similar to: plotmath: how to create a vector of expressions?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "plotmath: how to create a vector of expressions?"

2011 Apr 18
splom, plotmath: how to add three lines of information with alignment?
Dear expeRts, I would like to create a scatter plot matrix with splom(). The lower panel should contain some additional information about the samples shown in the upper panel plot, see the splom() call below. Now two questions came up: (1) The lower panels show "tau" and "alpha" on top of each other. How can I plot *three* expressions on top of each other? I tried several
2011 Apr 06
Quiz: Who finds the nicest form of X_1^\prime?
Dear expeRts, I would like to create a plotmath-label of the form X_1^\prime. Here is how to *not* do it [not nicely aligned symbols]: plot(0,0,main=expression(italic(X*minute[1]))) plot(0,0,main=expression(italic(X[1]*minute))) plot(0,0,main=expression(italic(X)[1]*minute)) Any suggestions? Cheers, Marius
2011 Jun 02
lattice + plotmath: how to get a variable in bold face?
Dear all, How can I get a bold "1000" in the title? I would like to use a variable (as opposed to putting in "1000" directly). library(lattice) N <- 1000 xyplot(0~0,"foo" ~ .(N) ~ "bar"))), font=2, cex=1.2)) ## => "font=2" is ignored (of course) Cheers, Marius
2011 Jun 02
plotmath: paste string and expression [from a vector of expressions]
Dear all, I have a vector of expressions and would like to "paste" some string to it before using it in a plot: vars <- vector("expression", 2) vars[1] <- expression(alpha) vars[2] <- expression(beta) plot(0, 0, main=substitute(bold("Foo" ~~ VAR), list(VAR=vars[2]) )) Although I tried hard, I just can't figure out how to solve this. The title should be
2010 Jun 23
how to print a colored plot in black/white?
Dear expeRts, shouldn't this... x <- 1:10 myplot <- xyplot(x~x,col="red") trellis.device(postscript,color=FALSE,file="") print(myplot) ... give a black/white plot? Cheers, Marius
2010 Nov 26
How to use expression(italic()) in a "vectorized" way (within a function)?
Dear expeRts, I would like to use expression() for creating labels in a splom, as shown in the first minimal example below. Is there any way I can simplify having to write "expression(italic(...))" several times? The second example is what I tried so far, but I can't manage to get italic() to work. Moreover, it still seems bulky... Cheers, Marius ## minimal example (working but
2005 Aug 14
complex expression with plotmath
Hello everyone, I want to define a function that receives the name of two variables (may include Greek letters and subscripts) and uses them into the title of a plot. My best attempt is the following: myplot <- function(var1, var2) { v=paste(var1,"==1 & ",var2,"==2"); plot(1:10, main=parse(,,v)) } But when I call it with something like myplot("Q[i]",
2011 Sep 09
rgl: axis/viewport/box problems in persp3d()
Dear expeRts, I am a new user of rgl, below is my first trial to plot a simple function in 3d. I managed to put the axes in the right locations, but: (1) The xlab, ylab, and zlab arguments are ignored; how can I put in axes labels? (2) Since I removed the axes in persp3d() the viewport is too small; is it possible to keep the size of the viewport? (3) The box is not correctly drawn, there
2011 Sep 19
Possible or not possible: serif axis labels with plotmath [but everything else sans serif]?
Dear expeRts, I it possible to have serif labels in the following plot? x <- 1:10 y <- x plot(x, y, type="b", xlab=expression(x[1]), ylab=expression(x[2])) I know that one can use pdf(, family="serif"), but then also the axis tick marks are printed in serif font. Apart from the fact that it may not look nice, I'm just interested if one can have serif axis labels
2011 Mar 26
bwplot: how to get plotmath labels?
Dear expeRts, How can I get plotmath-labels in the bwplot below? As you can see, I couldn't manage to pass the expressions through the dimnames argument. Cheers, Marius library(lattice) ## data dim <- c(100, 6, 2, 3) dimnames <- list(n=paste("n=", seq_len(100), sep=""), groups=paste("group=", seq_len(6), sep=""),
2011 Jul 08
lattice: How to vertically adjust an axis label?
