Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Nomograms from rms' fastbw output objects"
2011 Aug 19
rms:fastbw variable selection differences with AIC .vs. p value methods
I want to employ a parsimonious model to draw nomograms, as the full
model is too complex to draw nomograms readily (several interactions of
continuous variables). However, one interesting variable stays or
leaves based on whether I choose "p value" or "AIC" options to
fastbw(). My question boils down to this: Is there a theoretical reason
to prefer one over another?
2010 Feb 12
validate (rms package) using step instead of fastbw
Dear All,
For logistic regression models: is it possible to use validate (rms
package) to compute bias-corrected AUC, but have variable selection
with AIC use step (or stepAIC, from MASS), instead of fastbw?
More details:
I've been using the validate function (in the rms package, by Frank
Harrell) to obtain, among other things, bootstrap bias-corrected
estimates of the AUC, when variable
2010 May 19
Nomogram with multiple interactions (package rms)
Dear list,
I'm facing the following problem :
A cox model with my sex variable interacting with several continuous variables : cph(S~sex*(x1+x2+x3))
And I'd like to make a nomogram. I know it's a bit tricky and one mights argue that nomogram is not a good a choice...
I could use the parameter interact=list(sex=("male","female"),x1=c(a,b,c))... but with rcs or pol
2011 Jun 02
Removal of elements from nomograms
The rms package includes the nomogram function, which generates a list
object that can be passed to plot for graphical production of nomograms.
I would like to remove the "linear predictor" line in the graph, which
means (I suspect) removing it from the nomogram output object. I've
looked at the nomogram output object, but it is not clear to me if or
how it might be edited to
2010 Mar 25
I have a question on nomograms.
Dear volunteer:
I am a graduate student of medcine in china.And now,I am devoting myself to constructing a nomograms of bladder cancer.I want to do it with R-project.However, I do not know how to construct a nomograms with R-project.I want to get yours help,thank you! I wish you can tell me the operating procedure of the R-project.
And I apologize for my english,it is poor,sorry!
2011 May 15
Question on approximations of full logistic regression model
I am trying to construct a logistic regression model from my data (104
patients and 25 events). I build a full model consisting of five
predictors with the use of penalization by rms package (lrm, pentrace
etc) because of events per variable issue. Then, I tried to approximate
the full model by step-down technique predicting L from all of the
componet variables using ordinary least squares
2005 Mar 30
fastbw question
I am running R 2.0.1 on Windows, I am attempting to use Frank Harrell's
'fastbw' function (from the Design library), but I get an error that the
fit was not created with a Design library fitting function; yet when I
go to the help for fastbw (and also look in Frank's book Regression
Modeling Strategies) it appears that fastbw should work with a model
created with lm.....
2013 Feb 14
Nomogram after Cox Random Effect (frailty) model
Dear R-users,
I am a novice R-user with some experience in using the RMS package for taking nomograms after various survival models.
This time, I am trying to plot a nomogram after a Random Effects Cox, implemented by the "coxme" package. My questions are:
1. Is it possible to take a nomogram directly after the coxme survival function?
2. If not is there a way to take the linear
2008 Feb 20
fastbw() in Design works for continuous variable?
Hi, it seems that the fastbw() in the Design package
only works with variable of class "factor" according
to the help page if I understand correctly. Is there
any R function/package that do stepwise variable
selection for a Cox model with continuous independent
Thank you
2013 Sep 12
Getting "Approximate Estimates after Deleting Factors" out from fastbw()
I am using relatively simple linear model. By applying fastbw() on ols() results from rms package I would like to get subtable "Approximate Estimates after Deleting Factors". However, it seems this is not possible. Am I right? I can only get coefficients for variables kept in the model (for example: x$coefficients), but not S.E., Wald's Z and P?
Is there any easy way to
2009 Oct 27
output (p-values) of "fastbw" in Design package
I am using the validate option in the Design package with the Cox survival model.
I am using the bw=T option which, like the fastbw function, performs a backward elimination variable selection
The output includes a series of columns (below) giving information on eliminated variables.
My question is that I am unsure of the difference between the 2 p-values given (the one after Chi-Sq and the one
2017 Oct 26
nomogram function error
Hi R-help,
I have fit a cox ph model to my data, but have beenreceiving an error when trying to fit a model to the nomogram. Here is the codeand corresponding error:
>nomogramCF = nomogram(cph_age6_40avp4,
+????????????????????lp.at= seq(-10,10,by =0.5),lp = TRUE,
+??????????????????????funlabel="5year survival",
2007 Oct 03
Hi R users.
I have a model of cox that already it is estimated (I have only the
model estimated, I haven't data), how can I determine a nomogram with
R? Is it posible to do nomograms in Design package? I think that's
only when the model (Cox Regression in this case) is before estimated
in R.
2011 Oct 21
cph/nomogram Design/RMS package hazard ratio: interquartile vs per unit
I am constructing a nomogram using cph and nomogram commands in Dr.
Harrell's Design/RMS package. The HR that I obtain for dichotomous and
categorical variables are identical to those that I obtain using STATA
stcox. However, the inter-quartile HR I obtain for continuous variables is
obviously different, since STATA gives me HR for each unit (year,
centimeter, etc) like coxph would
2013 Jun 24
Nomogram (rms) for model with shrunk coefficients
Dear R-users,
I have used the nomogram function from the rms package for a logistic
regresison model made with lrm(). Everything works perfectly (r version
2.15.1 on a mac). My question is this: if my final model is not the one
created by lrm, but I internally validated the model and 'shrunk' the
regression coefficients and computed a new intercept, how can I build a
nomogram using that
2011 Nov 30
Nomogram with stratified cph in rms package, how to get failure probability
I am using Dr. Harrell's rms package to make a nomogram. I was able to make
a beautiful one. However, I want to change 5-year survival probability to
5-year failure probability.
I couldn?t get hazard rate from Hazard(f1) because I used cph for the model.
Here is my code:
f1 <- cph(Surv(retime,dfs) ~
age+her2+t_stage+n_stage+er+grade+cytcyt+Cyt_PCDK2 , data=data11,
2013 Apr 30
Fastbw() function: grouping of variables
Dear R users,
For the purpose of validating a prediction model using validate() from the rms package, I am running into some trouble with using the fastbw() function breaking up natural groups of variables.
Is there any way I can specify to keep certain variable together? In particular, if interactions are included I would also like to keep the main effects in the model.
Another example is a
2013 Apr 19
NAMESPACE and imports
I am cleaning up the rms package to not export functions not to be called
directly by users. rms uses generic functions defined in other packages.
For example there is a latex method in the Hmisc package, and rms has a
latex method for objects of class "anova.rms" so there are anova.rms and
latex.anova.rms functions in rms. I use:
2005 Jul 12
Design: predict.lrm does not recognise lrm.fit object
I'm using logistic regression from the Design library (lrm), then fastbw to
undertake a backward selection and create a reduced model, before trying to
make predictions against an independent set of data using predict.lrm with
the reduced model. I wouldn't normally use this method, but I'm
contrasting the results with an AIC/MMI approach. The script contains:
# Determine full
2011 May 05
Draw a nomogram after glm
Hi all R users
I did a logistic regression with my binary variable Y (0/1) and 2
explanatory variables.
Now I try to draw my nomogram with predictive value. I visited the help of R
but I have problem to understand well the example. When I use glm fonction,
I have a problem, thus I use lrm. My code is:
fun<- function(x) plogis(x-modele$coef[1]+modele$coef[2])