Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70 matches similar to: "Problems with predict in fGarch"
2008 Dec 30
A mistake in garchFit()? {fGarch}
I was using garchFit {fGarch} to fit some GARCH processes.
I noticed that the result contains "Log Likelihood" value (right above
"Description"), but when I use .. at fit$llh to retrieve Log Likelihood value,
the sign switched.
I am confused about which value I should choose to report...
Any help here?
Thanks a lot!
View this message in context:
2010 Jul 14
fGarch: garchFit() with fixed coefficents
hello everybody,
I would like to fit a model to a times series (testing set) for out of
sample predictions using garchFit(). I would like to keep the coefficients
of ARMA/GARCH model fixed (as found by fitting the model to my training
set). The arima fitting function has such an option for that (fixed=NULL)
but the garchFit() doesnt.
It is very important for me to keep the same coefficients
2009 Mar 03
Monte carlo simulation in fGARCH
I use fGarch package to estimate AR(1)-ARCH(1) process for a vector of returns. Then, using the estimated parameters I want to simulate 10 000 sample paths where each path has the same length as the vector of returns. So the first line of the code is: spec=garchSpec(model=list(ar= 0.440270860, omega=0.000374365,alpha=0.475446583 , mu=0, beta=0))----
The only way I can think of generating 10 000
2011 Jan 31
Applying previously fitted fGarch model
Suppose I fit an fGarch model via garchFit function for a time series X.
I'm wondering is there any easy way to apply the fitted model to a different
time series Y to calculate conditional variances and standardized residuals?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Applying-previously-fitted-fGarch-model-tp3249585p3249585.html
Sent from the R help
2009 Jun 30
garchFit in fGarch fitted values are all the same
Dear all-
Package /fGarch/ version 2100.78 in R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
running on linux
In trying to fit garch models in above environment. I am getting
"reasonable" fitted coefficients, but the fitObject@fitted are all the
same. This is true even for the help page example:
R> X.timeSeries = as.timeSeries(msft.dat)
R> head(
2011 Nov 06
fGarch: garchFit and include.shape/shape parameters
The function garchFit in the package fGarch allows for choosing a
conditional distribution, one of which is the t-distribution. The function
allows specification of the shape parameter of the distribution (equal to
the degrees of freedom for the t-distribution), for which the default is set
to 4. The function also includes an option "include.shape", which is "a
logical flag
2010 Aug 15
fGarch: how to use garchFit() in loop?
Dear expeRts,
How can I specify the order p,q of a GARCH(p,q) model within a loop? Here's a minimal example showing that an "Formula and data units do not match"-error appears:
spec <- garchSpec(model = list(alpha = 0.1, beta = c(0.4, 0.4)))
data <- garchSim(spec, n = 100)
x <- list()
for(q in 1:3){
x[q] <-
2009 Feb 17
R crash after fGarch update
Hi folks!
After updating my packages my R seems to have completely crashed as will not
start up - even after I installed 2.8.1 from 2.8.0.
I get the following:
Fatal error: unable to restore saved data in .Rdata
Error in loadNamespeace(name): there is no package called fGarch
But I do have a package called fGarch.
After I hit ok, it crashes and exits. I cannot use any functionality at
2009 Apr 06
Problem with Extracting Fitted Values from fGarch package
Good day everyone,
I fitted a GARCH model to a time series and R estimated the model and provide me with the estimates. However, when I tried to extract the fitted values from the estimated model I got the following error message:
"Error in .local(object, ...) : object "fit" not found"
I used the following to extract the fitted values
fitted_TASI <- fitted(garchFit(~
2011 Jul 27
problems with predict in fGarch
Hello I am trying to use predict from an arma-Garch model (arma(2, 2) +
garch(1, 1)) and I am getting the following error:
Error en arima(x = object@data, order = c(max(u, 1), 0, max(v, 1)), init =
c(ar, :
non-stationary AR part from CSS
Does anybody know what can be the reason of this error? The model I have
estimated is the following:
GARCH Modelling
garchFit(formula =
2011 Sep 28
fGarch - Fitting and APARCH-Modell with fixed delta
Hi there,
I'm trying to fit a GJR-GARCH Model using fGarch. I wanted to try that by
fitting an APARCH model with a fixed delta of 2 and a non-fixed gamma. So I
was simply trying to use:
spec <- garchFit(~aparch(1,1),data=garchSim(),delta=2)
And sometimes, it's working like a charm and delta is indeed exactly 2 in
the resulting coefficient vector.
