similar to: Write File to Shared Drive

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Write File to Shared Drive"

2010 Oct 06
tapply output
Hello, I am having trouble getting the output from the tapply function formatted so that it can be made into a nice table. Below is my question written in R code. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you. Geoff #Input the data; name <- c('Tom', 'Tom', 'Jane', 'Jane', 'Enzo', 'Enzo', 'Mary', 'Mary'); year <- c(2008, 2009,
2010 Sep 15
labeling outliers with subject numberss
How can I get the outlier in this boxplot of "Score" to be represented by the corresponding value in "SubNo"? score=c(6,6,7,14,5,7,6,8) SubNo=1:8 mydata=data.frame(SubNo, score) boxplot(mydata$score) Thanks! Kevin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Feb 15
selecting columns
I need help. I have very big .csv files with many unnecessary columns. From the original .csv files I would like to create a new .csv file with just the columns I need. For example: The original column heading are: Date, Time, Location, Sensor Name, Sensor Serial, Ambient Temp, IR Temp, Sensor Name.1, Sensor Serial.1, Ambient Temp.1, IR Temp.1, Sensor Name.2, Sensor Serial.2, Ambient
2010 Jul 15
Repeated analysis over groups / Splitting by group variable
I am performing some analysis over a large data frame and would like to conduct repeated analysis over grouped-up subsets. How can I do that? Here some example code for clarification: require("flexmix") # for Kullback-Leibler divergence n <- 23 groups <- c(1,2,3) mydata <- data.frame( sequence=c(1:n), data1=c(rnorm(n)), data2=c(rnorm(n)), group=rep(sample(groups, n,
2011 Feb 07
Using Aggregate for Date
Hi, I am trying to find the min of day for each student in each year. Here is the dataset: date studentid year 1/1/05 6:07 AM 236 20082009 3/27/09 9:45 AM 236 20082009 4/29/09 8:44 AM 236 20082009 3/27/09 11:36 AM 310 20082009 4/1/09 10:43 AM 310 20082009 10/15/09 8:54 AM 310
2011 Feb 26
Transform a dataset from long to wide using reshape2
I seem to be running into the same problem reported in I cannot seem to transform a dataset from long to wide using reshape2. Clearly I am missing something very simple but a look at the manual and the reshape paper in JSS does not suggest anything. Any advice would be welcome ===========================load
2010 May 21
Hello I am creating a linear model with the command net5 = lm( X[,1] ~ PrinComp[,1:5]) where my vector PrinComp looks like this > head(PrinComp[,1:5]) PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 [1,] 1.8626055 -3.34190998 -0.5448889 2.8296751 0.3994096 [2,] 3.1124144 -1.68113572 1.7187314 -2.0162583 -0.2935675 [3,] 3.3538049 -0.05471002 -2.9385065 0.6921495 -2.2743761 [4,]
2010 Jul 27
xyplot with all columns of a data.frame on a single plot
Hi, I have a data.frame with columns named X, D1, D2, D3 I know I can get a single plot with 3 curves by doing xyplot(D1 + D2 + D3 ~ X, data) but in some cases I might have columns D1 ... D10. Is there a way to plot all 10 columns without having to specify each individual term? (By analogy with formulae in lm, I thought, xyplot(. ~ X, data) would work, but it didn't) Thanks, --
2010 Dec 15
Cumulative percentage by unit of time
Hi All, I've been struggling on that one for a couple of days. I've tried several things, but nothing is worth publishing. I'm working with a bird nests data frame for which I have a laying date (LD) and a fledgling date (FD) (in calendar Julian date) by nest id. For the period spanning between LD and SD, the nest is termed "active". Each nest id occur once in the data
2009 Feb 13
R Help
Hi, I have a list of numbers (classified as a list) that contains integer(0) empty vectors. How do I convert those integer(0) into NAs? Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Dec 14
from table to matrix
I have a table like this: Date TIME Q A a 1 A b 2 A c 3 B a 4 B b 5 B c 6 C a 7 C b 8 C c 9 I want use R language to turn it to a matrix like : a b c A 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 C 7 8 9 I am new to R , anyone can help? Thanks in advance! have a table like this: Date TIME Q A a 1 A b 2 A c 3 B a
2011 Feb 17
sort by column and row names
Hello, All, How can one sort on column and row names. For example: How can this X1 X3 X2 X1 1 0 0 X3 0 1 0 X2 0 0 1 become this? X1 X2 X3 X1 1 0 0 X2 0 1 0 X3 0 0 1 Thank you for your time! Jim [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 08
restructuring "by" output for use with write.table
Hello, vegMeans <- by(SoilVegHydro[3:37] , SoilVegHydro$Physiogomy, mean) vegSD <- by(SoilVegHydro[3:37] , SoilVegHydro$Physiogomy, sd) write.table(vegMeans, file="A:\\Work_Area\\Steve\\Hydrology_Data\\data\\vegMeans.txt") Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) : cannot coerce class '"by"' into a
2010 Oct 01
Suppressing printing in the function
Hello! I wrote a function that returns a data frame. Nowhere in the function do I say print(, but when I run the function - the data frame is printed on the console. Is there any way to suppress it? Thank you! -- Dimitri Liakhovitski Ninah Consulting
2009 Dec 08
re-ordering x-lables using barchart()
Hi R Users, I'm trying to re-order the "site names" ("Waseca", "Morris", ...). I'm using following code: libarry(lattice) barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, groups = year, layout = c(6,1), aspect=.7, ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)", scales = list(x = list(abbreviate = TRUE, rot=45,
2010 Jul 28
I am reading in a very large file with names in it and R is truncating the number of rows it reads in. The separator in this file is a pipe '|' and so I use dat <- read.delim('pathToMyFile', header= TRUE, sep='|') It turns out that it is reading up to row 61145 and stopping and I think I see why, but am not sure of the best solution to this problem. I see the name of
2009 Dec 29
error logging
Yet another question... I'm wondering if there is a built in facility to log errors. I've got this statement that gives me verbose DBI errors as they come up (to standard output), but I'd like to trap and log them to a file as I running about 3000000 sql statements through this particular piece of code and I'd like to keep the loop going and deal with all the errors once the
2010 Nov 29
List elements of NULL to value
Hi everyone, I am posting this because i know its easy and i cant for the life of me figure out how to do it though i have tried and through a ridiculously complex loop made it happen. I need to convert some list elements of NULL value to 0s so they mesh with my data frame properly. So for A<-list(1,NULL) returns [[1]] [1] 1 [[2]] NULL Would instead return [[1]] [1] 1 [[2]] [1] 0
2009 Mar 11
R-help: grep in for loop using index - doesn't work
Hi everyone I am trying to use grep in a for loop to compare a string value. It works if I use the actual index value but when I use the for loop index, it doesn't work. Any suggestions plz. Here is the code: data <- read.table(file="Sigmoid.csv", head=FALSE, sep=","); c1 <- data$V1 c2 <- data$V2 c3 <- data$V3 c1data <- data.frame(c1); c2data <-
2010 Oct 28
Determining a basal correct count
Here's another interesting problem: if you recall I have a data frame (LCvars1) that consists of about 1500 cases (rows) of data from kids who took a test of listening comprehension. The columns are their scores (1 = correct, 0 = incorrect, . = missing) on 140 test items. The items are numbered sequentially and are ordered by increasing difficulty as you go from left to right across the