similar to: various plotting options

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "various plotting options"

2006 Aug 23
rgl package: color of the axes
Hej, When plotting triangles with rgl.triangles and setting the axes afterwards with decorate3d(aspect=TRUE), the axes get the color used for the last triangle plotted. Example: rgl.triangles(c(1,2,3),c(1,2,5),c(1,3,2),col="#55FF55") decorate3d(aspect=TRUE) Using decorate3d(aspect=TRUE,col="#000000") or decorate3d(aspect=TRUE,color="#000000") does not help,
2004 Aug 27
Plotting irregular grid as image or persp
Hi, I have an array of 2d node locations and an array triangles, and would like to plot something like a image or persp. An example of doing it with rgl is: library(ncdf) library(rgl) # wget teapot<-open.ncdf("") z<-get.var.ncdf(teapot,"tris") l<-get.var.ncdf(teapot,"locations")
2008 Jul 06
Numbers as Points in Graphs
I am trying to produce a simple plot where the points in the plot are actually integers from my data. That is, I am making a length/width plot and I would like the points, rather dots or triangles, appear as different numbers corresponding to a column in my data. I have tried using this: ...,pch="column title" but this merely returns the first letter of the column title, B. Is there
2010 May 09
Plot polygon in 3D with rgl
Dear R-helpers, an rgl-ers in particular, what is the easiest way to plot a section of a plane in 3D, that is given by the xyz coordinates of the outline? Suppose I have a polygon - which I know for sure is a set of coordinates on the same plane. One method I found is to use surf.tri from the geometry package, and then plot the triangles with rgl.triangles. This method is not perfect though,
2006 Mar 08
Adding polygons to a barplot
I have a barplot I have created using barplot2 and I have been able to add points and lines (using the points and lines methods, respectively). I now need to add some polygons (triangles in particular), that I want to be shaded to match bars in the plot. I can get the coordinates of the corners of the triangles, but don't know how to draw the triangles. I know there is the grid.polygon
2012 Oct 22
how to group smooth line by two groups?
Hello, I have the following sample dataset. sex <- as.factor(c(rep(0,12),rep(1,12))) char <-
2009 Aug 24
How to generate more triangles in sequences?
Hi everyone, I want to plot some pattern. For example, I have some coding as below, plot(0:11,type="n") polygon(c(6,8,10), c(7,3,5),bor=6) polygon(c(2,4,6), c(5,3,7),bor=6) polygon(c(6,10,8), c(7,9,11),bor=6) polygon(c(2,6,4), c(9,7,11),bor=6) This coding will give me four triangles, but how to generate more triangles in sequences so that not need to mention the coordinate for each
2013 Mar 10
misc3d Contour export to vtk
So I wanted to export a contour3d object into VTK and it worked well enough, except the top of the ball (the contour) was missing. Example below, or gist here: rm(list=ls()) require(misc3d) f <- function(x, y, z) x^2+y^2+z^2 x <- seq(-2,2,len=20) ball <- contour3d(f,4,x,x,x, draw=FALSE) drawScene.rgl(ball) ### get the triangles allids
2011 Dec 26
Finding all triangles in a graph
I have the adjacency matrix of a graph. I'm trying to find all triangles (embeddings of C_3). This doesn't work: index = function(l) seq(l)[l] pairs =, lapply(seq(nrow(adj)), function(x) cbind(x, index(adj[x,])))) triangles =, apply(pairs, 1, function(x) cbind(x, index(adj[x[1],] & adj[x[2],])))) I'm absolutely certain I've gone down the wrong path
2011 May 12
Exporting interactive 3D plots with axes and labels
Hi, I have a question about exporting interactive 3D plots. I use the following code to plot a contour of a trivariate normal distribution: library(mvtnorm) library(rgl) library(misc3d) n=25 x=seq(-3,3,length=n) X=cbind(rep(x,each=n**2),rep(rep(x,each=n),n),rep(x,n**2)) p=array(dmvnorm(X,sigma=diag(3)*0.5+0.5),c(n,n,n)) contour3d(p,x,x,x,level=mean(p)) lim=c(-3,3)
2010 Jan 26
ordisymbol - changing symbols used in plotting factor levels
Hello, I'm trying plot points in an NMDS according to a factor with two levels: fig<-ordiplot(canod.sol, type="none",cex.axis=0.9,cex.lab=0.1,pty="m",tck=-0.01) ordisymbol(fig, y = hab, factor = "habitat", rainbow = T,col = env, legend = F) This gets me part of the way - It produces a plot with blue triangles for the first factor level and red circles
