Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Downloading data from internet"
2010 Oct 15
Problem with merging two zoo objects
Dear all, I have following 2 zoo objects. However when I try to merge those 2 objects into one, nothing is coming as intended. Please see below the objects as well as the merged object:
> dat11
V2 V3 V4 V5
2010-10-15 13:43:54 73.8 73.8 73.8 73.8
2010-10-15 13:44:15 73.8 73.8 73.8 73.8
2010-10-15 13:45:51 73.8 73.8 73.8 73.8
2010-10-15 13:46:21 73.8 73.8 73.8 73.8
2011 Jun 14
Read in from multiple Excel wksheets
I?ve got an Excel workbook with about 30 worksheets. Each worksheet
has 10000 rows of data over 30 columns.
I?d like to read the data from each worksheet into a dataframe or
matrix in R for processing. Normally, I use read.csv when interacting
with Excel but I?d rather manipulate a multisheet workbook directly
than set about splitting the original workbook and saving down each
part as a csv.
2011 Feb 13
String manipulation
Please consider following string:
MyString <- "ABCFR34564IJVEOJC3434"
Here you see that, there are 4 groups in above string. 1st and 3rd groups
are for english letters and 2nd and 4th for numeric. Given a string, how can
I separate out those 4 groups?
Thanks for your time
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 26
String manipulation
Dear all, I have following kind of character vector:
Vec <- c("344426", "dwjjsgcj", "123sgdc", "aagha123", "sdh343asgh", "123jhd51")
Now I want to split each element of this vector according to?numeric?and string element. For example in the 1st element of that vector, there is no string element. Therefore I should get a vector of
2010 Feb 03
odbcConnectExcel2007 connection error
Hi all,
Apologies if I violate any posting etiquette - this is my first
submission to the R mailing list. I regularly use
'odbcConnectExcel2007' (from package 'RODBC') to read data from named
ranges in excel workbooks into R. I recently received the following
error message when attempting to set up a connection channel (i.e. ch1
<- odbcConnectExcel2007('path to excel 2007
2011 Jul 13
Error when writing to Excel files using the packages xlsx and xlsx2
Dear group,
I am working on a rather big project where the output data frames have
dimensions of 3000 x 15 or greater. We are using xlsx and xlsx2 to write the
data.frames to Excel sheets.
Since recently we get the following error, when trying to write the data
frames to the excel sheets:
Error in ls(envir = envir, all.names = private) :
invalid 'envir' argument
We figured out that
2008 Oct 11
Extracting subset of a vector
I have 2 vecros :
x1 = sample(x, 5, replace=FALSE)
Now i want to get remaining values of vector "x" those are not member of vector "x1". Can anyone please tell me how to do that?
2011 Jan 25
Importing xls from a http://
I know a lot of people asked similar questions like this. I have tried using
read.xls ()
Error in .Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, :
Incorrect number of arguments (11), expecting 10 for ReadXls
read.table or read.csv (Wrong table format)
odbcConnectExcel have problem with the URL
I want to import this excel file
2008 Mar 15
Fwd: Re: How to create following chart for visualizing multivariate time series
Thanks David, It is working. Holtman's also gave me a solution but, I wanted to have a color pallet for description of colors, that was not in his solution.
However I need one small modification. If I want to plot only lower diagonal elements of 'dat' then how should I proceed? What I want is, to visualize only lower diagonal elements and having the color pallet on them only. Also
2008 Mar 15
How to create following chart for visualizing multivariate time series
Let me take an artifical matrix :
dat = matrix(rnorm(200*200), 200, 200)
My goal is to visualize this matrix according to the procedure, described in previous mails. I took Mendelssohn's advice and got following advice :
Z <- setcov(owin())
plot(Z) .................... etc
However I can not reproduce this example in my problem. How I can change my data
2008 Sep 17
Loop on vector name
[My previous message rejected, therefore I am sending same one with some modification]
I have 3 vectors with object name : dat1, dat2, dat3
Now I want to create a loop, like :
for (i in 1:3)
How I can do this in R?
2009 Jul 22
A question on operation on list
I have created a list object like that :
x = vector("list")
for (i in 1:5) x[[i]] = rnorm(2)
Now I want to do two things :
1. for each i, I want to do following matrix calculation : t(x[[i]]) %*%
x[[i]] i.e. for each i, I want to get a 2x2 matrix
2. Next I want to get x[[1]] + x[[2]] +....
I did following : res=vector("list"); res = sapply(x, function(i) t(x[[i]])
2007 Jun 12
Panel data
Dear all R users,
I have a small doubt about panel data analysis. My basic understanding on Panel data is a type of data that is collected over time and subjects. Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) model used on this type of data. Therefore can I say that, one of statistical tools used for analysis of panel data is VAR model? If you clarify my doubt I will be very grateful.
Thanks and regards,
2008 Sep 10
Woring message in as.yearmon()
I have following dataset:
> res
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1946 4 1.27
[2,] 1946 5 1.27
[3,] 1946 6 1.27
[4,] 1946 7 1.27
[5,] 1946 8 1.52
[6,] 1946 9 1.52
[7,] 1946 10 1.52
[8,] 1946 11 1.52
[9,] 1946 12 1.62
[10,] 1947 1 1.62
[11,] 1947 2 1.62
[12,] 1947 3 1.62
[13,] 1947 4 1.87
[14,] 1947 5 1.87
[15,] 1947 6 1.87
Now I write following code
2009 Sep 13
How to get last day of a month?
Is there any R function to calculate automatically the last day of a
particular month? For example "sep2009" should be converted to last day of
September of 2009?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-get-last-day-of-a-month--tp25425645p25425645.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2009 Feb 16
Alternate to for-loop
Hi, I am trying to create a vector of length 10 (say), wherein each element
will be average of random sample of size 100, from a distribution, say
Normal. Can anyone please tell me without creating a "for" loop, how I can
do that?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Alternate-to-for-loop-tp22035954p22035954.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 Sep 10
How to find where is the <space> in data
I have following
" 1975 01 7711.16"
Here I need to identify where the <space> is there and then concatenate rest of the digits without <space>, i.e. I want to have "1975017711.16". Is there any R function?
2008 Feb 29
Fwd: Re: How to create following chart for visualizing multivariate time series
I used ?image function to do that, like below :
require(grDevices) # for colours
x <- y <- seq(-4*pi, 4*pi, len=27)
r <- sqrt(outer(x^2, y^2, "+"))
image(x, y, r, col=gray((0:32)/32))
However my next problem to add a color pallet for color description [as shown in following link]. If anyone here tell me how to do that, it will be good for me.
Megh Dal
2007 May 04
Analysis for Binary time series
hi, good morning everyone. I have a time series with binary outputs like : 0001011110100.................etc. Now I want to forecast the future values of that. Can anyone please tell me whether there is any tools exist in literature for dealing with this kind of binary observation? If possible please provide me some good references in net as well.
2010 Jul 13
Need help on index for time series object
Dear all,
Please forgive me if there is a duplicate post; my previous mail perhaps didnt reach the list.......
Let say I have following time series
> dat1 <- zooreg(rnorm(10), start=as.Date("2010-01-01"), frequency=1)
> dat1[c(3, 7,8)] = NA
> dat1
2010-01-01 2010-01-02 2010-01-03 2010-01-04 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08 2010-01-09