Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "In svm(), how to connect quantitative prediction result to categorical result?"
2011 Mar 31
How to update R?
My R version is old, and I would like to update it. How can I update R and keep all the libraries? Thanks
Yunfei Li
Research Assistant
Department of Statistics &
School of Molecular Biosciences
Biotechnology Life Sciences Building 427
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-7520
2011 Apr 09
A question about "txtProgressBar" function
I tried to add a progress bar to my script, but it seems the "txtProgressBar" function will wipe out what I want to print before it(for example - the "Hello" in following script), and the parameters "title" and "label" do not work either. How can I put a title for the progress bar? or is there any other better function I can use?
testit <-
2007 Oct 16
data structure for plsr
I am working with NIR spectral data and it was great to find that the example in ?plsr also used spectral data. Unfortunately, I am having difficulty figuring out how the "yarn" dataset is structured to allow for the plsr model to read:
yarn.oscorespls <- mvr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV", method = "oscorespls")
2008 Dec 10
Error: protect () : protection stack overflow
I am attempting to create a formula using as.formula for a PLS analysis. I have used the code below successfully, but in a previous R version and with many fewer predictors. Any help getting all of these predictors into one formula would be greatly appreciated.
TC.fmla <- as.formula(paste("TC ~ ", paste(vars, collapse= "+")))
As I mentioned, this code worked fine in a
2007 Jul 26
princomp error
I am attempting to run principal components analysis on a dataset of
spectral reflectance (6 decimal places). I imported the data using
read.table and there are both column and row headers. When I run
princomp I receive the following error:
Error in cov.wt(z) : 'x' must contain finite values only
Where am I going wrong?
2007 Nov 26
mvr error in PLS package
I have been using a data set to build pls models for three different soil properties. Two of the three models run fine; however I receive the following error for the final model.
> libs.IC.cal <- mvr(libs.IC.fmla, data = libsdata.cond.cal, ncomp=20,validation = "LOO", method = "oscorespls")
Error in colMeans(x, n, prod(dn), na.rm) :
'x' must
2007 Sep 13
grouping data by a portion of the row name
I am attempting to write a routine where I can run PAM (partition around mediods) on a dataset containing multiple soil cores and PCA spectral data from several depths per core. I want to run PAM on each individual core, so I need to group the data by core to run the analysis. Below is an example of my data structure:
Lab.id PC1 PC2 PC3
MAT057.2.5 2.438454966 -1.011182986 -3.040881377
2007 Jun 04
Mandriva Spring 2007 and R
I am new to Linux (not to R) and recently installed Mandriva Spring 2007 on my partitioned hard drive. My next objective is to install R in the Linux environment, unfortunately Mandriva is not one of the Linux distributions available for download... Could someone please let me know which distribution I should use?
Boardwalk for $500?
2007 Feb 01
Affymetrix data analysis
I am trying to read in my Affymetrix CEL files (48 files, total ~600 MB) but
I keep getting memory errors. Can somebody please help me with this. Or is
therea remote server I can send my data to for computation?
Any help is much appreciated.
Dr. Tristan Coram
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Research Plant Pathologist/Geneticist
United States Department of
2004 Jun 09
testing effects of quantitative predictors on a categorical response variable
I have a small statistics question, and
as I'm quite new to statistics and R, I'm not
sure if I'm doing things correctly.
I am looking at two quantitative
variables (x,y) that are correlated.
When I divide the data set according to a categorical
variable z, then x and y are more poorly correlated
when z = A than when z = B (see attached figure).
In fact x and y are two
2006 Mar 01
Help - lm, glm, aov results inconsistent with other stati stical package
1. You have levels(A) as "2" and "4", yet you showed equations for A=0 and
2. y = A + X + A*X means you're allowing the different groups of A to have
different slopes. Probably not what you intended.
3. It's probably best to provide a small sample of the data (and R code) so
we know how you got what you got.
From: Ben Ridenhour
> Hello,
2010 May 14
Categorical Predictors for SVM (e1071)
Dear all,
I have a question about using categorical predictors for SVM, using "svm"
from library(e1071). If I have multiple categorical predictors, should they
just be included as factors? Take a simple artificial data example:
#Categorical Predictor 1, with 5 levels
#Catgegorical Predictor
2012 Mar 27
SVM. How to use categorical attributes?
Hi All,
Here is the case. I want to build classification model (SVM). Some of variables for this model are categorical attributes which represent words (usually 3-10 words - query for search in google). For example:
search_id | query_words |..| result
1 | how,to,grow,tree |..| 4
2011 Jul 12
Quantitative Analyst/Quantitative Developer
I would like to post the below position on your site.
Quantitative Analyst/Quantitative Developer
MSIM Global Risk & Analysis, Quantitative Research & Model Review group
Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM), together with its investment advisory affiliates, has more than 680 investment professionals around the world and approximately $279 billion in assets under
2007 Feb 27
compiling issues with Mandriva Linux 2007 Discovery
I am a new user to Linux but I am familiar with R. I have previously
used and installed R on a Windows platform without problems. I recently
set up a dual boot system (XP_64, Mandriva) to run R on a Linux platform
in order to more efficiently handle large datasets. I have not done
compiling before, but read the R instructions and followed to my best
ability. I downloaded the most recent
2003 Aug 12
classification with quantitative variables
Hi all,
I want to conduct a cluster analysis with quantitative variables.
More precisely, it concerns binary and non-ordered categorical
variables. For such data, various
similarity measures have been proposed, such as the Jaccard index or the
simple matching index.
So, is there a package such as mva or multiv in the case of quantitative
Could you indicate me reviews, papers or
2008 Jul 23
Quantitative analysis of non-standard scatter plots.
I am having difficulties in finding ways to analyse scatter plots and
quantitatively differentiate between them. Since this is best demonstrated
by a figure, I have attached one with 4 subfigures (a)-(d). Qualitatively
(and I hope you would agree with me), sub-figures (a), (b), and (d) seem to
represent uniform 2d scatters. It is hard for me to quantify it, but it
seems as if the envelopes
2005 Aug 22
How to start ztmonitor in 'quantitative' mode ?
To start ztmonitor in quantitative mode you do the following.
Assuming you are running Asterisk V1.0.9 you need to edit one line to
ztmonitor.c in /usr/src/zaptel as per patch 2783
Change line 261
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ztmonitor <channel num> [-v] [-f FILE]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ztmonitor <channel
2009 Jul 02
Quantitative Risk Management by McNeil
Dear Specialists in R,
May be somebody has experiment in using pakage for the book Quantitative
Risk Management by McNeil?
This package is writen in R.
I have run this package for fitting the data to Nornal Inverse Gaussian
distribution and fased with following problem.
> Return<-read.csv("data.csv")
> Transpose<-t(Return)
> fit.NH(Transpose, case="NIG",
2010 Aug 22
Help making box plots in R when the x axis is a quantitative variable
I'm trying to make boxplots
However I'm having issues because my x axis is distance downstream on a
river. The boxplots function in r assumes the x axis are categorical
variables but I would like my boxplots to show true distance downstream just
as it would if I used the plots function. However I want to show the box and
whisker diagrams. My distances are not in evenly spaced