Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "tryCatch?"
2011 May 02
I'm trying to insert rows of a data.frame into a database table, or update where the key fields of a record already exist in the table. I've come up with a possible solution below, but would like to hear if anyone has a better solution.
# The problem demonstrated:
# Create a data.frame with test values
tbl <- data.frame(
key1 = rep(1:3, each = 2),
key2 =
2011 Aug 08
RODBC: sqlUpdate doesn't handle properly POSIXct field?
Hello all!
Can someone confirm whether there is a bug or not?
I was trying to use sqlUpdate in place of sqlSave as data set I import has duplications. However I get errors while using fast=FALSE argument to safely update/ignore duplicates:
Error while executing the query[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect 'UPDATE "data" SET "logger"=1,
2010 Nov 25
I am running the RODBC examples form the help guide. I am trying to
UPDATE a table in an Access data base but I am having an error.
path = getwd()
dbName = "data.mdb"
pathdbname = paste(path,"/",dbName,sep="")
accesChannel = odbcConnectAccess(pathdbname, uid = "", pwd = "")
2008 Feb 25
Exporting a dataframe from R to Excel
I am trying to export a dateframe created in R:
> Duration_summary
V1 2.5 % 97.5 % V4 2.5 % 97.5 %
[1,] 1 0.46076018 1.128776 1.000000 0.5280828 0.9576338
[2,] 0 0.00000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.1741793 1.2352705
[3,] 1 0.46566719 1.313711 1.000000 0.7233312 1.4097987
[4,] 1 0.38866371 2.453226 0.976024 0.6377314 1.3493957
[5,] 1 0.08894066 1.036830
2009 May 09
Hi all: I have created a MS Access table named 'PredictedValues' through the statement below:
myDB <- odbcConnectAccess("C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/Rpond Farming.mdb",uid="admin",pwd="")
But if I run the code again with new values I get the message below:
Error in sqlSave(myDB,
2007 Nov 24
truncated fields with RODBC
I'm changing some functions from storing data in
SQLite (using RSQLite) to storing it in PostgreSQL
(using RODBC). When trying to store very long
character fields I get the following message:
> sqlSave(pg, Grids, rownames = FALSE, append =
Warning messages:
1: In odbcUpdate(channel, query, mydata, paramdata,
test = test, verbose = verbose, :
character data truncated in column
2010 Feb 03
sqlUpdate RODBC
Dear all,
I using R version 2.9.0 on Windows XP and want to insert data from a data
frame in R into a oracle database via sqlUpdate with the package RODBC.
My example is the following:
If I create the table in the database with
2023 May 18
suprising behaviour of tryCatch()
G'day Federico,
On Wed, 17 May 2023 10:42:17 +0000
"Calboli Federico (LUKE)" <federico.calboli at luke.fi> wrote:
> sexsnp = rep(NA, 1750)
> for(i in 1:1750){tryCatch(sexsnp[i] = fisher.test(table(data[,3],
> data[,i + 38]))$p, error = function(e) print(NA))} Error: unexpected
> '=' in "for(i in 1:1750){tryCatch(sexsnp[i] ="
R> for(i in
2017 Dec 01
tryCatch in on.exit()
The following example involves a function whose on.exit()
expression both generates an error and catches the error.
The body of the function also generates an error.
When calling the function wrapped in a tryCatch, should
that tryCatch's error function be given the error from the
body of the function, since the one from the on.exit has
already been dealt with? Currently the outer tryCatch
2011 Jul 10
Help with tryCatch
Having a hard time understanding the help files for tryCatch. Looking for a
little help with the following statement which sits inside a for loop
zest[i] <- tryCatch(sapply(getNodeSet(zdoc, "//zestimate/amount"),
xmlValue), error=function() zest[i] <-"NA")
zest is a numeric vector
If the sapply statement evaluates to an error, I'd like to set the value of
2011 Mar 10
tryCatch - Continuing for/next loop after error
Dear all,
I am not sure I understand fully the functionality of "tryCatch" and
"try" commands and how these are used to continue a for/next loop if an
error occurs within the loop.
