Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "pdf greek letter typos"
2010 Jun 04
Wrong symbol rendering in plots (Ubuntu)
Hi I am having problems with the rendering of scientific symbols (mu and
degree) in my plots. Whenever I use these symbols they are rendered
changed (mu is changed to the proportionality symbol and degree is
changed to something resembling a gamma) in the X-device. If I make a
pdf of the plot and open the file in Evince or Okular symbols are also
rendered wrong, however if I open the file
2010 Jun 04
Wrong symbol rendering in plots (Ubuntu)
Hi I am having problems with the rendering of scientific symbols (mu and
degree) in my plots. Whenever I use these symbols they are rendered
changed (mu is changed to the proportionality symbol and degree is
changed to something resembling a gamma) in the X-device. If I make a
pdf of the plot and open the file in Evince or Okular symbols are also
rendered wrong, however if I open the file
2010 Jun 04
Wrong symbol rendering in plots (Ubuntu)
Hi I am having problems with the rendering of scientific symbols (mu and
degree) in my plots. Whenever I use these symbols they are rendered
changed (mu is changed to the proportionality symbol and degree is
changed to something resembling a gamma) in the X-device. If I make a
pdf of the plot and open the file in Evince or Okular symbols are also
rendered wrong, however if I open the file
2012 Jan 09
CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
I have a small problem with R graphics output. When I use the lattice
package and CairoPDF to generate publication quality graphs I often use
the expression to create an axis title that has microlitres or
micrometers as a unit. I use something like the following
'expression(paste("Length (", mu,"m )"))' as an argument to the xlabel
function. The command works but the mu
2009 Feb 18
Adding greek letters to plot title
I would like to add the greek letter mu to replace u in my title shown below.
i tried using main=expression(R=[0.001~mu~M]:A=[750~mu~M])
but this is not working at the moment.
any help is appreciated
thanks in advance
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2009 Aug 03
boxplot( ) headers with Greek letters, values, and text
Hi -
I've been using the option
main=bquote(paste(mu==.(mu),", ",lambda==.(lambda),", ",truncation==.(truncation),", ",N[T]==.(n)))
to produce a title when using the "plot" command - a title which includes variable names (two Greek)
along with their values.
The above option, however, does not work within the "boxplot" command.
2012 Aug 16
Variables and greek letters in a plot title
This is a problem I encountered repeatedly and I found no answer that made
me really happy. I hope it is not too trivial.
I would like to give the concentration of a substance in a plot title:
5 ug/ml substance
the '5' would be a variable and the ug should be micrograms (with greek
letter mu). It is the mu that causes the problems for me. I failed using
various combinations of
2010 Mar 23
Bold greek letters using plotmath
I'm trying to annotate some graphics using plotmath and finding out that the
code I'm using isn't bolding the greek letters - it bolds the rest (once I
adjusted the numerics to characters), it's just failing on the greek
Any suggestions welcomed.
Jim Price.
Cardiome Pharma Corp.
Test code:
plot(1:5, type = 'n')
# The not bold version
text(2, 2:4, cex =
2011 May 13
Embedding R's math expressions fonts for graphics generated by pdf() and postscript()
Dear list,
First, I am not writing to ask about embedding Computer Modern font in
graphics produced by R.
I am generating plots to be saved using pdf() and postscript() in R,
and I make use of some math expressions that are provided by R,
namely, some greek letters. My question is, do I need to embed the
fonts that include these math symbols (say, if they are going out for
publication, to have
2008 Feb 07
Greek letters in legend without a space
I am trying to make a figure legend that says "uM" (but replace "u" with
When I use the following script, my legend looks more like "u M", rather
than "uM".
> legend(1,1, c(expression(1~mu~M)))
How do I get rid of the space R places in when using the expression command
to insert a greek letter?
Thanks very much in advance
Ming Kung
2010 Nov 16
Integrating functions / vector arithmetic
I was trying to build some functions which I would like to integrate over an
interval using the function 'integrate' from the 'stats' package. As an
example, please consider the function
h(u)=sin(pi*u) + sqrt(2)*sin(pi*2*u) + sqrt(3)*sin(pi*3*u) + 2*sin(pi*4*u)
Two alternative ways to 'build' this function are as in f and g below:
2011 Jan 11
Alphabetic labels on multi-plot graphics
Is there a way to achieve
lbl=c("a", "b", "c", "d")
par(mfrow=c(2,2), ann=FALSE)
for (t in 1:4){
sin(t*seq(from=1,to=2*pi,length=100)), type="l")
title(main=paste("(", lbl[t], ")", sep=""))
without having to use an object like 'lbl'?
More generally: is it possible
2011 Jun 28
Axes labels, greek letters and spaces
Hello all,
I can't seem to figure how to use a greek character in expression() in
plot() labels without adding a space. So for example below when plotting
this out
plot(x,x^2, xlab=expression(Chlorophyll~italic(a)~mu~g~cm^-2))
the axis label read as μ g cm^-2 because I have space there with a tilda.
But if I remove the tilda then my units are mug cm^-2.
Can anyone recommend a
2011 Oct 21
Specifying Greek Character in Lattice Plot Label
For an axis label I want to include the Greek letter mu within the string.
I've not found the proper way of including that expression within the
What I want is "Conductivity (uS/cm)" with the 'u' replaced by mu. When I
try "Conductivity (" expression(paste(mu)) "S/cm)" I get an error. If I
don't separate Conductivity and S/cm with
2011 Jan 06
Cairo pdf canvas size
I want to save a pdf plot using Cairo, but the canvas of the saved file
seems too large when compared to the actual plotted area.
Is there a way to control the relation between the canvas size and the size
of actual plotting area?
Thanks in advance, and best regards,
Eduardo Horta
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2024 Mar 11
evince not showing "greek" and "math" in *.pdf plots
Hi Martin and Tim,
I also have this bug. Though I think not necessarily with all the same
fonts as Martin.
Using Martin's code:
Fedora 39, Evince 45.0
It's a bug with Evince. I think. I think it's substituting in a font
set that doesn't have all the required symbols. I think it should be
possible to install the required fonts, but I haven't
2010 Sep 05
Greek symbols (again but more complicated)
I'm trying to get 'mu' to show up as a Greek symbol but, despite trying every example I could find, can't get it to work. Any insights would be welcome.
This is what I'm using that works, but displays mu with the letter u.
plotTimeXMastPAR <- qplot(DT,MastPAR, data=A, xlab = "", ylab = quote(PAR (uE ~m^-2 ~s^-1)), geom="line") +
2010 Apr 19
How to embed italic Greek letters in a eps file?
I need to add on a plot text containing italic Greek characters using
the function mtext (i.e. I cannot use Hershey vectors). The characters
are nicely displayed when the file is saved as png but not when saved as
eps. See code below as example:
plot(1,1, type = 'n')
mtext(side = 3, line = 2,
2010 Nov 17
Numerical integration
I was wondering if there are any other functions for numerical integration,
besides 'integrate' from the stats package, but which wouldn't require the
integrand to be vectorized. Oh, and must be capable of integrating over
Thanks in advance,
Eduardo Horta
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2024 Mar 11
evince not showing "greek" and "math" in *.pdf plots
This problem has bugged me for several years now,
and our own IT staff has tried a few things, but then never
cared enough to persist fixing it.
It *is* a bug in evince, the standard pdf viewer on Fedora and
IIUC also quite few other Linux distributions, and
*not* a bug in R; hence I am asking for help/hints here.
A very simple example: