Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Why doesn't this work ?"
2009 Mar 23
Replacing a few variable values within a DataFrame...
I would like to replace a few varaibles within a data frame.
For example, in the dataframe below (contrived) I would like to replace the current housesize value only if the Location is HSV. However, I would like to leave the other values intact.
I tried "ifelse", but I don't really need the else condition.
2008 Jun 27
Given a vector (or a factor within a df),i.e. v1 <- c(1,1,1,2,3,4,1,10,3)
and a dictionary
is there a function (on the same line than recode() in car)
to get v2 as c(1001,1001,1001,1002,1003,4,1001,10,1003) ?
I'm using myself a function based on match() since
long ago (I think that thanks to advice by Prof. B. Ripley),
but would like to know if there
2010 Feb 28
Combining 2 columns into 1 column many times in a very large dataset
*Combining 2 columns into 1 column many times in a very large dataset*
The clumsy solutions I am working on are not going to be very fast if I can
get them to work and the true dataset is ~1500 X 45000 so they need to be
efficient. I've searched the R help files and the archives for this list and
have some possible workable solutions for 2) and 3) but not my question 1).
However, I include
2007 Nov 12
a repetition of simulation
I have a simple (?) simulation problem.
I'm doing a simulation with logistic model and I want to reapet it 600
The simulation looks like this:
z <- 0
x <- 0
y <- 0
aps <- 0
tiss <- 0
for (i in 1:500){
z[i] <- rbinom(1, 1, .6)
x[i] <- rbinom(1, 1, .95)
y[i] <- z[i]*x[i]
if (y[i]==1) aps[i] <- rnorm(1,mean=13.4, sd=7.09) else aps[i] <-
2009 Sep 08
Mapping factors to a new set of factors
I am trying to map a factor variable within a data frame to a new variable whose entries are derived from the content of the original variable and there are fewer factors in the new variable. That is, I'm trying to set up a surjection.
After first thinking that this would be a common operation and would have a quite simple interface, I can not seem to find one, nor any similar posts
2011 Feb 26
how to remove rows in which 2 or more observations are smaller than a given threshold?
The data set I am examining has 7425 observations (rows with unique
identifiers) and 46 samples(columns).
I have been trying to generate a dataset that filters out observations
that are "negligible"
The definition of "negligible" is absolute value less or equal to 1.58.
The rule that I would like to adopt to create a new data is: drop rows
in which 2 or more
2011 Apr 29
why doesn't ifelse work ?
I have the following lines of code:
ind <- rollapply(GSPC, 200, mean)
signal <- ifelse(diff(ind, 5) > 0 , 1 , -1)
signal[is.na(signal)] <- 0
I never get a value of -1 for signal even though I know diff(ind , 5) is
less than zero frequently. It looks like when diff(ind , 5) is less than
zero, signal gets set to 0 instead of - 1. Any ideas why ? Here's some
information on ind and
2010 Nov 04
how to work with long vectors
HI, Dear R community,
I have one data set like this, What I want to do is to calculate the
cumulative coverage. The following codes works for small data set (#rows =
100), but when feed the whole data set, it still running after 24 hours.
Can someone give some suggestions for long vector?
id reads
Contig79:1 4
Contig79:2 8
Contig79:3 13
Contig79:4 14
Contig79:5 17
2011 Jan 30
Extract subsets of different and unknown lengths from huge dataset
Dear prospective reader,
I apologize for posting my problem but I've just no idea how to go on by
processing this huge (over 70 MB) dataset. Thank you in advance for any help
or comment! I do appreciate it!
My textfile contains 1 column of interest (numbers/values only). The overall
issue is to extract 'events', starting points of which are defined by at
least 24 preceding values
2009 Mar 11
R-help: grep in for loop using index - doesn't work
Hi everyone
I am trying to use grep in a for loop to compare a string value. It works
if I use
the actual index value but when I use the for loop index, it doesn't work.
Any suggestions plz.