Dear expeRts, How can I vertically adjust an axis tick label so that it is nicely aligned with the other labels? library(lattice) xyplot(0~0, xlim=c(0,3), scales=list(x=list(at=c(1,1.1), labels=c(expression(hat(theta)[italic(n)]),expression(theta))))) ## aim: move the leftmost expression up so that theta is nicely aligned with the second theta. Cheers, Marius
2011 Sep 09
Rgl and plotmath symbols (via sprites): a trial
Dear all, Below is some code where I try to get plotmath symbols in an rgl plot. Duncan Murdoch kindly suggested to use a "sprite" for this. As you can see, on can get it to work, but my knowledge about grid and rgl is too limited to perfectly solve the problem. 1) As you can see (please rotate the plot a little bit so that (0,0,0) is "in front"), the quality of the .png
2020 Mar 27
Expressions from boxplot() passed to bxp()
Hi, Is this expected behavior (R-3.6.0)? dat <- cbind(x = 1:10, y = 10:1) ylab <- substitute(X[t], list(t = 2)) plot(dat, ylab = ylab) # works (correctly displays ylab) boxplot(dat, ylab = ylab) # fails boxplot(dat, ylab = as.expression(ylab)) # works Thanks & cheers, M
2010 Nov 13
How to set an argument such that a function treats it as missing?
Dear expeRts, I would like to call a function f from a function g with or without an argument. I use missing() to check if the argument is given. If it is not given, can I set it to anything such that the following function call (to f) behaves as if the argument isn't given? It's probably best described by a minimal example (see below). The reason why I want to do this is, that I do
2010 Dec 29
How to create an array of lists of multiple components?
Hi, how can I create an array of lists of three components? This approach does not work: n1 <- 2 n2 <- 4 n3 <- 5 res <- array(rep(vector("list",3), n1*n2*n3), dim = c(n1,n2,n3)) res[1,1,1] # is not a list with three components... The goal is that res[1,1,1] is a list with three components. Also, appending the components didn't work. For example, I tried: component
2010 Dec 30
latex() etc.: How to nicely format a matrix for a LaTeX document?
Dear (T)eXpeRts, I try to create a LaTeX table from an R matrix for the first time. I am not sure what the "best" approach is, I just read about latex() from Hmisc (toLatex() didn't work). Consider the following minimal example: library(Hmisc) mat <- matrix(c(1,NA,3,100,10000,4), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) latex(mat, file = "", booktabs = TRUE, numeric.dollar = FALSE,
2010 Nov 26
lattice: strange behavior (?) when using trellis.device(color=FALSE)
Dear expeRts, I am not sure if I found a bug... I would like to create a function that itself creates a lattice plot without colors. Following at I use trellis.device() to set the colors to FALSE. Whenever I call the minimal example below *with* trellis.device(), Quartz opens a window (I am working on a MAC), which it shouldn't,
2010 Dec 22
How to integrate a function with additional argument being a vector or matrix?
Dear expeRts, I somehow don't see why the following does not work: integrand <- function(x, vec, mat, val) 1 # dummy return value A <- matrix(runif(16), ncol = 4) u <- c(0.4, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) integrand(0.3, u, A, 4) integrate(integrand, lower = 0, upper = 1, vec = u, mat = A, val = 4) I would like to integrate a function ("integrand") which gets an "x" value (the
2008 Jan 01
Alignment and Labeling of a color key in a xyplot?
Happy New Year to all R users! I have two short questions concerning a xyplot with a color key: 1) How do I properly place (align) the color key beside the xyplot? As you can see from the code listed below, the placement of the color key is not correct. I would like the upper and lower end point of the color key to be perfectly aligned with the upper and lower line of the xyplot. Adjusting
2015 Feb 03
Seed in 'parallel' vignette
Hi, This is most likely only a minor technicality, but I saw the following: On page 6 of the 'parallel' vignette (, the random-number generator "L'Ecuyer-CMRG" is said to have seed "(x_n, x_{n-1}, x_{n-2}, y_n, y_{n-1}, y_{n-2})". However, in L'Ecuyer et al. (2002), the seed is given with