2009 Mar 31
(patch) Gallium NV50: honor bypass_vs_clip_and_viewport
When trying out the Gallium3D NV50 driver (curiosity) with a small OpenGL program that renders 2 rotating triangles partially occluding each other I noticed that depth buffer clearing by rendering a quad (st_cb_clear.c/clear_with_quad) didn't work properly. I found this was because the rasterizer state that is set by clear_with_quad has bypass_vs_clip_and_viewport = 1 which would only be
2015 May 18
Tessellation shaders get MEM_OUT_OF_BOUNDS errors / missing triangles
Hello, I've been debugging a few different tessellation shader issues with nouveau, but let's start small. I see this issue on my GK208 with high frequency, and I *think* I've seen it once or twice on my GF108, but it's exceedingly rare, if it does happen. I don't have a GK10x to test on, unfortunately, but I assume it'll have the same issue as the GK208. The issue is
2013 Jan 29
how to suppress the intercept in an lm()-like formula method?
I'm trying to write a formula method for canonical correlation analysis, that could be called similarly to lm() for a multivariate response: cancor(cbind(y1,y2,y3) ~ x1+x2+x3+x4, data=, ...) or perhaps more naturally, cancor(cbind(y1,y2,y3) ~ cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4), data=, ...) I've adapted the code from lm() to my case, but in this situation, it doesn't make sense to include an
2008 May 31
rsync 3.0.2 with --fileflags on FreeBSD: cannot rsync hardlinked immutable files
Hi *, it seems rsync with --fileflags isn't able to work on (already) hardlinked and immutable ("schg") files on FreeBSD. The following scripts will create a simple example for this behaviour: -------------------------------------------------------------- #! /bin/sh # # set -x DIR="/var/tmp/rsync_$(date +%s)/" mkdir "${DIR}/" # Preparing dir_A mkdir
2019 Jun 13
Question on interoperability with Nouveau
Hi guys again. A homebrew developer (homebrew is custom software made for the switch using openGL under nouveau) reported to me that 'glGenerateMipmap' wasn't working on yuzu (Nintendo Switch emulator). I looked into it and I noticed all the triangle data used by nouveau to render the mipmaps was all zeroed out, meaning that probably we don't implement the mechanism you guys use to
2003 Aug 15
Oja median
I discovered recently that the phrase "Oja median" produces no hits in Jonathan Baron's very valuable R search engine. I found this surprising since I've long regarded this idea as one of the more interesting notions in the multivariate robustness literature. To begin to remedy this oversight I wrote a bivariate version and then decided that writing a general p-variate version
2006 Nov 10
Selective subsetting
Hi all, Here's an interesting (for me, at least!) problem I came across: I have a correlation matrix, let's say with 6 variables, A to F, as column headings and the same 6 as row headings. The matrix is filled with correlation coefficients. Therefore, the diagonal is all 1's, and each of the two triangles formed by the diagonal has the same 15 correlation coefficients. I need to
2012 Jul 30
locked binding of setwd() in R 2.15.x causes .Rprofile to fail
[Env: Win XP, R 2.14.2, R 2.15.0] I have a replacement function for setwd() in my .Rprofile which displays the current R path in the R window title. It no longer works in R 2.15.x, giving the error below. Worse, the error prevents the rest of my .Rprofile script from completing. Is there some way to rescue this, i.e., preserve this behavior in R 2.15? If not, how can I modify my script so it
2015 May 26
Tessellation shaders get MEM_OUT_OF_BOUNDS errors / missing triangles
One additional observation that I just made is that on GK208, the blob apparently doesn't use the result of S2R Rx, SR_INVOCATION_ID wholesale in TCS. It either passes it through a I2I.S32.S32 Rx, |Rx| (i.e. absolute value), or even more paradoxically, shl 2; shr 2; which removes the top *2* bits, rather than just the top 1. However I see no such behaviour on GF108. I'm going to test out