Can somebody point me to material (or share some code) with more
extensive examples than the ones in the help/FAQ pages?
Do explain my problem in more detail:
for (i in 100:1000)
## do
2015 May 28
problemas con tryCatch
Buenos días,
Quiero hacer una función con un "if", que si devuelve un error dentro
de él se pare la ejecución de la función devolviendo un valor. El
código que tengo, para las pruebas, es el siguiente:
b<-"no ha hecho stop"
c<-"hago el stop"
write("entro en el
2004 Jun 10
tryCatch() and preventing interrupts in 'finally'
With tryCatch() it is possible to catch interrupts with tryCatch(). Then you
can use a 'finally' statement to clean up, release resources etc. However,
how can I "protect" against additional interrupts? This is a concern when
the hold down Ctrl+C and generates a sequence of interrupts. Example:
cat("Press Ctrl+C...\n");
}, interrupt =
2023 May 18
suprising behaviour of tryCatch()
Because `<-` and `=` do different things (and I am one of the old
fossils that wish they had not been confounded).
`fun(x <- expr)` Assigns the value of `expr` to the variable `x` in
the frame/environment that `fun` is called from.
`fun(x = expr)` Assigns the value of `expr`to the variable `x` in the
frame/environment created for and used by `fun` subject to the rules
of argument matching.
2023 May 17
suprising behaviour of tryCatch()
I run a fisher.test() in a loop, with the issue that some of the data will not be useable. To protect the loop I used tryCatch but:
sexsnp = rep(NA, 1750)
for(i in 1:1750){tryCatch(sexsnp[i] = fisher.test(table(data[,3], data[,i + 38]))$p, error = function(e) print(NA))}
Error: unexpected '=' in "for(i in 1:1750){tryCatch(sexsnp[i] ="
But this works:
for(i in
2011 Nov 09
Help with tryCatch with a for loop
Hello all,
I'm a beginner in R working on a script that will produce a set of models
(linear, polynomial and logistic) for each location in a dataset. However,
the self-starting logistic model often fails - if this happens I would like
to just skip to the next iteration of the loop using tryCatch.
I've looked at a few examples and read the help file, but didn't understand
2011 Dec 06
To Try or to TryCatch, I have tried to long
So after about 4 hours struggling with Try and TryCatch I am throwing in the
towel. I have a more complicated function that used logspline through
iterative distributions and at some point the logspline doesnt function
correctly for some subsets but is fine with others so I need to be able to
identify when the error occurs and stop curtailing the distribution and I
think this Try or TryCatch
2019 Sep 15
REprintf could be caught by tryCatch(message)
Dear R-devel community,
There appears to be an inconsistency in R C API about the exceptions
that can be raised from C code.
Mapping of R C funs to corresponding R functions is as follows.
error -> stop
warning -> warning
REprintf -> message
Rprintf -> cat
Rprint/cat is of course not an exception, I listed it just for completeness.
The inconsistency I would like to report is
2013 Feb 13
R CMD in batch mode/trycatch() keeps hold on resources
HI all,
I am using R (version 2.13.1) in batch mode on a server and I use
trycatch() to handle the exceptions.
When the code run without any exceptions, everything goes fine, however as
soon as trycatch handle an error, my code works fine but R keeps hold on
the folder after quiting.
Therefore when I try to delete the folder it cannot...
do you have any idea of which function can be the
2005 Sep 07
Tracebacks with tryCatch() and withCallingHandlers()?
When batch processing analysis, I use tryCatch() for failure handling
and to prevent unwanted interrupts. I write detailed progress to log
file and conditions (warnings and errors) are written to the same log
file immediately by using withCallingHandlers(..., condition=function(c)
cat(c, file=logFile)). However, I would also like to write the call
stack to the log file to further simplify