similar to: Multinomial Logit Model with lots of Dummy Variables

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Multinomial Logit Model with lots of Dummy Variables"

2010 Mar 07
I am trying to follow this example for multinomial logistic regression However, I cannot get it to work properly. This is the output I get, and I get an error when I try to use the mlogit function. Any ideas as to why this happens? > mydata <- read.csv(url("")) > attach(mydata) >
2011 Aug 12
Mixed Logit model mlogit error
I am new to R but I have managed to use mlogit to run multivariate logit models successfully. My data violates the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives assumption and now I would like to run a mixed logit model. It is a "wide" data set with 9 independent (individual) variables and three choices (variable Y). The database is in a cvs file called CAU. This is the code I have run
2011 May 25
Multinomial Logistical Model
On May 24, 2011; 11:06pm Belle wrote: > Does anyone know how to run Multinomial logistical Model in R in order to > get predicted probability? Yes. I could stop there but you shouldn't. The author of the package provides plenty of examples (and two good vignettes) showing you how to do this. Suggest you do some work in that area. Look especially at how model formulas are
2012 Mar 15
Logistic Regression Coding Help
Hello. I am beginning to analyze my work and have realized that a simple chi-square analysis will not suffice for my research, with one notable reason is that data are not discrete.  Since my data fit the assumptions of a logistic regression, I am moving forward with this analysis.  With that said, I am a beginner with R and would grealty appreciate any help!  Essentially, the point of my work
2011 Apr 29
mlogit package, "Error in X[omitlines, ] <- NA : subscript out of bounds"
I am using the mlogit packages and get a data problem, for which I can't find any clue from R archive. code below shows my related code all the way to the error #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- mydata <- data.frame(dependent,x,y,z) mydata$dependent<-as.factor(mydata$dependent) mldata<, varying=NULL,
2020 Sep 21
Help with the Error Message in R "Error in 1:nchid : result would be too long a vector"
Hello everyone, I am using *mlogit* to analyse my choice experiment data. I have *3 alternatives* for each individual and for each individual I have *9 questions*. I have a response from *516 individuals*. So it is a panel of 9*516 observations. I have arranged the data in long format (it contains 100 columns indicating different variables and identifiers). In mlogit I tried the following
2012 Apr 19
mlogit learning error
I am learning five mlogits as follows v1.model<-mlogit(v1~1|v2+v3+v4+v5,, reflevel="1") v2.model<-mlogit(v2~1|v1+v3+v4+v5,, reflevel="1") v3.model<-mlogit(v3~1|v1+v2+v4+v5,, reflevel="1") v4.model<-mlogit(v4~1|v1+v2+v3+v5,, reflevel="1")
2011 Mar 13
Problem implementing 'waldtest' when using 'mlogit' package
Hi all, I have been working through the examples in one of the vignettes associated with the 'mlogit' package, 'Kenneth Train's exercises using the mlogit package for R.' In spite of using the code unchanged, as well as the data used in the examples, I have been unable to run a Wald test to test two models. Specifically, I have run the following command, where mc and mi2 are
2008 Apr 11
Multinomial Logit Regression
Hi all, I have a dataset with a response variable with three categories (1, 2, 3) and a lot of continuous variables. I'd like to make a MLR with these variables. I've been watching the libraries nnet and zelig for this purpose but I don't understand them well. I use a training sample data to make the MLR. train.set <- sample(1:1000,1000*0.7) I have done this: library(nnet) net
2010 Dec 15
Multinomial Analysis
I want to analyse data with an unordered, multi-level outcome variable, y. I am asking for the appropriate method (or R procedure) to use for this analysis. > N <- 500 > set.seed(1234) > data0 <- data.frame(y = as.factor(sample(LETTERS[1:3], N, repl = T, + prob = c(10, 12, 14))), x1 = sample(1:7, N, repl = T, prob = c(8, + 8, 9, 15, 9, 9, 8)), x2 = sample(1:7, N, repl =
2010 Feb 14
mlogit function cut off formular
