Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches similar to: "trouble with \SweaveOpts{grdevice=...}"
2013 Jan 24
(patch) Layers for pdf() grDevice
I built a patch (
for grDevice/devPS.c adding an argument 'onepage' to pdf(), if set to
TRUE, successive plots will be printed to layers within a single pdf
document page rather than successive documents, or successive pages within
a document. The patch works on the HEAD of the current svn development
2015 Sep 26
grDevice in R HEAD been broken for 6 weeks.
geDevice has been failing check for 6 weeks now with --enable-strict-barrier ,
bisected to:
r69049 | murrell | 2015-08-14 00:03:12 +0100 (Fri, 14 Aug 2015) | 2 lines
first hack at adding grid display list to recorded plot objects, so can add further grid drawing following a replayPlot()
2010 Dec 10
Sweave: Setting options with SweaveOpts{} when using driver=RweaveHTML
When using Sweave in connection with the driver RweaveLatex(), global options can be set with \SweaveOpts{}, e.g.
Does anybody know if it is possible to set global options in the same way when using Sweave with the driver RweaveHTML().
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 23
SweaveOpts(eval=false) not working - CORRECTION
On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Duncan Murdoch<murdoch at stats.uwo.ca> wrote:
> On 23/07/2009 8:58 AM, Rainer M Krug wrote:
>> Hi
>> I hope this is the right mailing list - if not, could you please refer
>> me to a mora appropriate?
>> My question:
>> I am using sweave (in LyX with beamer) for a lecture and I would like
2010 Nov 25
\Sweaveopts error
I have a file 4lmetc.Rnw, intended for inclusion in a LaTeX document,
that starts:
\SweaveOpts{engine=R, keep.source=TRUE}
\SweaveOpts{eps=FALSE, prefix.string=snArt/4lmetc}
The attempt to process the file through Sweave generates the error:
> Sweave("4lmetc")
Writing to file 4lmetc.tex
Processing code chunks ...
1 : keep.source term verbatim
Error in file(srcfile$filename, open =
2009 Jan 20
Sweave: conflict between setwd and \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=}
I think there is a conflict between setwd() and
\SweaveOpts{prefix.string=}. In the same document, those both command
get Sweave confuse the files and directories. See:
say my .Rnw document is in File1
If one inserts some setwd() for another file:
then the command \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=graphics/Rplots} will search
the "graphics" folder in File2 because of
2012 May 02
rgl.Sweave not producing transparency in pdf plots with alpha
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to get rgl.Sweave to produce plots with transparency.
However, it just seems to produce opaque plots when pdf is the output
type. Perhaps this is a known issue? I'll just use .png in the
meantime, but wanted to see about this, as I didn't see it in the
documentation (though it's possible I missed it).
\title {rgl
2008 Oct 03
Question about quantile.default
Hi all,
I am running into a snag using quantile function in stats. Basically, I
don't understand why the loop below throws the error that it does.
test.data <- rnorm(1000, 0, 1)
for (i in seq(0.00001, 0.001, 0.00001)){
test <- quantile(test.data, probs=seq(0,1,i));
It runs fine from 1e-05 to 0.00024, but then throws the error
Error in quantile.default(test.data,
2006 Oct 09
Vorbis primitive API examples (LONG)
Okay, how do I drop a changeset/patchset/tag for you folks from SVN?
At this point, I have written three examples of how to use the basics of
the ogg streaming and decoding in Tremor. I heartily welcome any
suggestions, improvements and corrections that you can point out in the
The examples required me to make some small modifications to the main
tremor library. However, the changes
2011 Oct 22
Sweave, cairo_pdf, CJK, ghostscript
I have had some fun in the last few days trying to put together an annotated map of China with R and some public GIS data:
It is done, and rather nice... there are a few issues:
- the default pdf() device cannot do CJK with embedded fonts - and cairo_pdf() is not hooked up to
2010 Jan 06
MakeActiveBinding help needed
I wanted a Q&D way to open a new graphics window but keep the focus in
the console window (under Windows and the Rgui), so I wrote a line into
my Rprofile.site file as follows:
invisible(makeActiveBinding('newdev', function(...)
dev.new(restoreConsole=T), .GlobalEnv))
(That is all on one line, incase the mailer re-parses it). This gives me
a command "newdev" which
2011 Dec 29
3d plotting alternatives. I like persp, but regret the lack of plotmath.
I have been making simple functions to display regressions in a new
package called "rockchalk". For 3d illustrations, my functions use
persp, and I've grown to like working with it. As an example of the
kind of things I like to do, you might consult my lecture on
multicollinearity, which is by far the most detailed illustration I've