Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Least Squares Method"
2011 Apr 11
multiple comparisons with generalised least squares
Dear R users,
I have used the following model:
M1 <- gls(Nblad ~ Concentration+Season + Concentration:Season, data=DDD,
weights=varIdent(form=~ 1 | Season*Concentration))
to assess the effect of Concentration and Season on nitrogen uptake by
leaves (Nblad). I accounted for the difference in variance across the factor
levels by using the varIdent function.
Then I wanted to perform multiple
2011 Jan 25
Manual two-stage least squares in R
I am trying to manipulate a gls regression model output to adjust for use of
two-stage least squares. Basically, I want to estimate a model, then feed in
a new set of residuals, then re-calculate all of the model output (i.e. the
standard errors of the estimators, etc.). I have found some documentation on
doing this in stata, which is below:
I am
2007 May 09
generalized least squares with empirical error covariance matrix
I have a bayesian hierarchical normal regression model, in which the
regression coefficients are nested, which I've wrapped into one
regression framework, y = X %*% beta + e . I would like to run data
through the model in a filter style (kalman filterish), updating
regression coefficients at each step new data can be gathered. After
the first filter step, I will need to be able to feed
2004 Jan 14
Generalized least squares using "gnls" function
I have data from an assay in the form of two vectors, one is response
and the other is a predictor. When I attempt to fit a 5 parameter
logistic model with "nls", I get converged parameter estimates. I also
get the same answers with "gnls" without specifying the "weights"
However, when I attempt to use the "gnls" function and try to
2009 Jul 02
multiple comparisons and generalized least squares
Dear R users,
I 'm working on a dataset consisting of 4 different dataframes with
tree, leaf, fruit and seed measurements made on 300 trees, coming from
10 provenances (30 trees per provenance, 10 leaves/fruits/seeds per
tree). Provenances are fixed effects (they were not randomly chosen),
but trees within provenances and leaves/fruits/seeds within trees were
randomly assigned. I wanted to
2006 Aug 09
Joint confidence intervals for GLS models?
Dear All,
I would like to be able to estimate confidence intervals for a linear
combination of coefficients for a GLS model. I am familiar with John
Foxton's helpful paper on Time Series Regression and Generalised Least
Squares (GLS) and have learnt a bit about the gls function.
I have downloaded the gmodels package so I can use the estimable
function. The estimable function is very
2006 Mar 16
DIfference between weights options in lm GLm and gls.
Dear R-List users,
Can anyone explain exactly the difference between Weights options in lm glm
and gls?
I try the following codes, but the results are different.
> lm1
lm(formula = y ~ x)
(Intercept) x
0.1183 7.3075
> lm2
lm(formula = y ~ x, weights = W)
(Intercept) x
0.04193 7.30660
> lm3
2009 Sep 22
odd (erroneous?) results from gls
A couple weeks ago I posted a message on this topic to r-help, the response
was that this seemed like odd behavior, and that I ought to post it to one
of the developer lists. I posted to r-sig-mixed-models, but didn't get any
response. So, with good intentions, I decided to try posting once more, but
to this more general list.
The goal is (1) FYI, to make you aware of this issue, in case it
2010 Jan 07
faster GLS code
Dear helpers,
I wrote a code which estimates a multi-equation model with generalized
least squares (GLS). I can use GLS because I know the covariance matrix of
the residuals a priori. However, it is a bit slow and I wonder if anybody
would be able to point out a way to make it faster (it is part of a bigger
code and needs to run several times).
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
2009 Sep 01
understanding the output from gls
I'd like to compare two models which were fitted using gls, however I'm
having trouble interpreting the results of gls. If any of you could offer
me some advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Short explanation of models: These two models have the same fixed-effects
structure (two independent, linear effects), and differ only in that the
second model includes a corExp structure for
2010 Jun 24
Question on WLS (gls vs lm)
Hi all,
I understand that gls() uses generalized least squares, but I thought
that maybe optimum weights from gls might be used as weights in lm (as
shown below), but apparently this is not the case. See:
f1 <- gls(Petal.Width ~ Species / Petal.Length, data = iris, weights
= varIdent(form = ~ 1 | Species))
aa <- attributes(summary(f1)$modelStruct$varStruct)$weights
f2 <-
2000 Mar 14
qr.solve (fwd)
Two friend reported me a problem, which I can't solve:
(I run R-1.0.0, Debian Linux)
They hava a function "corr.matrix" (see end of mail), and when they
create a 173x173 matrix with this function
V <- corr.matrix(0.3, n=173)
V1 <- qr.solve(V)
Error in qr(a, tol = tol) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)
For n < 173, qr.solve returns the correct
2006 Nov 06
question about function "gls" in library "nlme"
The gls function I used in my code is the following
fm<-gls(y~x,correlation=corARMA(p=2) )
My question is how to extact the AR(2) parameters from "fm".
The object "fm" is the following. How can I extract the correlation parameters
Phi1 and Phi2 from "fm"? These two parametrs is not in the "coef" componenet of "fm".
Thanks a
2007 Jun 25
Bug in getVarCov.gls method (PR#9752)
I am using R2.5 under Windows.
Looks like the following statement
vars <- (obj$sigma^2)*vw
in getVarCov.gls method (nlme package) needs to be replaced with:
vars <- (obj$sigma*vw)^2
With best regards
Andrzej Galecki
Douglas Bates wrote:
>I'm not sure when the getVarCov.gls method was written or by whom. To
>tell the truth I'm not really sure what
2012 May 25
Problem with Autocorrelation and GLS Regression
I have a problem with a regression I try to run. I did an estimation of the
market model with daily data. You can see to output below:
/> summary(regression_resn)
Time series regression with "ts" data:
Start = -150, End = -26
dynlm(formula = ror_resn ~ ror_spi_resn)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.0255690 -0.0030378 0.0002787
2011 Sep 04
AICc function with gls
I get the following error when I try and get the AICc for a gls regression
using qpcR:
> AICc(gls1)
Loading required package: nlme
Error in n/(n - p - 1) : 'n' is missing
My gls is like this:
> gls1
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: thercarnmax ~ therherbmax
Data: NULL
Log-restricted-likelihood: 2.328125
(Intercept) therherbmax
2008 May 02
Errors using nlme's gls with autocorrelation
I am trying out a generalized least squares method of forecasting that
corrects for autocorrelation. I downloaded daily stock data from Yahoo
Finance, and am trying to predict Close (n=7903). I have learned to use
date functions to extract indicator variables for Monday - Friday (and
Friday is missing in the model to prevent it from becoming full rank). When
I run the following code...
2001 Oct 26
glim and gls
I would like to know if there is any package that allow us to fit
Generalized Linear Models via Maximum Likelihood and Linear Models using
Generalized Least Squarse in R as the functions glim and gls,
respectively, from S-Plus.
Also, anybody know if there is any package that fit Log-Linear Models
using Generalized Least Squares?
Any help will be very useful.
2011 Aug 17
contrast package with interactions in gls model
I try to explain the efffect of (1) forest where i took samples's soils (*
Lugar*: categorical variable with three levels), (2) nitrogen addition
treatments (*Tra*: categorical variable with two levels) on total carbon
concentration's soil samples (*C: *continue* *variable) during four months
of sampling (*Time:* categorical and ordered variable with four levels).
I fitted the
2006 Feb 08
logLik == -Inf in gls
I am trying to fit a generalised least squares model using gls in the nlme
The model seems to fit very well when I plot the fitted values against the
values, and the model parameters have quite narrow confidence intervals
(all are
significant at p<5%).
The problem is that the log likelihood is always given as -Inf. This
doesn't seem to make sense because the model