similar to: R_qsort decreasing =T

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "R_qsort decreasing =T"

2012 Mar 05
source for function sample() in package base?
Hi all, were can i find the sources for the function sample() (the one from the base package) thanks in advance, -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2009 Oct 13
lapply() reccursively
Hi all, I was wondering whether it is possible to use the lapply() function to alter the value of the input, something in the spirit of : a1<-runif(100) a2<-function(i){ a1[i]<-a1[i-1]*a1[i];a1[i] } a3<-lapply(2:100,a2) Something akin to a for() loop, but using the lapply() infrastructure. I haven't been able to get rapply() to do this. The reason is that the "real"
2010 May 20
RSpython Ubuntu
Dear List, I'd like to call pyhton function from within R. I tried installing the latest version of RSPython: wget R CMD INSTALL --clean RSPython_0.7-1.tar.gz I get a compile error (posted below). Did anyone else run against this ? Is there a solution ? checking for python... /usr/bin/python Python version 2.6 Using threads checking
2011 Apr 21
C source code question (Robustbase edition)
Hi all, I have been trying to add the line: h = n - p0 + 1; just after h = n / 2 + 1; (line 131) in the source code (the original paper mention this is possible for p0&lt;n). with p0 declared as an int (actually i used the same declaration protocol as n everywhere in the code). The &quot;new&quot; source compiles, but when i give it reasonable values of p0, it runs unto
2005 Jul 25
Rmath library problems
Hello, Has anybody successfully called the Rmath library from C using the MS Visual Studio compiler (I am using Visual Studio 6.0)? I have compiled the Rmath library using gcc, and the 'test.c' program (which makes a call to qnorm) works fine when compiled with gcc. However, I get a fatal memory error when I run it after compiling it with Visual C. Would this memory problem be related
2011 Jan 20
GPU packages and 'Debian R Policy'
Hi there, Moving this request for info over from an R-HPC-SIG list thread as the issue is less HPC than something that has bitten me as a result of trying to install HPC (read CUDA) R packages. Background to this is that I have both a Ubuntu host for a Tesla card that some researchers are looking to do CUDA-related R computation on, and a prototype, RHEL-based, cluster that is being used to
2010 Jun 09
Hi list, in the Rglpk_solve_LP function (::Rglpk), on line 26, the function calls a function as.glp_bounds() that i cannot access. i'm trying to alter the Rglpk_solve_LP function to add a line to retrieve column/row dual values. everytime i change the slightest line of code inside Rglpk_solve_LP() [to even add a print] i get a ': could not find function "as.glp_bounds"'
2008 Oct 11
defines in Rmath.h and R_NO_REMAP
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Hi, I'm programming with R 2.7.2 and had some trouble including Rmath.h for its random variates generation routines: Although I define R_NO_REMAP (which works fine for Rinternals.h stuff), Rmath.h defines "beta" as "Rf_beta" etc., so that my "beta" strings get redefined as well! Is this a feature? I found an old
2010 Jun 10
Rmath.dll importing in VB6 problem
Hi, I am facing a problem which i think i need to explain it to you with some background. I need to use the Project R pnorm function in Visual Basic 6.0. I have already installed R and this is how i perform and get back the result: > pnorm(2, 15) [1] 6.117164e-39 which is what i need. I have already installed R, i generated the Rmath.DLL file out so i can import it into my VB6 and use it.
2011 Aug 08
Making rmath.dll (or equivalent)
I currently have R 2.12.1 installed, both 32 and 64 bit. I also have a file that was passed to me named rmath.dll. I do not know what version of R it was created from, but I do know it is 32-bit only. I am developing an application in C# that uses this library as a reference but I have to downgrade it to 32-bit in order to use the DLL file. I wish to make a rmath.dll from the version of R I have
2004 Jun 27
cross-compiling + expm1
Hello all, Just joined this mailing list -- not sure if this is the right list to send this question, but I have a question about cross-compiling R. I am working with R-1.9.1.tgz. It may just be with my version of mingw32, but it seems that expm1 is not defined, so I tried to ensure that HAVE_EXPM1 was #undef'ed before cross-compiling. The problem is that, in <include/Rmath.h> if
2004 Apr 14
question about /nmath/standalone
Hello, I can't link a c code with Mathlib according to introduction of R manual "Writing R Extensions", page 60. It is written : "It is possible to build Mathlib, the R set of mathematical functions documented in 'Rmath.h?, as a standalone library 'libRmath? under Unix and Windows. (This includes the functions documented in Section 5.7 [Numerical analysis
2007 Mar 21
question on suppressing error messages with Rmath library
Dear list, I have been using the Rmath library for quite a while: in the current instance, I am calling dnt (non-central t density function) repeatedly for several million. When the argument is small, I get the warning message: full precision was not achieved in 'pnt' which is nothing unexpected. (The density calls pnt, if you look at the function dnt.) However, to have this happen a
2002 Apr 30
makefile for standalone lib
It appears the in src/nmath/standalone might need some modification since cd src/nmath/gnuwin32 make -f make -f test fails. However if I remove libRmath.a from line 15 OR modify lines 67/68 replacing Rmath.a with libRmath.a then make -f test goes as expected. _________________________________________________________________
2008 Jan 29
The standalone Rmath library and VC++ 2003
Linking my VC++ application with the standalone Rmath library yields the following; ------ Build started: Project: Complex plugin, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ Linking... Creating library .\../Debug/complex_plugin.lib and object .\../Debug/complex_plugin.exp libRmath.a(mlutils.o) : warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol __iob imported in function _REprintf libRmath.a(dbeta.o) :
2004 Mar 19
R_qsort_int_I() error
Hi, I want to use R_qsort_int_I() in my C function, but getting the following error. It looks like there is a conflict between Rmath.h, which I use to generate random numbers, and R_ext/Boolean.h I would appreciate any help to fix this problem. gcc -ansi -g -o Gibbs gibbs.c subroutines.o rand.o vector.o -lm -lRmath -llapack -lblas -lfrtbegin -lg2c -lm -shared-libgcc In file included from
2002 Jan 14
trouble using R Mathlib as standalone
Dear People, I am trying to use R's Math library as standalone, as documented in /src/nmath/standalone. I am using C++ in Debian testing, and the versions are as follows: ii g++-3.0 3.0.3-1 The GNU C++ compiler. ii r-mathlib 1.4.0-1 `GNU S' - Standalone R math library I have a file ( as follows. I don't think that lattice.hh or mh.hh are very
2005 Nov 28
No Rmath.h when making just standalone library
When making only the standalone math library, include/Rmath.h is not there, so compilation fails. A solution is to go to src/include/ and just say `make Rmath.h' there first. This is with R-2.2.0 on GNU/Linux on i686. The failing steps are: tar xzf ../R-2.2.0.tar.gz ./configure cd src/nmath/standalone make Would be nice if this worked, or if the issue were just mentioned in
2012 Apr 08
xyplot() does not plot legends with "relation=free" scales
Hi all, I have this problem with lattice that xyplot() won't draw some of my axis labels if the type (i.e. the relation argument) of scales is set as free. For example, in the plot below, I would want it to also show: 1. the labels E1,...E6 below the 10th panel (i.e. 3rd row, 2 col)....just as it is now done below the 12th panel.... 2. as well as the labels (2,4,6,8) on the top of panels 1
2005 Oct 31
R-functions in C-Code
Dear R users, I would like to use several R functions from a C-code and I have read the "Introduction to the .C Interface to R". Unfortunately, my shared library with the C-code works only in cases where I use R-routines that are defined Rmath.h, eg. ************************************* less test.c: #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #include <Rmath.h> void