similar to: Help needed with plot axis labeling

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Help needed with plot axis labeling"

2008 Jun 16
Dual axis labeling of a single quantity
I have a problem where I need to label the vertical axes of a Boxplot with related, but different quantities (flow & height), which have a known relationship. Primarily I want to plot the variable as a flow on the left axis and on the opposing right axis, show the corresponding height. Is it possible to get the flow range (max & min) of the left axis and then supply the right axis
2010 Feb 03
ggplot2/qplot question regarding reducing the no. of x-axis labels
All: I am using the command: qplot(date,MAE,data=data,facets=INTERVAL~type) which works fine except that the dates for my date axes are crunched together so much that they are unreadable. I can not find an option that I can set that will automatically reduce the x-axis labels to fit the available space. regards to all? -- Thomas E Adams National Weather Service Ohio River Forecast Center
2012 Dec 28
Using grImport to create a watermark
Hi… I want to use grImport to create a watermark on a plot() using the methods Paul Murrell describes here: (page 28). I can essentially reproduce this manually at the R prompt, and independently I can use grid.picture(…) successfully in a R script, but when I attempt to do do this in my script: • • •
2012 Mar 27
RSqlite UPDATE command problem
All: I am using RSqlite and want to be able to update individual values in a record, such as with this simple example: library(RSQLite) drv<-dbDriver("SQLite") con<-dbConnect(drv,"test.db")<-data.frame(countries=c("US","UK","Canada","Australia","NewZealand"),vals=c(52,36,74,10,98))
2011 Dec 12
Please delete my e-mail
Please, I am receiving lot of e-mails that I do not want. Please could you delete my e-mail. Thank, Judit -----Original Message----- From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of Thomas Adams Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 3:22 PM To: Bert Gunter Cc: r-help at Subject: Re: [R] Boxplot of multiple vectors with different lengths Bert,
2011 Oct 03
Question about ggplot2 and stat_smooth
I'm interested in creating a graphic -like- this: c <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(qsec, wt)) c + geom_point() + stat_smooth(fill="blue", colour="darkblue", size=2, alpha = 0.2) but I need to show 2 sets of bands (with different shading) using 5%, 25%, 75%, 95% limits that I specify and where the heavy blue line is the median. I don't understand how to do this with
2006 Jul 28
Normal score transform of spatial data
List: I have 2 related questions: (1) first I have x-y-z data, where x & y are the geographic locations of point values, z. I need to perform a normal score transform on the z-values and maintain their geographic location. So, how do I go from columns x-y-z to x-y-z-t (or x-y-t), where the t-values are the normal score transforms of the z-values? Can I use qnorm(ppoints(data)) to do
2009 Apr 01
Plotting a time series
I have data that I read in using: data<-read.table("",sep="\t") 'data' looks like this: V1 V2 1 2009-03-25 06:00:00 12.86 2 2009-03-25 12:00:00 12.80 3 2009-03-25 18:00:00 12.76 4 2009-03-26 00:00:00 12.68 5 2009-03-26 06:00:00 12.66 6 2009-03-26 12:00:00 12.64 7 2009-03-26 18:00:00 12.83 8 2009-03-27 00:00:00 13.33 9
2008 Apr 11
Questions related to plotting boxplots of time series data
List, I have looked through several R books and searched the web to find answers to my questions with no results. I have a ensembles of time series data (essentially from Monte Carlo simulations) which I would like to summarize as a time series of boxplots. I don't know how to do this and I am not sure how I should structure the data to get what I want. Another related question: while
2009 Nov 02
Problem building R 2.10.0 - Matrix package
All: Attached is the output file from building R 2.10.0 on RedHat Linux. I have never previously experienced any problems when building R from source with new releases. But, now I get a compile error with the Matrix package: CHOLMOD/Include/cholmod.h:87:22: error: UFconfig.h: No such file or directory make[3]: *** [CHMfactor.o] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory
2004 Feb 19
suppressing non-integer labels for plot x-axis
Dear R-helpers, I am having difficulty making R plot only integer labels on the x-axis of a simple graph. I want to plot the median values of a score on each of three occasions. Non-integer occasions are impossible. But, R keeps labelling the x-axis with half-occasions, despite my attempts to stop this using the "xaxs" and "xaxp" parameters of 'plot'. p1=c(1,2,3);
2007 May 16
Re-sizing R graphics for Sweave
I am generating a single graphic containing about 31 Boxplots; the issue I am having is that not all the labels (3 characters each) are shown. Interactively, within a R session, I can simply re-size the graphics window and all the labels appear. But, what can I do non-interactively to have all the labels displayed when using Sweave? Can the labels be rotated 90-degrees; would this help? I
2011 Mar 26
2 questions about probplot in package e1071
The contributed package e1071 does exactly what I want except that I need to have (1) the abscissa and ordinate axes swapped, with the probability scale on the bottom and the quantiles scale on the LHS. Using the following example: library(e1071) x <- rnorm(100, mean=5) probplot(x, line=FALSE) and (2) I need to have lines connecting the plotted symbols, as you get with:
2007 May 16
Problem with Sweave
I am using R 2.5 on a Linux Redhat platform. I can successfully run some example *.Rnw files through Sweave and generate pdf files. When I try my own example file, "test.Rnw": \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \title{Test Sweave Example} \author{Thomas Adams} \begin{document} \maketitle In this example we embed parts of the examples from the \texttt{boxplot} and \texttt{lattice}
2007 Nov 20
Logarithmic axis
Hi there, I guess this must be a standard issue, but I'm starting to go crazy with it. I simply want a plot with the x axis being logarithmic, having labels 1, 10, 100..., and ten unlabelled ticks between each of them - just as they introduce logarithmic axis at school. I've played around a bit with log="x", xlog=T (where exactly is the difference here?), xaxp, and xaxt
2012 Mar 25
Struggling with zoo and aggregate
All: I have a SQlite database where I have stored some verification data by date & time (cycle Z/UTC), lead_time as well as type, duration, etc. I would like to analyze & plot the data as monthly averages. I have looked at a bunch of examples which use some combination of zoo and aggregate, but I have not been able to successfully apply bits and pieces from the examples I have found. Any
2010 Feb 04
help needed using t.test with factors
I am trying to use t.test on the following data: date type INTERVAL nCASES MTF SDF MTO SDO nFST MF nOBS MO MB BIASCV BIASEV ME MAE RMSE CRCF 2001-06-15 avn GE1.00 4385 0.246 0.300 1.502 0.556 1367 1.373 4385 1.502 1.471 0.285 0.164 -1.256 1.266 1.399 0.056 2001-06-15 avn
2002 Jun 11
R 1.5.0: axis() does not honor the xaxp argument (PR#1654)
----------------------- transcript -------------------------- $ R --vanilla R : Copyright 2002, The R Development Core Team Version 1.5.0 (2002-04-29) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type `license()' or `licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type
2002 Jun 04
I think this is a bug; at least this behavior is not documented in plot or plot.default. plot.default resets xaxp, and leaves xaxp reset when it exits: par(xaxp=c(0,1,4)) print(par("xaxp")) plot(c(0,1),c(0.2,0.3)) print(par("xaxp")) R. Woodrow Setzer, Jr. Phone: (919) 541-0128 Experimental Toxicology Division
2007 Apr 05
Problem installing rgdal on Mac OS X
Please forgive me for posting this here if it is not appropriate (where should this question be posed?)? I am attempting to install rgdal (from source, since there is no binary) on Mac OS X 10.4.9 on a PowerPC G3 Macintosh. I have R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18) installed. Following the install directions suggested at: