Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches similar to: "Rsquared for anova"
2009 Mar 05
Cisco IP Communicator with Asterisk/Trixbox
Hi guys,
Has anyone had any luck with getting the Cisco IP Communicator working with your Asterisk or primarily, Trixbox installation?
I've tried searching the net for information, and found someone said to set it up like the 7970 hard phone, which I have, and I'm just running into the problems with it saying "Error Verifying Config Info".
Any and all help is appreciated.
2005 Jan 28
extracting from a data.frame
I am sorry for this simple question, but... How do I extract something
from a data.frame?
The following is my Problem:
I have got a dataframe "a" with various columns. One of those columns
is called V3 and contains elements of the following levels:
> levels(a$V3)
[1] "C" "CA" "CB" "CD" "CD1" "CD2"
2008 Jun 20
Plotting barplot and scatterplot on same device - x-axis problem
Hi R-users
I'm a relative newbie and uses R mostly for graphical purpose. I have a
layout problem when plotting a scatterplot and a barplot using
par(new=TRUE). The baseline of the x-axis is not positioned equal for the
two plotting functions (see picture) and I have been unable to find out how
this is changed.
I have added the script if this
2005 May 04
selecting maximum values
Sorry for disturbing you with another newbie question!
I have a data frame about coastal waters quality
parameters: for some parameters (e.g. NH3) I have only
1 observation for each sampling station and each
sampling date, while in other cases (chlorophyll) I
have 1 obs for each meter-depth for each station and
date. How can I select only the max chlorophyll value
for each station/date?
2011 May 16
Linear Discriminant Analysis error: "Variables appear constant"
Hi R experts,
I'm attempting to run Linear Discriminant Analysis using the lda function in the MASS package. I've got around 50 predictor variables and one response variable. My response variable has 5 numeric categories that represent different clusters of fish abundance data (clusters were developed using Bray-Curtis and NMDS), and my predictor variables are environmental variables that
2011 Apr 14
problem with library tseriesChaos
Hi R-Users
I need to estimate Lyapunov exponent of my time series. After reading
description of all functions available I still don't know how to determine
time delay. My time series length is 4200. Is it possible to determine time
delay with other function's output or I can choose any random value?
Thanks for your help!
View this message in context:
2001 Jun 05
a bug? (PR#968)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
Dear R,
I would like to report what I think is a bug in R. I am running R
within emacs on a Digital AlphaStation. See the version information
at the end of my R session for details. I also attach a copy of the
file that is read in the `read.table' command.
Here's my R session, with a few
2007 Dec 08
lm: how to calculate rsquared of the predicted values?
I've built a linear model using multiple linear regression which leads me a
R-squared value of 73.58%.
After that, I used this model to predicted some values based on the test
Now I'm wondering how:
1. can I measure de R-squared value between the predicted(by the model) and
real (observed) values.?
2. Measure the RMSE error .
Example: suppose my data its below:
2011 Jul 12
Adding a correlation value (like Rsquared) to a 4 parameter logistic fit model.
In my lab we use a four parameter logistic fit model for our ELISA data
(absorbance values). We are currently testing the use of different solvents
and need to find a way to add a correlation value (such as an R squared or
something similar) so we can test different solvents in making this standard
curve. We currently use the drc package and this is our script for the 4
2002 May 09
Rsquared in summary(lm)
I'm doing some linear regression:
However, the Rsquared in the output of summary() is not the same as the
"standard" Rsquared calculated by spreadsheets, and outlined in
statistical guidebooks, being SSR/SSTO. The output says "multiple
Rsquared", but it is no multiple regression...
What's the difference?
2009 Feb 04
newbie - difficulty calling user defined function from by()
Hi Folks:
I'm new to R and am having trouble calling a user-defined function
within the by() function. I have checked on-line help and the R
documentation to no avail. I have a data frame with a sample subset
represented here:
> example.sample
1 555586574850 1082576.3 685.00 2422.50
2 555586574850 1032994.2 2444.00
2011 Sep 07
Error: in routine alloca() there is a stack overflow: thread 0, max 535822282KB, used 0KB, request 24B
Dear Colleagues:
Through your help an R related installation issue was resolved, but I now
have the following usage issue.
On any "get.var.ncdf" usage I am seeing:
Error: in routine alloca() there is a stack overflow: thread 0, max
535822282KB, used 0KB, request 24B
The same error is posted on a file as small as 50MB and as large as 500GB,
with ulimit set to unlimited. I
2005 Jun 22
Rsquare from glmmPQL or another GLMM?
I know that Rsquare in glm or in non-linear models is "wrong", but some people
like this.
How I make to estimate the Rsquare from a model ajusted with glmmPQL or
another GLMM?
Thanks for all
A simplicidade ?? o ??ltimo degrau da sabedoria.
-- Victor Hugo
|> // | \\ [***********************************]
| ( ?? ?? ) [Ronaldo Reis J??nior
2011 Jul 13
max possible rsquare
Dear all,
I have a question regarding the output of the coxph function. What does the
'max possible' exactly mean in the output below? Many thanks.
coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z Pr(>|z|)
smocc_zyban -0.4384 0.6451 0.8667 0.9473 -0.463 0.644
self 1.1857 3.2728 0.1405 0.1443 8.216 2.22e-16 ***
2003 Aug 27
how to calculate Rsquare
I think you've badly misinterpreted the purpose
of the R listserv with this request:
https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help says
"The `main' R mailing list, for announcements about the
development of R and the availability of new code, questions
and answers about problems and solutions using R, enhancements
and patches to the source code and documentation of R,
2003 Jul 21
how to calculate Rsquare
I have something like this:
> x <- 1:10
> y2 <- 30+5*x+rnorm(x,sd=3)
> y <- c(y1,y2)
> x <- c(x,x)
> plot(x,y)
> x <- 1:10
> y1 <- 1+5*x+rnorm(x,sd=2)
> y2 <- 30+5*x+rnorm(x,sd=5)
> y <- c(y1,y2)
> x <- c(x,x)
> f <- factor(rep(c("a","b"),c(10,10)))
> m <- lm(y~x+f)
> anova(m)
Analysis of Variance
2006 Oct 03
HP Toolbox kills Samba
I've encountered the following problem at a client. The problem results
in one or more of the smbd processing continuously grabbing more and more
memory until the system runs out of memory or just becomes unusable due to a
low memory condition. This error is extremely serious as the entire server
is eventually brought down by one error.
After debugging this error at the
2009 Jul 23
[PATCH server] changes required for fedora rawhide inclusion.
Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago at redhat.com>
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