Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "numbers and superscripts in the same unit of measurement."
2012 Apr 26
creating a package?
Dear R users.
I'm trying to know how to create a function. I have developed a big code that use a file and makes many process and then creates a table that is exported as txt.
The point is to make something like a function. I need to make it easy for others, so they can run it. This has a particular name?
I will be very gratefull and placed if any of you can provide some lights.
2012 May 29
Creating a new R mirror in Chile
Hello everyone,
I would like to create a new R mirror en Chile and I would be very placed if any of you who are familiar doing it can help us.
We are looking for manuals and materials need it.
Thank you in advance,
José Bustos
Data Scientist at www.aespro.cl
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 25
Life Cycle Assessment with R.
Hello everyone,
There's something really important about climate change and how many institutions around the globe are looking for softwares solutions in order to achieve they (and everyone) needs to improve life conditions in all the planet.
Currently, they're many comercial softwares working with this important topic named as: "Life Cycle Assesment", monitoring carbon emition,
2011 Feb 28
R course in Santiago, Chile/ Curso de R en Santiago, Chile (Confirmado)
(English Below)Estimados,
Acabamos de confirmar el lugar y la fecha del primer curso de R en Santiago, Chile. El curso se realizará el día Miércoles 9 y Jueves 10 de Marzo en las dependencias de la Facultad de Recursos Naturales de la Universidad Andres Bello, ubicada en República 440 (Metro República)
El proceso de inscripción del curso se realizará on-line en el link que les adjunto. Además,
2011 Jan 27
Curso R Gratis (Universidad Andres Bello)
Con mis colegas estamos creando un curso básico de nuestra
espectacular herramienta R. Nos hemos dado cuenta que muchas personas usan
software comercial y pensamos que sería una buena oportunidad para dar un curso
gratis acerca de R. Por otro lado, puede ser una buena oportunidad para crear
un grupo de usuarios activos de R aquí en Chile.
Actualmente, estamos invitando
2011 Jan 28
Free R Course Chile / Curso Gratis R (Universidad Andres Bello)
(English version below)
Queridos R-usuarios!
Con mis colegas estamos creando un curso básico de nuestra espectacular herramienta R. Nos hemos dado cuenta que muchas personas usan software comercial y pensamos que sería una buena oportunidad para dar un curso gratis acerca de R. Por otro lado, puede ser una buena oportunidad para crear un grupo de usuarios activos de R aquí en Chile.
2004 Jul 01
Querying users(w2k) from Samba PDC
I've set up a Samba PDC(3.0.4+LDAP) and attached a W2k client to it.
I've created users and group. I can log on to the W2k client.
Now to my problem:
I wanted to add a user to the local filesystem(for testing). So I opened up the Security Tab and listed my domain.
Lo and behold. No users. That strange I thought and added the user manually and hit the Check button. It worked
2010 Jan 31
hepta valen t snugg ling initi ators optio naliz e
handc raftm an dost schem atics retyp ing poser s smoke neces
sitie s nonre alist ic wooll ens verti cally bayan ihan actab
ility total ises bayan ihan gauzy solon chak metas tasiz es
inter surve y phosp hatid ic displ ayabl e invoi cing ridde r
benig nancy eddys tone urim islan der awake ning piran dello
parre l davit s displ ant losse s rubeo lar visio nal legen d
2013 Feb 20
generate variable y to produce excess zero in ZIP analysis
Dear Mr/Mrs
I am Lili Puspita Rahayu, student from magister third level of Statistics in Bogor Agriculture University.
Mrs, now I'm analyzing the Zero inflated Poisson (ZIP), which is a solution of
the Poisson regression
where the response variable (Y) has zero excess. ZIP now
I was doing did not use real data, but using simulated data in R. Simulations
by generating data on variables
2007 Oct 26
2-way Factorial with random factors
I am using R mainly on windows XP, version 2.5. I?m a biologist,
with a medium level statistics background. I have a problem stating a
two-way factorial design where both factors are random. I?m using the
lmer() function implemented in the Matrix package version 0.99.
My design is as follows: Two species were randomly selected from a
total of 4 species. This species are present
2008 Jul 22
Decoding subscripts/superscripts from CSVs
I have a CSV file with various biological reactions. Subscripts, superscripts,
and italics are encoded in carats, and I was wondering if R can actually
recognize those and print actual superscripts, etc. Here's an example:
<i>S</i>-adenosyl-L-methionine + rRNA = <i>S</i>-adenosyl-L-homocysteine +
rRNA containing
2012 Apr 12
Remove superscripts from HTML objects
Is there some way to remove superscripts from objects returned by
html/xmlParse (XML package)?
h <- "<html><p>Cat<sup>a</sup></p><p>Dog</p></html>"
doc <- htmlParse(h)
xpathSApply(doc, "//p", xmlValue)
[1] "Cata" "Dog"
I could probably remove the <sup> tags from the "h" object above,
2008 Jul 30
Converting to subscripts and superscripts
I am reading in a CSV file of chemical reactions where the subscripts and
superscripts are encoded in angle brackets, like below:
2 H<SUP>+</SUP> + 2 O<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>
Is there a way to convert these to actual sub/superscripts and save them in
another excel file? I greatly appreciate the help!
PS. I asked this before, but I
2002 Jun 19
superscripts in xyplot labels
I tried to get a superscripted 3 in the following xyplot example but failed:
>xyplot(Gas ~ Temp | Insul, whiteside, panel =
function(x, y, ...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
panel.lmline(x, y, ...)
}, xlab = "Average external temperature (deg. C)",
ylab = paste(paste("Gas consumption (1000", expression(ft^3),")"), aspect
2005 Aug 29
negative superscripts in axis labels
Hash: SHA1
I apologize if this has been covered somewhere; but, I cannot find it.
The following results in a segmentation fault:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
helvetica <- X11Font("-*-helvetica-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
symbol <-
2009 Jul 01
help with superscripts in simple plots
Hello All,
When I use the following lines of code to create a plot and add labels
with R-square values the labels have a superscripted R2.
xyplot(PropHatchedNests$Phatched + PropHatchedNests$PropNests +
PropHatchedNests$meanHSI + PropHatchedNests$RelMeanEggsNest ~
PropHatchedNests$Year, type = "b",
2012 Aug 20
Inserting superscripts in free-format text line
I would like to insert a superscript in a body of text (e.g., a title or
axis label), where the superscript is not necessarily at the end of the
text. For example, suppose a title read, "This is a Test^1 of the
Emergency Broadcast System" where there is a superscript 1 after the word
As a starting point for what I'm trying to do, the following shows a
2005 Mar 16
Fixed/ trellis/ panel.superpose/ passing in superscripts/ groups
OS: Linux Mandrake 10.1
release: R 2.0.0
editor: GNU Emacs 21.3.2
front-end: ESS 5.2.3
I have solved the miscoding with subscript and groups in panel.superpose. I
was neglecting to pass in the variables correctly.
"sardine.egg.T.S.space.2001.and.2002.exp" <-
2011 Sep 30
isotope superscripts ggplot2
Happy Friday fellow R users.
I need some help - I am trying to make a graph using ggplot 2 of some lead isotope ratios. Normally, the isotope mass number appears as a superscript before the chemical symbol. However, I cannot figure out how to do this ggplot2's axis labels. The closest I have come is using "." In front of the numbers I am superscripting e.g:
2008 Aug 01
Properly Parsing Pre-Superscripts & Displaying Them With grid.text
Hi all... I?m making a chart dealing with frequencies of isotopes of various
elements. For instance, I'd like the following text to appear on a chart
with the "35" and "37" as superscripts:
Based upon:
35Cl: 75%
37Cl: 25%
I am having problems properly parsing the superscript that preceeds the
"Cl", since there is no character ahead of the superscript (I saw