Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Password-protect R script files"
2013 Apr 11
(no subject)
Dear all,
Is there a quick and easy way of converting utf characters to the \uxxxx
form (necessary e.g. for packages)? I mean something working like this:
> utf2uxxxx("õäöü")
[1] "\u00f5\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc"
It is easy to program but perhaps someone already has implemented this. (I
couldn't find anything useful from searches incl RSiteSearch).
Thanks in advance,
2011 Mar 03
sqlFetch (RODBC) question
Dear all,
I've used RODBC a lot to read in files created in MS excel and access but
found a strange problem today: a variable in my data file contained both
numbers and text; sqlFetch would set text within a row of numbers to NA; but
if first 5 or 6 rows would be text then all numbers would be read in as NA.
con<-odbcConnectExcel("xample.xls") #the file is attached or at
2011 Mar 25
Preserving the class of POSIXt objects
Dear all,
I am working with a list of objects each of which contains two POSIXct
objects (say, $Start and $End) and a number of different data in
addition to that. Now an easy way to extract Start times of all object
could be sapply(x, "[", "Start") but this converts them all to
numeric, and so does sapply(x, "[[", "Start"). lapply preserves the
class but
2007 Oct 12
Q-type factor analysis
Is there a package in R that does Q-type factor analysis?
I know how to do principal component analysis, but haven't found any application of Q-type factor analysis.
Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger geh?rt?
Der kanns mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger
2011 Jun 18
how to subtract one string from another in R
Dear R Group
Here is what i am trying to do.. but couldnt figure out how..
I want to create an R object string 2 ( following the logic shown).. R does
not allow string subtraction.. any suggestions how to achieve this?
string2<-string-string1 (it should now hold "DEFG HIJKLM NOPQ RSTUV WXY"
2011 Aug 04
random value generation with added constraint.
I am looking at generating a random dataset of say 100 values fitting in a
normal distribution of a given mean and SD, I am aware of rnorm
function. However i am trying to build into this function one added
constraint that all the random value generated should also obey the
constraint that they only take values between say X to X+25
How do i do this in R?
Any help would be highly appreciated,.
2011 Mar 21
Curry with `[.function` ?
Dear all,
I sometimes use the following function:
Curry <- function(FUN,...) {
# by Byron Ellis,
.orig <- list(...)
function(...) do.call(FUN,c(.orig,list(...)))
... and have thought it might be convenient to have a method for [ doing
this. As a simple example,
> apply(M, 1, mean[trim=0.1]) # hypothetical
2012 Nov 15
GUI Development reg
Dear R Group
I have a character vector from which I want to select a few elements and
create a new character vector.
I need a GUI to do this in R Script.
Can someone help?
## I want to have a GUI in R that will display elements in "object a" as
a drop down list.. from there I want to be able to select a
2012 Feb 27
win zip archive of library(HH) for R2.12.0
Dear R Group
Can any body point me to a link from where I can get zip archive of the
package HH for R 2.12.0?
Thanks &
Vijayan Padmanabhan
"What is expressed without proof can be denied without proof" - Euclide.
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2017 Jul 13
Help with R script
Using Ulrik?s example data (and assuming I understand what is wanted), here is what I would do:
ex.dat <- c("FName: fname1", "Fval: Fval1.name1", "Fval: ", "FName: fname2", "Fval: Fval2.name2", "FName: fname3")
tst <- data.frame(x = ex.dat, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
sp <- strsplit(tst$x, ':', fixed=TRUE)
chk <-
2010 Sep 22
randomForest - partialPlot - Reg
Dear R Group
I had an observation that in some cases, when I use the randomForest model
to create partialPlot in R using the package "randomForest"
the y-axis displays values that are more than -1!
It is a classification problem that i was trying to address.
Any insights as to how the y axis can display value more than -1 for some
Am i missing something!
2017 Jul 13
Help with R script
Dear R-help Group
Scenario 1:
I have a text file running to 1000 of lines...that
is like as follows:
[922] "FieldName: Wk3PackSubMonth"
[923] "FieldValue: Apr"
[924] "FieldName: Wk3PackSubYear"
[925] "FieldValue: 2017"
[926] "FieldName: Wk3Code1"
[927] "FieldValue: "
[928] "FieldValue: K4"
[929] "FieldName:
2011 Apr 02
Dear R Help group
I need to run a command line script from within R session. I am not clear
how i can acheive this. I tried shell and system function, but i am missing
something critical.can someone provide help?
My intention is to create a pdf file of a plot in R and then attach
existing files from my system as attachment into the newly created pdf file.
Any help would be greatly appreciated..
2011 Feb 02
Help me apply mapply
Hello all I would like to ask your help use mapply.
I have a function called findCell that takes two arguments(x,sr)
where x is a vector of size two (e.g x<-c(2,3) and sr is a matrix.
I would like to call many times the findCell function (thus I need mapply) for different x inputs but always for the same sr.
as x is a vector of size two (two cells) I want to pass inside inside the following
2010 Sep 07
Help with repeating values in a column of dataframe in R on a random pattern- reg
Dear Group
I have to populate a column in a R dataframe containing say 99 rows, where
for every 3 row one row (randomly determined) of the column should take
the value 1 and the other 2 row of that column should take the value 0.
I used the command
This command repeats the same patter of response across the entire
I would
2017 Jul 14
Help with R script
@Don your solution does not solve Vijayan's scenario 2. I used spread and
gather for that.
An alternative solution to insert mising Fval - picking up with Don's
newtst - is
newtst <- c("FName: fname1", "Fval: Fval1.name1", "FName: fname2", "Fval:
Fval2.name2", "FName: fname3", "FName: fname4", "Fval: fval4.fname4")
2012 Feb 14
help with matrix column cleaning
Dear R Group
I have a matrix object in R, where i want to retain only those columns
which have each row from a different group..
see the example below..
teams<-combn(team1, 3)
I want a function which will delete all columns in the teams matrix that
have more than 1 row
2011 Apr 08
Avoiding a loop
I cannot simplify this much, and I think the loop is unavoidable. As a
recovering C programmer I want to avoid loops and in cases like this I
almost allways can by using an apply function. But I suspect in this case
there is nothing I can do.
It is a finance example where a price series is compared to a moving
average. If the price goes above the average, plus a bit, buy the
2011 Jun 04
library(SenoMineR)- Triangle Test Query
Dear R Group
I was trying to use the triangle.test function in SensoMineR and strangely i
encounter a error in the output of preference matrix from the analysis.
To illustrate, pl see the following dataframe of a design with the response
and preference collected as shown below:
design<-structure(list(`Product X` = c(3, 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2,
4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 3, 1), `Product Y` =
2017 Jul 13
Help with R script
Hi Vijayan,
one way going about it *could* be this:
ex_dat <- c("FName: fname1", "Fval: Fval1.name1", "Fval: ", "FName:
fname2", "Fval: Fval2.name2", "FName: fname3")
data.frame(x = ex_dat) %>%
separate(x, c("F1", "F2"), sep = ": ") %>%