similar to: extract p-value from mixed model in kinship package

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2011 Apr 15
no solution yet, please help: extract p-value from mixed model in kinship package
I am making the question clear. Please help. > Dear R experts > > I was using kinship package to fit mixed model with kinship matrix. > The package looks like lme4, but I could find a way to extract p-value > out of it. I need to extract is as I need to analyse large number of > variables (> 10000). > > Please help me: > > require(kinship) > > #Generating
2008 Feb 06
kinship package: drawing pedigree error
Hi Im using the kinship package to draw a pedigree. On my data set this works fine but when i add indivudals to the pedigree i keep getting an error i hope someone can help me! This is the code im using: Data<-read.table("Tree.txt", header=T, sep=",") attach(Data) ped<-pedigree(id, dadid, momid, sex, aff) par(xpd=T) plot.pedigree(ped) This is my data looks like
2005 Nov 06
kinship package example data
I've been looking at the kinship package which looks as though it might be appropriate for my purposes. What I can't find is any reference to the data that is used in the example code. A dataframe called d10 with column names, upn, dadid, momid, sex and affect is required. One can get an idea of what sort of values should be in most columns from the description in the pedigree function,
2012 Nov 09
Kinship2 and GenABEL
Hi, I'm using kinship2 to calculate heritabilty, but I would like calculate in GenABEL too. I trying the code: > require(kinship2) > require(GenABEL) > pedig = with(Dados, pedigree(id=IID, dadid=PAT, momid=MAT, sex=SEX, famid=FID, missid=0)) > kmat = kinship(pedig) > (mod1 = polygenic(altura ~ SEX + idade, data=Dados, kin=kmat)) Erro em intI(i, n = d[1],
2012 Nov 24
Bootstrap lmekin model
Hi,I use the 'lmekin' model of the 'kinship' package of R in order to estimate heritability. I want to estimate the confidence interval of the variance coefficient and so I should use a bootstrap simulation. The pedigree file has 1386 subjects so I create a kinship matrix [1386*1386].This is the code of R I use: kfit2 <- lmekin(IT~1+AGE +(1|ID), dati1,
2010 Apr 06
Strange error
Someone just sent me a data set that causes the lmekin function, part of the kinship package, to fail. In chasing it down I get an error I have never seen before. fit <- lmekin(icam1 ~ factor(center) + age + factor(sex), random= ~1|iid, data=chaidata, varlist=kmat) Error in Y - fitted : non-numeric argument to binary operator Add the recover option, and the offending lines are
2007 Jun 11
lmekin() function in kinship package
Hi, I had a problem with the lmekin() in kinship package: lmekin() can not be wrapped into another function library(kinship) #creat an example dataset xx<-rnorm(100) yy<-rnorm(100) id<-1:100 test.dat<,yy,id)) rm(xx,yy,id) a<-bdsmatrix(rep(10,10),rep(block,10),dimnames=list(c(1:100),c(1:100))) #100x100 block (n=10) diagonal matrix to indicate the
2012 May 12
problem with get() inside of lme()
Hi, In the following lines of code are inside of a function, where "TRAIT1" is a function variable calling a column-name inside of the data.frame "new3". This works just fine: m2 <- lmer(get(TRAIT1) ~ perm.score + (1|site), data=new3) but this will not work, m3 <- lme(get(TRAIT1) ~ perm.score , random= ~1|site, data=new3) I get the following error: Error in
2010 Mar 18
Pedigree / Identifying Immediate Family of Index Animal
I have a data frame containing the Id, Mother, Father and Sex from about 10,000 animals in our colony. I am interested in graphing simple family trees for a given subject or small number of subjects. The basic idea is: start with data frame from entire colony and list of index animals. I need to identify all immediate relatives of these index animals and plot the pedigree for them. We're
2011 Dec 30
New version of coxme / lmekin
Version 2.2 of coxme has been posted to CRAN, Windows versions and mirrors should appear in due course. This is a major update with three features of note: 1. A non-upwardly compatable change: Extractor functions: beta= fixed effects, b=random effects nlme lme4 coxme <2.2 coxme 2.2 lmekin 2.2 ------------------------------------------------------ beta
2011 Jul 27
SNP Tables
Hello, I have indicators for the present of absent of a snps in columns and the categorey (case control column). I would like to extract ONLY the tables and the indices (SNPS) that give me 2 x 3 tables. Some gives 2x 2 tables when one of the allelle is missing. The data look like the matrix snpmat below: so the first snp should give me the following table: (aa=0, Aa=1 and AA=2) aa
2012 Sep 06
p value from lmekin()
On 09/06/2012 05:00 AM, r-help-request at wrote: > Hi, R experts > > I am currently using lmekin() function in coxme package to fit a > mixed effect model for family based genetic data. How can I extract the p > value from a lmekin object? When I print the object in R console, I can > see the p value and Z value are just over there. But I can not extract
2012 Sep 06
How to extract p value from the lmekin object obtained by fitting mixed model with function lmekin() in package coxme?
Hi, R experts I am currently using lmekin() function in coxme package to fit a mixed effect model for family based genetic data. How can I extract the p value from a lmekin object? When I print the object in R console, I can see the p value and Z value are just over there. But I can not extract them by the coef() function. kinfit$coefficient$fixed (kinfit is the name of the lmekin object)
2013 Jun 04
Mixed effects model with a phylogenetic tree/ distance, matrix as a random effect
Take a look at lmekin() in the coxme package. The motivating data set for my development of coxme was the Minnesota Family Breast Cancer project: 24050 subjects in 462 families. The random effect is an intercept per subject with sigma^2 K as its variance where K is the kinship matrix (1 for self-self, .5 for parent-child or sib-sib, .25 for uncle-neice, etc). lmekin is a linear models front
2011 Jul 15
Confusing inheritance problem
I have library in development with a function that works when called from the top level, but fails under R CMD check. The paricular line of failure is rsum <- rowSums(kmat>0) where kmat is a dsCMatrix object. I'm currently stumped and looking for some ideas. I've created a stripped down library "ktest" that has only 3 functions: pedigree.R to create a pedigree or
2012 May 14
Vignette problem
I'm having a problem rebuilding a package, new to me in R 2.15.0 (Linux) It hits all that contain the line \usepackage[pdftex]{graphics} and leads to the following when running R CMD check on the directory. (I do this often; a final run on the tar.gz file will happen before submission.) Since I float and resize my figures, removing the line is fatal in other ways.
2009 Oct 19
How to import the large data into R
Dear, I would like to deal with microarray data, it can run when i deal with little data. However, the amount number of SNP data are 45181, amount numbers of animal are 3081,it can not be allocated 1000Mb memory when i importing them to R Procedure sentence show: m<-matrix(scan("D:/SNPdata.txt"),ncol=nmarkers,byrow=TRUE) Error show: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1000.0 Mb
2020 Jan 13
as-cran issue
Thanks for the feedback Dirk. I sent my follow-up before I saw it. Looking at the source code, it appears that there is no options() call to turn this on. Nor does "R --help" reveal a command line option. How then does a user turn this on outside of the R CMD check envirionment, so as to chase things like this down? The fact that 1. renaming my function makes the error go away, 2.
2011 Feb 04
GWAF package: lme.batch.imputed(): object 'kmat' not found
Hello, All, GWAF 1.2 R.Version() is below. system(lme.batch.imputed( phenfile = 'phenfile.csv', genfile = 'CARe_imputed_release.0.fhsR.gz', pedfile='pedfile.csv', phen='phen1', covar=c('covar1','covar2'), kinmat='imputed_fhs.kinship.RData', outfile='imputed.FHS.IBC.GWAF.LME.output.0.txt' )) Gives the error messages: Error in
2010 Jan 13
merging issue.........
hi, I have a question about merging two files. For example, I have two files, the first file is like the following: id trait1 1 10.2 2 11.1 3 9.7 6 10.2 7 8.9 10 9.7 11 10.2 The second file is like the following: id trait2 1 9.8 2 10.8 4 7.8 5 9.8 6 10.1 12 10.2 13 10.1 now I want to merge the two files by the variable "id", I only want