I'm trying to fit a multinominal logistic model using package mlogit. I have 15 independent variables. The code looks like this: m<-mlogit(score~0|f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+f6+f7+f8+f9+f10+f11+f12+f13+f14+f15, data, reflevel="1") And it gives the following error message: Error in parse(text = x) : unexpected ')' in "score ~ 0 + alt:(f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 + f6 + f7 + f8 + f9
2010 Nov 18
Mixed multinomial logit model (mlogit script)
Dear all, I am trying to run a mixed multinomial logit model in R since my response variable has 4 non-ordinal categories. I am using the package mlogit that estimates the parameters by maximum likelihood methods. First of all, I prepared my data using the command. In the mlogit command, one can introduce alternative-specific (fixed factors??) and individual-specific (random
2010 Jun 06
fitting multinomial logistic regression
Sir, I want to fit a multinomial logistic regression in R.I think mlogit() is the function for doing this. mlogit () is in packege globaltest.But, I can not install this package. I use the following: install.packages("globaltest") Can you help me? Regards, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Nov 08
help with hierarchical clustering
I have a large excel file with data in it. I converted it to a 'csv' format. I imported this dataset to R using the follownig command mldata <- read.csv("c:\\temp\\mldata.csv", header=T) all the column names and the rows seems to be correct. Now that I have this object, I need to perfrom hclust. I used the following hc <- hclust(dist(mldata), method="single")
2010 Jul 05
Memory problem in multinomial logistic regression
Dear All I am trying to fit a multinomial logistic regression to a data set with a size of 94279 by 14 entries. The data frame has one "sample" column which is the categorical variable, and the number of different categories is 9. The size of the data set (as a csv file) is less than 10 MB. I tried to fit a multinomial logistic regression, either using vglm() from the VGAM package or
2011 Jan 31
Latent Class Logit Models in discrete choice experiments
Dear R users, I would like to perform Latent Class Logit Models for the analysis of choice experiments in environmental valuation. This kind of analysis is usually performed with NLogit Software ( I attach the results I usually obtain using NLogit and NLogit model specifications. For Random parameter models and Logit Models I usually perform my analysis with the package
2010 Mar 10
trouble getting multinimial logit model to work properly
Greetings all, please consider the following data: #Build Data frame Slope<-c(1.291370, 12.208500, 2.110930, 0.578990, 5.019520, 0.807444, 0.554079 , 1.257080, 0.241504 , 0.184337 , 0.383044 , 0.342021) Exposure<-c(790.54, 1167.79 , 845.58 , 1082.47 , 1189.61 , 677.17 , 2058.56 , 469.09 , 112.02 , 803.31 , 254.14 ,1336.16) FwyDist<-c(11809.4222 ,10623.0458, 12279.6271,
2012 Jun 03
Multiple imputation, multinomial response & random effects
Dear R-group, Could somebody recommend a package that can deal with a multinomial response variable (choice of breeding tactic in mice, which has four unordered levels), multiply-imputed data (generated using the Amelia package) and two non-nested random effects: individual identity (133 individuals made up to four choices each) and year (for which there are six levels and sample size varies
2012 Oct 01
mlogit and model-based recursive partitioning
Hello: Has anyone tried to model-based recursive partition (using mob from package party; thanks Achim and colleagues) a data set based on a multinomial logit model (using mlogit from package mlogit; thanks Yves)? I attempted to do so, but there are at least two reasons why I could not. First, in mob I am not quite sure that a model of class StatModel exists for mlogit models. Second, as
2010 Feb 24
mlogit is not an S4 object error
Hello, I've been getting the following error when using the mlogit function from the mlogit package This is one of the examples provided in the Package "mlogit" January 27, 2010 description data("Fishing", package="mlogit") Fish <-, varying = c(4:11), shape="wide", choice="mode") summary(mlogit(mode ~ pr + ca - 1,