similar to: integration

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "integration"

2008 Aug 23
how to call a C-library in R
Hi, everyone, I need to use a C library. But since I have little experience in C, I want to call this C library in R and program the rest in R. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks, Cindy [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Nov 15
Hi, All, I have an n by m matrix with each entry between 1 and 15000. I want to know the frequency of each pair in 1:15000 that occur together in rows. So for example, if the matrix is 2 5 1 6 1 7 8 2 3 7 6 2 9 8 5 7 Pair (2,6) (un-ordered) occurs together in rows 1 and 3. I want to return the value 2 for this pair as well as that for all pairs. Is there a fast way to do this avoiding loops?
2009 Aug 10
matrix power
Hi, All, If I have a symmetric matrix, how can I get the negative square root of the matrx, ie. X^(-1/2) ? Thanks, Cindy [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 27
local regression using loess
Hi, All, I have a dataset with binary response ( 0 and 1) and some numerical covariates. I know I can use logistic regression to fit the data. But I want to consider more locally. So I am wondering how can I fit the data with 'loess' function in R? And what will be the response: 0/1 or the probability in either group like in logistic regression? Thank you, Cindy [[alternative HTML
2009 Jul 29
install package from CRAN
Hi, I have a very basic question about install packages from CRAN on unix. I only installed on Windows before. Should I use the command install.package? The error message I got is syntax error near unexpected token `"mvtnorm"' Is it because I didn't set the path? Which path should I specify? Thanks, Cindy [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jul 24
R-package install
Hi, I have a R package, which is a .tar.tar file. And it is said to be source code for all platforms. And the author said it should install on any system (but he didn't know about Windows). I am wondering if I can use this package in Windows R. Thank you, Cindy [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jul 23
truncated normal
Hi, I want to generate random samples from truncated normal say Normal(0,1)Indicator((0,1),(2,4)). It has more than one intervals. In the library msm, it seems to me that the 'lower' and 'upper' arguments can only be a number. I tried rtnorm(1,mean=0,sd=1, lower=c(0,2),upper=c(1,4)) and it didn't work. Can you tell me how I can do truncated normal at more than one intervals?
2009 Feb 09
question about mean
Hello, everyone, I have a matrix like following: school value A .1 A .2 A .15 A .2 B .3 B .5 C .3 C .3 C .4 C .5 C .6 C .9 C 1 I want to get the mean 'value' for each 'school', but each school has different length. Is there any way to do this fast? Because my
2009 Jul 26
normal mixture model
Hi, All, I want to fit a normal mixture model. Which package in R is best for this? I was using the package 'mixdist', but I need to group the data into groups before fitting model, and different groupings seem to lead to different results. What other package can I use which is stable? And are there packages that can automatically determine the number of components? Thank you, Cindy
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
Tena koe Simon plot(1:10, 1:10, type='n') polygon(c(2,3,6,8), c(2,5,5,3), density=20, angle=90) polygon(c(2,3,6,8), 5+c(2,5,5,3), density=20, angle=0) I don't understand your problem. Perhaps if you "provide[d] commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code" it would help. HTH .... Peter Alspach -----Original Message----- From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
The angle is not based on the polygon edges, but it can seem that way if you do not use the asp=1 argument in your plot. Try this example, > plot(1:10, 1:10, type='n') > x <- c(1, 3, 5, 3) > y <- c(3, 5, 3, 1) > polygon(x, y, angle=0, density=10) > polygon(x, y + 4.5, angle=45, density=10) > polygon(x + 4.5, y + 4.5, angle=90, density=10) > polygon(x + 4.5, y,
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
Thanks for the question. Here is a sample of the code for my plot: Top = c(34, 39, 42, 45, 46, 41, 41, 40, 43, 38, 33, 33) Bottom = c(24, 29, 32, 36, 32, 34, 32,41, 40, 39, 29, 24) plot(1,1, col = "white", xlim = c(1.3,11.7), ylim = c(0,80), axis = FALSE, xaxt = "n") axis(1, at = c(1:12)) polygon(c(c(1:12),c(12:1)), c(top, bottom), col =
2018 Jan 30
Could the Odds represent weight in Generalized Linear Model?
Hello all, I'm sorry if my question seems basic. Im studying a responses (Yes,No) in a survey and, thanks to GLM I obtain the following relation with my variables : (Yes,No)~ ?0 + Age We note this this certain type of (Yes,No) response is linked to age (p<0.05 in glm) . After that we calculated : model1=glm(cbind(Yes,No) ~ Age + Times + Type, family=binomial) summary(model1)
2018 Jan 30
Could the Odds represent weight in Generalized Linear Model?
Dear Lenny, You can do this by using Age as an offset factor. dataset$wAge <- dataset$Age * 1.02 glm(cbind(Yes,No) ~ offset(wAge) + Times + Type, family=binomial, data = dataset) Best regards, ir. Thierry Onkelinx Statisticus / Statistician Vlaamse Overheid / Government of Flanders INSTITUUT VOOR NATUUR- EN BOSONDERZOEK / RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR NATURE AND FOREST Team Biometrie &
2018 Jan 30
Could the Odds represent weight in Generalized Linear Model?
Dear Thierry, Thanks a lot for this answer, I mean i want to obtain such model *Behavior1 = ?0+?1*Age* , the purpose is to obtain *?1*. I want to be sure that the odds value could be the ?1. Or how to calculate it ? Thanks again for your precious help. Lenny <>
2011 Nov 18
How to fill irregular polygons with patterns?
Hi, I'm looking the best way to fill irregular polygons with patterns, Something like the function grid.pattern do, but my case is with irregular polygons. Whit this script I can get it, but I'm looking for an "elegant" solution.. library(grid) grid.polygon(x=c(0.2, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 0.2), y=c(0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7,0.7), gp=gpar(fill="grey",
2005 Jul 16
topical guide to R packages
I would like to see R packages arranged by topic. CRAN Task Views are at , but I'd like something more detailed. For example, the IMSL Fortran library, version 4 is easy to navigate and has procedures arranged according to following topics: Basic Statistics Regression Correlation Analysis of Variance Categorical and Discrete
2012 Mar 23
Help with R package forecast
When I type library() to see what is installed the following list in RED comes up. Packages in library '/home/jason/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.13': abind Combine multi-dimensional arrays aplpack Another Plot PACKage: stem.leaf, bagplot, faces, spin3R, and some slider functions biglm bounded memory linear and
2012 Jul 12
identifying local maxima
Dear R users, I have created a Loess surface in R, in which x is relative longitude by miles, y is relative latitude by miles, and z is population density at the neighborhood level. The purpose is to identify some population centers in the region. I'm wondering if there is a way to determine the coordinates (x,y) of each center, so I can know exactly where they are. Let me use the
2016 Apr 27
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
I am trying to use the angle option in polygon to create polygons filled with horizontal and vertical lines. The polygons I am crating are irregular and it the angle function appears to set the angle of the shading perpendicular to the polygon sides rather than perpendicular to the axes. Is there any way to set the angle relative to the axes rather than relative to the polygon sides?