similar to: xyplot text sizing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "xyplot text sizing"

2005 Mar 22
Question with lattice xyplot
Hi All, I have a quick question and any help is greatly appreciated. For the following data when I try to produce the image using xyplot function in lattice package, the key has 4 rows instead of 2. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and what is the way to fix the problem. Here the code that I'm running studyData <- "A",0,4.477,
2011 Feb 21
wrong lines in auto.key xyplot
Hi all, I'm having a problem with the auto.key function in xyplot. I changed the symbols an lines styles using these commands trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol=list(pch=c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,15,16))) trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol=list(col=c(rep("black",11)))) trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol=list(cex=c(rep(0.6,11))))
2005 Feb 10
xyplot() question
Dear R Users, I have an xyplot() where different plotting symbols are used for subgroups (originally used within S-Plus, but hopefully it?s also applicable to R users). How can I fit separate regression lines for every subgroup? So far, I can only plot the overall fitted line. The code looks like this: trellis.device() sps<-trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol") sps$pch<-1:7
2010 Mar 24
lattice: defining graphical parameters
Dears, could anyone give me some advice how to change some plotting parameters for a lattice graph? I need to adjust the following: -reduce outer margins (like par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) with base graphs) -modify positions of labels (like par(mpg=c(0,0,0)) with base graphs) I already did some research, but got confused by the huge amount of settings with the lattice objects. I know that the road
2005 Jul 25
order of panels in xyplot
I'm having trouble with the order of the panels using xyplot. I had used this bit of code before and received the desired plot (the code was not identical, but very similar; perhaps more importantly I was working with an older version of R) . Now the panels appear right to left instead of left to right, as it says in the help files, which is what I would like. Does anyone know if this has
2010 Apr 12
lattice garphs: combining multiple scatterplots and adding legend
Dear List members, its me again, fighting with lattice graphics. I am trying to plot a world map, add some points on different locations with different colors and add a legend, but did not succeed yet with the legend. Here is my code: library(fields) # Data for demonstration data_x = c(0,50,60) data_y = c(0,0,0) cols???= c(1,2,3) data(world.dat) #print map all=xyplot(world.dat$y? ~
2004 Nov 26
problem with xyplot
Dear Rlisters, When trying to indicate which data belong to which of 7 groups, the following plot shows only 5 groups: ss <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol") ss$col <- c("red","blue","green","yellow","orange","magenta","cyan") ss$pch <- format(1:7) ss$cex <- 1.2 ss <-
2009 Dec 04
Apparent different in symbol scaling between xyplot and grid.points
Dear R-users, For the past few days, I have been trying to find the reason why some of my plots were showing symbols of different sizes, while I thought I was using the same .cex arguments everywhere. The problem is exemplified by the following example code where the xyplot and grid.points functions are used. The scaling factor is set to 0.84 in both the functions settings, but one can see
2008 Feb 05
dynamically add items to key of lattice xyplot
Hi all, is it possible to dynamically add key items to an already existing key, belonging to a lattice xyplot? This is what I do: I make an xyplot with an initial key. Later on, I want to extend this key with more items, as more lines are added to the plot (lines are added using trellis.focus("panel")). I guess I need some function to access the key panel in order to extend it,
2009 Aug 25
allowing line wrap for long strip text in xyplot (lattice)
Hi. Am brand new to R and to mailing lists - have never posted anywhere before, so hope I do this right. Am using R 2.9.1 with lattice graphics (just installed, fully up to date). Am doing trellis xyplot with y (emp=employment), x (yearmo=a time measure) and conditioning variable (indf - factor describing industry) -- i.e., (emp ~ yearmo | indf), where all three variables are in a dataframe. The
2007 Aug 05
setup trellis.device to color=F inside the xyplot function
Hi, it is possible to setup trellis.device(color=F) inside teh function xyplot? I try to use > xyplot(ocup~tempo| nitro+estacao,col="white",ylim=c(0,0.7),par.settings=list(color=F)) But dont work, the only way that work for me is call the function > trellis.device(color=F) before the xyplot, but in this way it open a new device for each run. I like that is use the same
2005 Nov 22
change axis format for different panels in xyplot in lattice
Dear R users, My apologies for a simple question for which I suspect there is a simple answer that I have yet to find. I'd like to plot panels in lattice with different graphical parameters for the axes. For example, the code x<-rnorm(100) y<-rnorm(100) z<-c(rep(1,50), rep(2,50)) library(lattice) xyplot(y~x|z) plots two panels with the default black axes. Running the following
2009 Dec 20
How to put text outside an xyplot?
Dear R-users, I have a plot created with the code below. I tried to put some text to the right of the color key. I worked with grid.text and also viewport(), but couldn't achieve this. I know this should be simple, but I just couldn't figure out how to do it. How does this work? Cheers, Marius library(lattice) library(grid) myvec=1:10 data=data.frame(x=myvec,y=myvec)
2009 Jun 19
Adding site id to xyplot
Dear R Lists, Can anyone help me add site IDs (site: 1~50) directly to my xyplot. I have 50 sites and collected observations from the sites at 13 different time points. I want to look at the change of my observations in each site. I was able to make a graph using xyplot, however, I can't find how to add site IDs within the graph not adding them in the legend. Overall, I would like to be able
2002 Jun 05
par(new=T) with xyplot
I know I should not mix base plotting functions with grid/lattice functions, but I have used a "quick-and-dirty" trick of par(new=T) in the past for annotating a trellis-drawn graph in various versions of S-PLUS. The sequence goes something like this: > windows(width = 5, height = 5, pointsize = 10) # open up the device > xyplot(y ~ x) > par(new=T) > xyplot(y2 ~ x) >
2006 Aug 16
adding multiple fitted curves to xyplot graph
Hello RHelpers, This may already have been answered, but despite days of scouring through the archives I haven't found it. My goal is to add multiple fitted curves to a plot. An example data set (a data frame named df in following code) is: x1 y1 factor1 4 1298.25 0.00000000 1 5 1393.25 0.00000000 1 6 1471.50
2009 Oct 15
Lattice package - Trellis
Hi, I was trying to make a graph using trellis, and my code is: ----------------------------------------------------------------- library(lattice) makeGraph <- function(){ trellis.device() tbg <- trellis.par.get("background") tbg$col <- "white" trellis.par.set("background",tbg) # Test Data mfr <- matrix(sample(1:100,50,replace=T),ncol=2)
2008 Oct 23
Getting the panel location of a xyplot matrix using a mouse click in a GDCanvas
Hi: I would like to find out the panel of a xyplot matrix where a mouse clicked. I know this functionality is already bundled in trellis.focus but I can't use it because I am coding a stand alone application in Java using with GDCanvas as a graphics device. I tried calling trellis.focus from Java with: re.eval("t = trellis.focus()")); However it did not work for an embedded
2012 Jan 01
empty files created with trellis xyplot jpeg device
New years greetings. I have been setting up a function to generate multiple jpeg charts. When the calls are issued at the interactive console, the jpeg files are generated without an issue. When I try to issue the same calls from a function, some chart files are empty. It appears to only be related to trellis charts. Any help to troubleshoot this is appreciated. Regards, -mike R version
2011 Mar 05
Change panel background color in spplot()
Hi! How does one change the background color of the map-panel in spplot()? Example: library(sp) data(meuse.grid) gridded(meuse.grid) = ~x+y spplot(meuse.grid, "part.a") How would I get another background-color for the map-panel (but not for the whole plot) here? Thank you! Marcel