similar to: bwplot [lattice]: how to get different y-axis scales for each row?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "bwplot [lattice]: how to get different y-axis scales for each row?"

2011 Mar 26
bwplot: how to get plotmath labels?
Dear expeRts, How can I get plotmath-labels in the bwplot below? As you can see, I couldn't manage to pass the expressions through the dimnames argument. Cheers, Marius library(lattice) ## data dim <- c(100, 6, 2, 3) dimnames <- list(n=paste("n=", seq_len(100), sep=""), groups=paste("group=", seq_len(6), sep=""),
2019 Mar 12
3 does not recognize default.stringsAsFactors()
Reporting a possible inconsistency or bug in handling stringsAsFactors in Here is a simple test > options()$stringsAsFactors [1] TRUE > x<-c("a","b","c","a","b") > d< > d x Freq 1 a 2 2 b 2 3 c 1 > class(d$x) [1] "factor" >
2006 Feb 06
turn off selected axes in bwplot
I want to turn off selected axes in bwplot. I would like to only have the bottom axis drawn, with the others off. I have a series of bwplots that I want on one device, like this: p1<-bwplot(x1,box.ratio=.1) p2<-bwplot(x2,box.ratio=.1) ... print(p1,position=c(0,.8,1,1),more=T) print(p2,position=c(0,.6,1,.8),more=T) ... I know about the panel functions panel.bwplot() and panel.axis(), but
2011 Jun 26
bwplot questions: box order, axis breaks, and multiple y-axis labels
Hi all, I used bwplot in lattice to create a 6-panel boxplot grouped by a conditioning variable (param) that displays concentration (conc) in response to treatment (trtmnt). Here is the functional part of my code followed by my three questions: library(lattice); ww<-read.csv(file="c:/Rdata/lattice_boxplot_prep.csv",header=TRUE,sep=","); attach(ww);
2010 Jul 06
Assign Formulas to Arrays or Matrices?
Hi, I am very new to R. I am hoping to create formulas and assign them to locations within an array (or matrix, if it will work). Here's a simplified example of what I'm trying to do: form.arr <- array(31,5,3) for (i in seq(from=1, to=31, by=1)) { for (j in seq(from=1, to=5, by=1)) { form.arr[i,j,] <- as.formula(y~1+2) } } which results in this error: Error in form.arr[i, j,
2006 Feb 26
How to produce notches in bwplot?
Dear r-helpers, tst <- data.frame(as.numeric(x <- 1:20), f <- rep(c('hi','lo'), times = 10)) with(tst, bwplot(f ~ x, panel = function(x, y){panel.bwplot(x, y, pch = '|', stats = boxplot.stats, fill = 8, varwidth = T)})) I can't figure out from the documentation how to tell stats that I would like to see notches or (even bands). Here is what I've
2009 Jun 17
lattice: axis ticks, axis alignment and remove axis from plot
Hi there, I'm a bit confused concerning the axis tck setting in the lattice package as the ticks on left sided axis aren't drawn at all with the following setting: dados <- data.frame(varsep = factor(rep(1:2,10)), i = runif(20)) library(lattice) my.theme <- list( axis.components = list(left = list(tck = 1, pad1 = 1, pad2 = 2), top = list(tck = 0, pad1
2013 Feb 11
how to make a median line thicker in bwplot (lattice)
Hello, I am drawing a boxplot using bwplot in lattice. I would like to learn how to draw a thicker median line instead of the default setting. Thank you. Code bwplot(........, pch=rep("|",2)) Elaine [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 21
Adjusting x/y text labels for a bwplot using cex.lab
Searched for this and found some help, but I still can't figure it out. I have trying to enlarge the x and y labels on my box plot. I understand that you can do this using "cex.lab", but it does not seem to be working for me. I must be adding it in the wrong spot. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is my code: bwplot(hr~Herd, data=telemetry, notch=T, ylab="Home
2006 Jun 01
how to add point and label to boxplot using bwplot
Hi. My data contains information for 10 hospitals for 12 different measures. Let's call it x1-x12. I need to create a boxplot for each one of this measures and put them into one page. Each plot also needs to be independent, i.e. cannot use the group feature because of different scales for each measure. I was successful using the following code: x1 <- c(1.317604376, 0.978038233,
2017 Jun 01
Reversing one dimension of an array, in a generalized case
