similar to: two-way unbalanced ANOVA

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "two-way unbalanced ANOVA"

2007 Oct 23
Multiple comparison tests - Homogenous subsets (i.e. for Tukey)
Dear all, is there any possibility to generate a table of homogeneous subsets for multiple comparison tests as in SPSS with R? I am specially interested in Tukey's B test. I have tried to find the answer myself and found an excellent description here: (-> Tab. 2) Together with the information here ...
2004 Sep 30
function by
Hi, I'm just getting started with R and I'm having problems with some simple operations: I want to get the the sum of the column "SStot" for each year using the function by. The data set is named "SS". I've tried this: by (SS, year, sum(SStot)) and it's not working. Is it because there's a different number of rows for each year? How else can I do
2005 May 15
adjusted p-values with TukeyHSD?
hi list, i have to ask you again, having tried and searched for several days... i want to do a TukeyHSD after an Anova, and want to get the adjusted p-values after the Tukey Correction. i found the p.adjust function, but it can only correct for "holm", "hochberg", bonferroni", but not "Tukey". Is it not possbile to get adjusted p-values after
2011 Nov 18
Ensuring a matrix to be positive definite, case involving three matrices
Hi, I would like to know what should I garantee about P and GGt in order to have F = Z %*% P %*% t(Z) + GGt always as a positive definite matrix. Being more precise: I am trying to find minimum likelihood parameters by using the function 'optim' to find the lowest value generated by $LogLik from the function 'fkf' ( The
2005 Sep 08
Effect of data set size on calculation
Dear listers, I have a piece of code which performs an ANOVA type of analysis on 2D GC data. The code is shown below: # ANOVA 2D GC analysis # maxc <- number of samples # nreps <- number of samples maxc <- 2 nreps <- 4 sscl <- NULL cmean <- NULL # # Initial stat. variable # dftot <- nrow(mat)-1 dfcl <- maxc - 1 dferr <- dftot - dfcl totmean
2011 Feb 21
r-square for cluster
Dear forumities, It's seem that there is no straight forward way to calculate R2 of a cluster solution in R. So, I would like to know if I'm right when calculating a R2-like statistic for a given clustering solution. In fact, I have different cluster solution for a given set of data. I would like to know which cluster solution gives the highest R2. My data (5 variables) are scaled to a 0
2009 Apr 16
segment between points on different plots
Hi, I need to draw a line segment between two points on different plots in the same multigraph.I've tried looking at the zoominplot function in plotrix but havent understood much.any help is appreciated ~Aks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Apr 26
logistic regression: wls and unbalanced samples
Greetings from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I am looking for advice / references on binary logistic regression with weighted least squares (using lrm & weights), on the following context: 1) unbalanced sample (n0=10000, n1=700); 2) sampling weights used to rebalance the sample (w0=1, w1=14.29); e 3) after modelling, adjust the intercept in order to reflect the expected % of 1?s in the population
2010 Apr 09
panel regression with twoways random effects, on unbalanced data?
Dear R users What would be the best way to approach estimating a panel regression with twoways random effects, on unbalanced data? Unfortunately, the "plm" package has no implementation of twoways random effects for unbalanced data. Currently I'm considering two approaches: - extend "plm" to cover this type of panel regression. (For the authors, cc'ed:) Would
2002 Jul 11
another aov question: unbalanced multiple responses
Hi, This question is related to the bwplot issue I reported yesterday. I have a 3 factors (2x3x2) dataset that I collapsed into a 2 factors dataset (3x2 = sizexModality). For size==small, I have 2 observations per subject (Snr), for the other sizes only 1. I reckoned that aov (and underneath, lm) might handle this as it should, since the subjects are idendified, when I do > aov(
2011 Jan 08
Anova with repeated measures for unbalanced design
Dear all, I need an help because I am really not able to find over internet a good example in R to analyze an unbalanced table with Anova with repeated measures. For unbalanced table I mean that the questions are not answered all by the same number of subjects. For a balanced case I would use the command aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)), data=scrd)
2013 Jan 06
nested, unbalanced anova
Hello, For an experiment, I selected plots of land within a forest either with honeysuckle or without honeysuckle. Thus, my main factor is fixed, with 2 levels: "honeysuckle present"(n=11) and "honeysuckle absent"(n=8). Within each plot of land, I have a "trenched" subplot and an "untrenched" subplot. Within each subplot of every plot, I measured soil
2009 Nov 01
SEM with Unbalanced Panel
Dear R Experts, I have a query concerning SEMs in a multilevel context. I have an unbalanced panel where children are nested in families, which in turn are nested in districts. The problem is the following: the outcome variable of interest is measured at the child level but the (explanatory) latent variable is at the family level. Most the variables are discrete and I am able to fit the model
2010 Jan 07
building a neural network on a unbalanced data set on R
Hello everybody, I work in a production plant as an operations analyst. I have been using R for two years, starting with my final dissertation project at college. We have the following problem in our plant. At the end of the production process, each joint (that is what we produce) must pass a final electrical test. The result can be 0 or 1. We think that this may depend on some raw
2005 Apr 05
Dendrogram for a type unbalanced ANOVA
Hi- I have about 20 groups for which I know the mean, variance, and number of points per group. Is here an R function where I can plot (3 group example) something like | |----- 2 | |-----------| | | |----- 1 | | |------| | |----------------- 3 | | 0 25 50 75 100 ie 1 and 2 are different at 75% level of confidence 1 2 combined are
2006 Jul 21
rpart unbalanced data
Hello all, I am currently working with rpart to classify vegetation types by spectral characteristics, and am comming up with poor classifications based on the fact that I have some vegetation types that have only 15 observations, while others have over 100. I have attempted to supply prior weights to the dataset, though this does not improve the classification greatly. Could anyone supply some
2006 Mar 10
Use of step() with an unbalanced ANOVA model
Dear all, Is it dangerous to use step() during model simplification when I have an ANOVA design that is unbalanced (i.e. there is order dependence when entering the terms into the full model)? Thanks very much for your help! Kind regards, Christoph
2007 Dec 14
detailed calculation of two way anova with unbalanced design
Dear list, Could someone show me where can I find the detailed formula on how to calculate the two way anova with unbalanced design? Say, if I have 2*2 design with 10,20,30,40 samples in each of the 2*2 cells. Most of the places I've googled only show how to calculate using software such as R, but not clear the detailed formula for calculating this. Thanks, Jack [[alternative HTML version
2005 Apr 06
nnet classification using unbalanced classes
Hi everybody, I want to obtain a classification model using the nnet function for a simple two class problem. My problem is that number of samples in the first class (n1) is about twice higher than the one in class two (n2). I would like to use the weights argument in the nnet function to equalize the prior probabilities, but I am not sure which values I should assign. My first guess would be
2016 Apr 10
unbalanced number of rows
HiI have a data frame with rows specifying companies (codes are assigned to companies) and columns specify months (monthly data). The data is based on male (M) and female (F) information for each month. Following is an example of how data looks like: 01 02 03 04001 na M M M001 M M M F002 M F F na003 M na na M003 F M M F003 F F M M na= no male/female. Now, I want to firstly add rows with similar