Frequently, though, the
2013 Feb 17
forecast ARMA(1,1)/GARCH(1,1) using fGarch library
Hi, i am working in the forecast of the daily price crude .
The last prices of this data are the following:
100.60 101.47 100.20 100.06 98.68 101.28 101.05 102.13 101.70 98.27
101.00 100.50 100.03 102.23 102.68 103.32 102.67 102.23 102.14 101.25
101.11 99.90 98.53 96.76 96.12 96.54 96.30 95.92 95.92 93.45
93.71 96.42 93.99 93.76 95.24 95.63 95.95 95.83 95.65
2011 May 04
I am attempting to fit a ARMA/GARCH regression model without success.
### ARIMA-GARCH model with regressor ###
### Time series data: A multivariate data set.
cov.ts.dq = cov.ts[1:4,"dq1"][!is.na(cov.ts[,"dq1"])]
cov.ts.day = ts.intersect(dq = diff(q.ts), day = lag(q.ts, -1))
### The following R scripts work:
(summary(no.day.fitr <- garchFit(dq ~ arma(0,3) +
2013 Apr 11
Read the data from a text file and reshape the data
I have a data set for different time intervals. The data has three comment
lines before data for each time interval. For each time interval there are
500 data points. I want to change the dataset such that I have the following
t1 t2 t3 ................
0.00208 0.00417 0.00625 .................
a1 a2 a3 ...................
2006 May 18
how to get correct coefficients from lm model
I apologize for duplicated posting. But I decided to correct my previous
I had the regression results using
r <- lm(Y ~ nemp + as.factor(devt), data=d).
First, there is the result of anova(r). Here I could not find regression
Response: Y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
nemp 1 58.2 58.2 1233.23 < 2e-16 ***
2008 Jun 24
logistic regression
Hi everyone,
I'm sorry if this turns out to be more a statistical question than one
specifically about R - but would greatly appreciate your advice anyway.
I've been using a logistic regression model to look at the relationship
between a binary outcome (say, the odds of picking n white balls from a bag
containing m balls in total) and a variety of other binary parameters:
2012 Jun 25
x12 ARIMA Moving Seasonality F Test Issue
I'm having a great deal of trouble replicating x12 ARIMA's F-test used to
detect moving seasonality. According to all literature I could find, the
test is apparently a 2-way ANOVA with year and month as factors for the SI
ratios determined by x12's smoothing algorithm. Note the SI ratio is simply
the detrended series. The summary I get from manually running this 2-way
ANOVA using the
2003 May 20
intermittent failure of ability to connect to samba share from win (NT/2k) client
First, my installation is samba 2.2.8 running as a daemon (not inetd) on
Solaris 8 configured to use a WINS server and provide authentication via
a PDC (same host as WINS server). I do have an lmhosts file in the
samba /lib directory with the PDC/WINS server address in it.
My globals section;
workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = SAMBASERVER
security =
2006 Jul 27
Weird issue with editing data.
Hi all.
Ive got a small CRUD app that is giving me some weird isuses.
If I add/create an entry that works fine, the data goes into the db. I
can later show the data, but when I edit it, no data is displayed in the
form for me to edit.
Here is the bits from the controller.
def new
def create
@kb= Knowledgebase.new(params[:kb])
if @kb.save
2003 May 23
intermittent failure of ability to connect to samba share from win (NT/2k) client]]
I am not sure if your problem is similar to what we have just experienced.
we are using samba 2.2.3a-12.3 on debian with winxp sp1 clients
we are using roaming profiles
first logon after reboot fails sortof
Windows cannot find a server copy of roaming profile will logon with
local profile
funny thing we never saw any activity in hostname.log (seperate smb.log
for each machine)
smbstatus showed