Hi All: I have been looking for an elegant way to do the following, but haven't found it, I have never had a good understanding of any of the "apply" functions. A simplified idea is I have an array, say: junk(5, 10, 3) where (5, 10, 3) give the dimension sizes, and I want to reverse the second dimension, so I could do: junk1 <- junk[, rev(seq_len(10), ] but what I am
2013 Oct 04
Trying to avoid nested loop
Dear R users. I'm trying to avoid using nested loops in the following code but I'm not sure how to proceed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. With regards,Phil X = matrix(rnorm(100), 10, 10) ## Version with nested loopsresult = 0 for(m in 1:nrow(X)){ for(n in 1:ncol(X)){ if(X[m,n] != 0){ result = result + (X[m,n] / (1 + abs(m - n))) } }} ## No loop-sum(ifelse(M
2011 Sep 27
array extraction
hello everyone. Look at the following R idiom: a <- array(1:30,c(3,5,2)) M <- (matrix(1:15,c(3,5)) %% 4) < 2 a[M,] <- 0 Now, I think that "a[M,]" has an unambiguous meaning (to a human). However, the last line doesn't work as desired, but I expected it to...and it recently took me an indecent amount of time to debug an analogous case. Just to be explicit, I would
2007 May 21
an array of matrices
I'd like to have a three dimensional array of matrices. I thought I could construct a five dimensional array to have the three dimensional array of matrices. However, not all of the matrices in the array have the same dimensions, which seems to mean I can't use a five dimensional array. What I'd like is this: A = matrix(1:4,2,2) B = matrix(1:25,5,5) C = matrix(1,3,3) D =
2012 Feb 25
which is the fastest way to make data.frame out of a three-dimensional array?
foo <- rnorm(30*34*12) dim(foo) <- c(30, 34, 12) I want to make a data.frame out of this three-dimensional array. Each dimension will be a variabel (column) in the data.frame. I know how this can be done in a very slow way using for loops, like this: x <- rep(seq(from = 1, to = 30), 34) y <- as.vector(sapply(1:34, function(x) {rep(x, 30)})) month <- as.vector(sapply(1:12,
2009 Sep 30
bwplot scales in alphabetical order
Dear List, I know this has been covered before, but I don't seem to be able to get it right. I am constructing a boxplot in lattice and can't get the scales in the correct alphebetical order. I have already read that this is due to the way factors are treated, and I have to redefine the levels of the factors. However, I have failed. As a simple example: library(lattice)
2009 Dec 03
how to use different ylim scales on a lattice bwplot?
A colleague is interested in modifying the ylim definition for individual panels of a common bwplot plotting statement. Is there an approach to modifying the bwplot function to allow for a dynamic ylim range given different panel factors ? He is using R 2.6.2 on a Linux distribution running from a CD. Thanks for the assistance. Steve Steve Friedman Ph. D. Spatial Statistical Analyst
2011 May 17
scales argument in bwplot (lattice)
Suppose I have data such as the following set.seed(12345) tmp <- data.frame(var1 = rnorm(100), var2 = rnorm(100), var3=rnorm(100, 10, 30)) tmp1 <- data.frame(vars = with(tmp, c(var1, var2, var3)), type = gl(3, 100)) var3 is on a different scale, but I create the following plot, which looks terrible as a result bwplot(~ vars|type, tmp1, layout = c(1,3), ) Of course, I can
2009 May 29
maxtrix to permutation vector
Hi, Is there a way to convert a matrix into a vector representing all permutations of values and column/row headings with native R functions? I did this with 2 nested for loops and it took about 25 minutes to run on a ~700x700 matrix. I'm assuming there must be a smarter way to do this with R's vector commands, but being new to R, I'm having trouble making it work. Thanks,
2006 May 11
Now another question regarding the Foreign package
Hi, Because I'm new to R and trying to move off of SPSS, I have another question. I downloaded the "Foreign" package which I understand reads in various datasets from programs such as SPSS and SAS. There isn't much documentation that I can find regarding the specifics of this in the online docs, but I assume that it is like read.table. So, here is what I wrote and here is