similar to: Boxplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Boxplot"

2008 Aug 01
boxplot help
hi I have list of matrix of lenggth 61 containg the mean values..I want to make a boxplot for each of the matrix. I used a for loop but i cant figure out the way to save in the boxplots > all.the.mean [[1]] mean 0.5 o.6 0.8 [[2]] 0.6 0.6 0.9 now i want the boxplot for each of the matrix in a seperate code for(i in 1:length(all.the.mean) { windows() boxplot(all.the.mean[[i]] } this
2008 Sep 05
comparing two files
Hi there I have two object on is a vector T and the other is dataframe C. vector T has more no of rows when comapred with a dataframe Ccolumn[,2].I want to find the the missing rows in dataframe C.That is those values that are not matchig in dataframe C[,2] Kindly give me suggestion on how to go about it. Ramya -- View this message in context:
2008 Jul 21
vector help
hi I have vector test. It has 3 elements. I want to join the three into one vector. "Geneset=HSA04910_INSULIN_SIGNALING_PATHWAY-157- 20". how can i do it. > class(test) [1] "character" > test [1] "Geneset=HSA04910_INSULIN_SIGNALING_PATHWAY" "157" [3] "20" Ramya --
2011 Jan 31
Finding a Diff within a Dataframe columns
Hi, I have a Dataframe. A B C D 0.1 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.20 0.60 0.80 0.70 0.40 0.80 0.70 0.76 I need a resultant dataframe (A-B) (C-D) -0.6 0.1 -0.40 0.1 -0.40 -0.06 Any suggestion would be of a great help Thanks Ramya -- View this message in context: Sent from
2008 Sep 17
inserting values for null
I have a dataframe D.F1 >dim (D.F1) 14351 9 This dataframe has values and for some 1000 rows it holds NULL values.I hace found the missing values for about 500 and have those in another dataframe D.F.sub.2 >dim(D.F.sub.2) 500 9 as dataframe is a subset of D.F1 the coulmn 1 in D.F.sub.2 is a subset of D.F1.I have to insert the values in D.F1 in other fields while the coulmn 1 in both
2008 Jul 28
writing the plots
hi there, I want to write the plots in the pdfs and the details about the graph in a seperate notepad. plot(as.numeric(lapply(resultgenes,length)), main= "Geneset.gene#.bias.test",xlab="Top.Ranked.Genesets", ylab="gene.number.per.geneset") lines(loess.smooth(c(1:1000),as.numeric(lapply(resultgenes,length)), span = 2/3, degree = 1, family =
2008 Oct 09
Hi, I have a list(A1) of dataframe and a vector containing a 22 list names. list(A1) abc l m n p q r dce e g h l k m kpo a d c also i have a vector of list names. abc,dce similarly i have 22 elements. I wanna delete or want a list without the list elements whoes name match up the vector. my result should be kpo a d c. i tried lapply it is in working in the way i want. Kindly help me
2008 Aug 05
PDF append help
hi there, Is there any function to append the pdf file. I want to write in a pdf file some 100 plots(in one single pdf containing 100 plots) while all the plot are created using a for loop. I can create 100 pdf one for each for each plot using a for loop but i want only one pdf with 100 plots. Ramya -- View this message in context:
2008 Jul 11
List help
hi, I need to remove the list that does not have any values.Do suggest me the way to do it. result<- list() > head(result) [[1]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [[2]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [[3]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [[4]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [[5]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] "HIGD1C" "SNP_A-2058537" "4" [2,] "HIGD1C" "SNP_A-1955347"
2009 Dec 03
Dataframe help
Hi there I have two dataframes Dataframe_1 column_1 colum_2 121 12345 145 1675 167 2765 Dataframe_2 column_1 column2 121 abc 345 lmn 167 efg I want a resulting dataframe 121 12345 abc 167 2765 efg how do i go abt it Ramya -- View this message in context: Sent from the R
2008 Sep 17
selecting dataframe values that are not nulls
Hi, I have a dataframe with 14319rows and 9 colums. for some rows there are null values.I want a dataframe without these null values.I wanna select only those that have values !=NA. kindly let me know how to do that. Ramya -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2011 Feb 18
Find peaks in dataset(x,y) and area for each peak x_and_y_values.txt I have the absorbance values form HPLC Chromatogram. I need to find the peaks in datapoints and area under each peak. I am not sure how how to find the peaks, I tried couple of libraries and peak function but they return me a list of values which when computed from area turns out to be huge nnumbers. In the
2009 Dec 07
Regular expression help
Hi there I have a string like this i want to extract 9831019 from this string i used a regular expresion \d+ by which i can only make it to see 7 and returns. This type of number(9831019) appears in any part of the string and is definitely more than 5 digits all the time and i want to give that as a condition UV7C11-F9-E1 MCS#9831019 MCS Lot #9512516" how do i go abt it Ramya -- View
2008 Jun 24
R help on for loop
hi, I have a data stored in table format. The data is stored in the name map. 500545 rows and 3 columns. I want to use a for loop to scan through till the end of the row. can i use like this. for ( i in 1:row(map) { } Kindly clarify me Cheers Ramya -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive
2008 Jul 02
help on list comparison
hi I want to compare two list by its names and get the values of that list. can anybody let me know the syntax of comparing the list by their names using a for loop c.genes<- list() for(i in 1:100) c.genes[[1]]<- geneset(which(geneset == tobecampared[i])) } here geneset is a list and also tobecampared is a list Thank you Ramya -- View this message in context:
2008 Sep 10
comparing a list and vector and returnig the listname
hi, I have list of length 5453 and vector of length 14318.I need to compare the vector with the list and return the list name if matched.I am thinking of using an lapply but how to retrive the listname is wat i am puzzled abt. kindly let me know how to go abt it. Ramya -- View this message in context:
2008 Nov 25
hi there I have a dataframe abc 123 345 abc 345 456 lmn 567 345 hkl 568 535 lmn 096 456 lmn 768 094 i want the uniques of column 1 and there corresponsing column 2 and 3 output abc 123 345 lmn 567 345 hkl 568 535 cbind(DF1[,1],DF1[which(unique(DF1[,1]),c(2,3)]) but didnt work kindly let me know how to go abt it ramya -- View this message in context:
2008 Nov 05
Dataframe help
Hi there, I have a dataframe > abc 12 345 def 16 550 lmn 6 600 I want those names that fall under the condition ([,2][i] <=5 &&[,3][i] >=500) abcder<[which([,2][i] <=5 &&[,3][i] >= 500),1] will "&&" look for
2008 Jun 24
R help
Dear Sir/Madam, I found your email address and your correspondence with R-users. I hope you could help me with this question about the function "ur.ers" in the package of "urca". It is an improved unit root test (Elliott et al. 1996 Econometrica). Do you know how to extract the value of the test statistic from the output? The only thing I can get is the print-out of all
2009 Nov 23
List Name help
Hi There, I have a named List object.I want to access all the list elements that has the same name for example The List test <- list() $d2 v1 v2 v3 v4 1 2 3 4 5 $d2 v1 v2 v3 v4 1 2 3 4 5 $d3 v1 v2 v3 v4 8 9 19 10 $d1 v1 v2 v3 v4 12 14 15 16 so if i say test[["d2"]] or test["d2"] i should get the first two that matches the name rite but i am not getting them jus getting