similar to: pass character vector in instrument field of get.hist.quote function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "pass character vector in instrument field of get.hist.quote function"

2000 Jul 07
reorganizing a data frame
Hi, I have what I think is an easy question. I have a data frame, called stockdata, of stock prices that looks like this: date ticker close 1 01/02/1998 GE 24.667 2 01/05/1998 GE 25.104 3 01/06/1998 GE 24.771 4 01/07/1998 GE 24.979 5 01/08/1998 GE 24.750 6 01/02/1998 HIT 71.125 7 01/05/1998 HIT 72.313
2011 Dec 07
scatterplotting stock returns using quantmod and pairs()
I want to get data for a set of ticker symbols and compute the daily return of the adjusted close using quantmod, and then scatterplot returns using pairs(). The following gets data for the list of tickers: tickers <- c("SHY","TLT","SPY","IWM","GLD","IEV","ILF","EWJ","EPP","SAF","ASA")
2011 Sep 19
text matching
Hi All, I have a character vector by name tickers > head(tickers,10) V1 1 ADARSHPL.BO 2 AGR.V 3 AGU 4 AGU.TO 5 AIMCO.BO 6 ALUFLUOR.BO 7 AMZ.V 8 AVD 9 ANILPROD.BO 10 ARIES.BO I would like to extract all elements that has ".BO" in it. I tried > grep("\.BO",tickers) Error: '\.' is an unrecognized
2009 Feb 03
Automatic creation of columns in zoo object
Hello, everyone I have a question. Assume I have the following zoo object: <- structure(c(1524.75, 1554.5, 1532.25, 1587.5, 1575.25, 1535.5, 1550, 1493.5, 1492.5, 1472.25, 1457.5, 1442.75, 1399, 1535.75, 1565.25, 1543.5, 1598.5, 1586.5, 1547, 1561.5, 1504.75, 1503.75, 1483.75, 1468.75, 1453.75, 1410, 1546.75, 1575.25, 1554, 1609, 1597.5, 1558.5, 1573, 1516.25, 1515.5, 1495, 1480, 1465,
2007 Dec 08
FW: R memory management
Hi, I'm using R to collect data for a number of exchanges through a socket connection and constantly running into memory problems even though task I believe is not that memory consuming. I guess there is a miscommunication between R and WinXP about freeing up memory. So this is the code: for (x in 1:length( { tickers<-sqlQuery(channel,paste("SELECT Symbol
2012 Oct 06
Download limit
Hi all, I am trying to use in RStudio the latest code given in, which seems to work fine but with the following warning for download limits (one for each of the tickers). I searched in options() something which could be related to this setting, w/o success. Any hint for me in order to raise or remove these limits? Where is this
2012 Mar 10
Generating abnormal returns in R
Hello This is my first post on this forum and I hope someone can help me out. I have a datafile (weeklyR) with returns of +- 100 companies. I acquired this computing the following code: library("tseries"); tickers = c("GSPC" , "BP" , "TOT" , "ENI.MI" , "VOW.BE" , "CS.PA" , "DAI.DE" , "ALV.DE" ,
2008 Sep 05
casting help please
I have a data.frame which I believe is melted already and am having trouble casting it to 'wide' format. It looks something like > (x <- data.frame(ticker=c(rep("A",5),rep("B",6)), date=c(1:5, 1:6), value=c(NA,100*exp(rnorm(10,0,.1))))) > cast(x, date ~ ticker) # this does what I want with toy data But when I use my real data frame >
2008 Mar 13
R Finance
Hi, I am an R novice working with financial data. I am developing a portfolio strategy evaluation technique to back-test the performance of our screens; checking how the screened stock would've performed over the period in question. I am using quantmod in R to download the historical data from yahoo and then analyzing it using PerformanceAnalytics. My problem is that, as our screens are done
2012 Oct 29
find the Best-ticker
i need to find the best ticker from the group of some tickers.? i also need to know on what basis we calculate the best ticker? i have some idea about the if the risk rate low, or the market price high we can say the ticker is best. but i dont know is it true. Anyone can help me . Thank you -- View this message in context:
2008 Dec 14
how to convert factors to numbers
Hello, I am relatively new to using R. I am using R version 2.8.0. I have a program that downloads stock data from Yahoo! Finance and stores it to a text file on my hard drive. The text file contains the date, opening price, high price, low price, closing price, volume and adjusted price (i.e., adjusted for dividends and splits). I want to read and manipulate the data in R. However, when I
2009 Jul 24
adjusting grid on Xaxis ticks
Hello, I have been trying to plot correctly a graph for 2 month now, with no success.I want to put a grid, adjusted on the X axis tickers. Here is the way I build my X-Axis and my grid: grid(11, NULL, col="grey40") axis(2) # build the tickers on the beginning of each <- seq(ISOdatetime(lastYear, 01, 01, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, tz="GMT"),
2009 Jun 25
apply on xts
Hi, I do not understand why after I called apply on a function that returns an xts (getIdvAdjSeries) it returns a matrix whose columns are just numeric value of time series in xts instead of a list of xts objects. Basically, I called the following: apply(matrix(tickers,ncol=1),1,FUN=getDivAdjSeries) getDivAdjSeries <- function(ticker) { seriesName <-
2007 Sep 14
ISIN numbers into Bloomberg tickers
Hi R, Can I convert ISIN numbers into Bloomberg tickers in the RBloomberg package? BR, Shubha [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Apr 09
How do I make this faster?
I was on vacation the last week and wrote some code to run a 500-day correlation between the Nasdaq tracking stock (QQQ) and 191 currency pairs for 500 days. The initial run took 9 hours(!) and I'd like to make it faster. So, I'm including my code below, in hopes that somebody will be able to figure out how to make it faster, either through parallelisation, or by making changes. I've
2005 Apr 19
NTP on CentOS 3.4
Running CentOS 3.4, I enabled the ntpd service and noticed that it opens up a hole in the firewall for ntp from I look in the ntpd initscript and see that it's reading in servers from /etc/ntp/step-tickers. However, that file is empty... /etc/ntp/ntpservers contains and, but ntpservers isn't used *anywhere*. This looks like a bug, but
2009 Oct 13
timekeeping on VMware guests
Howdy, I am having time-drift issues on my CentOS VM. I had referred to following documentation: , however it didn't help. I used kickstart for creating this VM and I am listing important steps in ref to timekeeping issue. Any comments or suggestion would be appreciated. - CS. ------------------- # For EL5 virtual machines, Append the
2007 Jul 30
Reading T and F as strings
Hi, I am trying to read a series of stock tickers into R, and I'm running into trouble with Ford (F) and the old AT&T (T). Read.table seems to interpret these as boolean values instead of strings, even when I set colColumns to a vector of character(0)'s. Is there a way to convince it to read them as strings? Thanks in advance for the help, David
2006 Nov 22
RBloomberg Multi-ticker problem
Hi, I am trying to download data from Bloomberg through R. If I try to download intraday data for multiple tickers and only one field, I get the error, written below in red. How do I get rid of this error? > dat<-blpGetData(conn, c("NOK1V FH Equity","AUA AV Equity"), "LAST_PRICE",
2012 Apr 14
Dynamic Variable Names?
Hi, I've written some R code that runs through a loop a certain number of times. I want to save the output of each loop under a new variable name, but I seem unable to do so. I have a [10,1] matrix of stock tickers, and I want to save the output to the variable name: paste(matrix[i,1],"rets",sep=""). Eg: AAPLrets would be the name of the variable that I would save the