152
I understand Asterisk is more like a B2BUA. But when this INFO request is
sent to asterisk, asterisk is supposed to bridge the request to the other
endpoint, right? In what situation, it decides to send a reply; in what
situation, it decides to bridge the request?
What is the role of gateway in SIP world, a proxy, a B2BUA or something
Thank you,
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 12:51:28 -0600
2010 Dec 17
rgl: coordinating and saving viewpoints, zoom, scale for multiple images
Context: I have two or more rgl-based views of a given data set, perhaps
fitting different
models, or showing different things across views. I want to be able to
hand-rotate, zoom, scale
one view to something I like, and then show the other views with
matching viewpoints and scaling.
so that one could flip back/forth among graphs and see only the relevant
In 2D, all this usually
2007 Feb 13
lme4/lmer: P-Values from mcmc samples or chi2-tests?
Dear R users,
I have now tried out several options of obtaining p-values for
(quasi)poisson lmer models, including Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling
and single-term deletions with subsequent chi-square tests (although I
am aware that the latter may be problematic).
However, I encountered several problems that can be classified as
(1) the quasipoisson lmer model does not give p-values when
2015 Mar 24
robust updating methods
Hash: SHA1
On 15-03-23 12:55 PM, Thierry Onkelinx wrote:
> Dear Ben,
> Last week I was struggling with incorporating lme4 into a package.
> I traced the problem and made a reproducible example (
> https://github.com/ThierryO/testlme4). It looks very simular to
> the problem you describe.
> The 'tests' directory contains
2012 Apr 10
compare two matrices
Dear Members,
I have two estimated transition matrices and I want to compare them.
In fact I want to check the hypothesis if they come from the same process.
I tried to look for some test but all I found was independence test of
contingency tables.
The following code shows that the usual chi-squared test statistic does
not follow chisq distribution.
MCRepl <- 5000
khi12 <- rep(0,MCRepl)
2005 Mar 18
Asterisk handling of SIP info
We encouter a situation where we need to use SIP info to convey infomation
for one end point to another endpoint. I use asterisk to do the test and
find asterisk does not forward the SIP info to another endpoint, but act as
UAS and returns a 4xx error message. I think asterisk is not right to handle
this SIP info message.
In RFC 3261 Page 70 "This protocol is designed to be extended.
2009 Jun 20
png() resolution problem {was "Silhouette ..."}
Hallo Sebastian,
>>>>> "SP" == Sebastian P?lsterl <sebp at k-d-w.org>
>>>>> on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 14:04:52 +0200 writes:
SP> Hello Martin,
SP> I plotting the silhouette of a clustering and storing it as png. When I
SP> try to store the image as png the bars are missing. The bars are plotted
SP> when I use x11 or
2010 Jan 27
term.formula error when updating an nls object
I'm getting an error that I don't understand when updating an nls
object. Here is a toy example.
dd <- structure(list(Contrast = c(0.00376, 0.03759, 0.12782, 0.25564,
0.50376, 1), Response = c(0.29915, 6.13248, 29.01709, 30.0641,
29.46581, 27.67094)), .Names = c("Contrast", "Response"), class =
"data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
m1 <-
2009 Oct 29
lmer and negative binomial family
Dear listers,
One of my former students is trying to fit a model of the negative
binomial family with lmer. In the past (two years ago), the following
call was working well:
But now (R version 2.9.2 and lme4 version 0.999375-32), that gives
(even with the library MASS loaded):
2006 Jan 19
nls profiling with algorithm="port" may violate bounds (PR#8508)
[posted to R-devel, no discussion:
resubmitting it as a bug, just so it gets
logged appropriately]
Sorry to report further difficulties with
nls and profiling and constraints ... the problem
this time (which I didn't check for in my last
round of testing) is that the nls profiler doesn't
seem to respect constraints that have been
set when using the port algorithm.
See test code