Here is the code:
data <- read.table(file="Sigmoid.csv", head=FALSE, sep=",");
c1 <- data$V1
c2 <- data$V2
c3 <- data$V3
c1data <- data.frame(c1);
c2data <-
2011 Feb 02
Testing whether a number belong to a set
Hello everyone,
I am stuck with an apparently simple issue :
i) I have two sets S1 and S2, each containing a large number of integers,
say zip codes.
ii) Now, I just want to test whether a particular zip code belong to S1 or
S2 or neither of them.
iii) If it belongs to S1, the area/region gets a particular label, say 1; if
it belongs to S2, it gets a label 2 and if it doesnot belong to either S1
2010 Oct 01
element wise conditional assignment in r
I am looking for a one-liner code for the following situation
say I have a vector r of 0 and 1's, and another vector v of equal length. I
want to assign v[i]-1 to v[i] if r[i]=1, for all i. How would I do that
using mapply or any other batch processing keywords? thanks.
View this message in context:
2009 Nov 30
Assign palette (e.g. rainbow) to a series of points on 1 plot
I have 11 vectors representing insect survival probabilities in
response to different levels of toxins at 10 concentrations
#...and so on10% and a zero (control) series
2011 Mar 29
new syntax: bash-like pipe operator
Dear R Community,
One thing that always bugged me about R is the abundance of multi-level nested statements, like:
a) you have to read them inside out as opposed to left-to-right
b) in the console you always have to go back and type the parenthesis if you want to nest your statement
I kind of like the UNIX pipe operator as a very good abstraction of a
2009 Feb 13
extracting parts of words or extraxting letter to use in ifelse-func.
I want to make some variables with the ifelse-function, but i don't know how
to do it.
I want to make these five variables;
b2$PRRSvac <- ifelse(b2$status=='A' | b2$status=='Aa',1,0)
b2$PRRSdk <- ifelse(b2$status=='B' | b2$status=='Bb',1,0)
b2$sanVac <- ifelse(b2$status=='C' | b2$status=='sanAa',1,0)
b2$sanDk <-
2010 Sep 16
If statements for multiple arrays
I wrote this code which works fine on a single observation:
if(x<z && y>z) {aa-z}
result: 25
I am trying to apply this logic where x,y,z,and aa are arrays but with very
little success. I have tried using loops and whiles but I always get errors
of various types. I have consulted a few manuals but with limited success.
My hopeful
2009 Aug 26
Batch replacement, by factor, of values in a data frame
Dear List,
I'm wondering if there is a better/cleaner/more efficient way of
replacing 0 values in a variable with the minimum of the non-missing and
non-zero values of that same variable, but doing it within the levels of
a factor?
Consider the dummy example data presented at the end of my message.
Within each 'Site' there are some 0 values and possibly some NA's. I can
2008 Dec 30
Componentwise means of a list of matrices?
Dear useRs,
I have a list, each entry of which is a matrix of constant dimensions.
Is there a good way (i.e., not using a for loop) to apply a mean to each
matrix entry *across list entries*?
foo <- list(rbind(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6)),rbind(c(7,8,9),c(10,11,12)))
I'm looking for a componentwise mean across the two entries of foo,
i.e., the
2012 Aug 02
metafor- interpretation of moderators test for raw proportions
Hello metafor users,
I'm using metafor to perform a single-effect summary estimate of the raw
proportion of patients experiencing a post-operative complication, and I'm
interested in seeing if this proportion differs between the three most
commonly used surgical techniques. The software is working as expected, but
I would like to double check on the interpretation of my mixed-effect model
2010 Aug 13
Equality of Vectors
Is there a way to get a single TRUE or FALSE statement from comparing two
vectors? For example,
c(1,2,3) == c(1,2,3)
where I would like it to produce only
for use in an if statement.
Likewise, when two vectors are not exactly identical (in all elements) I
would like a single FALSE result, as opposed to
c(1,2,3) == c(1,2,5)
Any ideas?