Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "as.object: function doesn't exist but I wish it did"
2006 Feb 12
Mathematical typesetting of column heads using the latex (Hmisc) function
Dear r-helpers,
I would very much appreciate help with the following problem:
The following command (in a .Rnw file)
latex(anova(e7.lmer3, e7.lmer4), file = 'e7lmer34.tex', rowname = c
('nonlinear', 'linear'), longtable = FALSE, dcolumn = T, booktabs =
T, table.env = F)
produces the following output after running Sweave:
% latex.default(anova(e7.lmer1, e7.lmer2),
2005 Sep 19
How to mimic pdMat of lme under lmer?
Dear members,
I would like to switch from nlme to lme4 and try to translate some of my
models that worked fine with lme.
I have problems with the pdMat classes.
Below a toy dataset with a fixed effect F and a random effect R. I gave
also 2 similar lme models.
The one containing pdLogChol (lme1) is easy to translate (as it is an
explicit notation of the default model)
The more parsimonious
2012 May 08
mgcv: inclusion of random intercept in model - based on p-value of smooth or anova?
Dear useRs,
I am using mgcv version 1.7-16. When I create a model with a few
non-linear terms and a random intercept for (in my case) country using
s(Country,bs="re"), the representative line in my model (i.e.
approximate significance of smooth terms) for the random intercept
edf Ref.df F p-value
s(Country) 36.127 58.551 0.644
2007 Mar 30
problem using mcmcsamp() with glmer models containing interaction terms in fixed effects
Dear All,
I've been using mcmcsamp() successfully with a few different mixed models
but I can't get it to work with the following. Is there an obvious reason
why it shouldn't work with a model of this structure ?
*brief summary of objective:
I want to test the effect of no-fishing marine reserves on the abundance of
a target species.
I have samples at coral reef sites inside and
2007 May 16
lmer error confusion
Hi All.
I'm trying to run a simple model from Baayan, Davidson, & Bates and getting
a confusing error message. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?
# Here's the data.....
Subj <- factor(rep(1:3,each=6))
Item <- factor(rep(1:3,6))
SOA <- factor(rep(0:1,3,each=3))
RT <-
2012 Dec 29
AIC values with lmer and anova function
Dear colleagues,
I have a data from a repeated measures design that I'm analysing through a
mixed model. Nine independent sampling units (flasks with culture medium
with algae) were randomly divided into 3 groups ("c", "t1", "t2"). There is
no need for inclusion of the random effect of the intercept, because the
nine sample units are homogeneous among each other
2007 Jan 25
New version of lme4 and new mailing list R-SIG-mixed-models
Version 0.9975-11 of the lme4 package has been uploaded to CRAN. The
source package should be available on the mirrors in a day or two and
binary packages should follow soon after.
There are several changes in this release of the package. The most
important is the availability of a development version of lmer called,
for the time being, lmer2. At present lmer2 only fits linear mixed
2007 Jan 25
New version of lme4 and new mailing list R-SIG-mixed-models
Version 0.9975-11 of the lme4 package has been uploaded to CRAN. The
source package should be available on the mirrors in a day or two and
binary packages should follow soon after.
There are several changes in this release of the package. The most
important is the availability of a development version of lmer called,
for the time being, lmer2. At present lmer2 only fits linear mixed
2007 Jan 26
R crash with modified lmer code
Hi all,
I've now got a problem with some modified lmer code (function lmer1
pasted at end) - I've made only three changes to the lmer code (marked),
and I'm not really looking for comments on this function, but would like
to know why execution of the following commands that use it almost
invariably (but not quite predictably) leads to the R session
Here's the command
2007 Sep 19
Robust or Sandwich estimates in lmer2
Dear R-Users:
I am trying to find the robust (or sandwich) estimates of the standard error of fixed effects parameter estimates using the package "lmer2". In model-1, I used "robust=TRUE" on the other, in model-2, I used "robust=FALSE". Both models giving me the same estimates. So my question is, does the robust option works in lmer2 to get the robust estimates of
2006 Jan 30
weights argument in the lmer function in lme4
I suspect the weights argument is not having any effect.
Package: Matrix
Version: 0.995-2
Date: 2006-01-19
Beginning with this:
Browse[1]> resp.lmer <- lmer(SensSSC ~ Block + Season + (1 | Plot) + (1 | Ma) + (1 | Pa) +
+ (1 | MaPa), weights = SensSSC.N, data = xx)
I group the output into a table with my ran.eff function and get this:
2007 Jan 29
lmer2 error under Mac OS X on PowerPC G5 but not on Dual-Core Intel Xeon
> (fm1 <- lmer2(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
Error in as.double(start) : Calloc could not allocate (888475968 of
4) memory
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
attached base packages:
[1] "grid" "datasets" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices"
2006 Apr 28
variance using lmer
Dear R help
I have a question on the variance of the binomial probit model.
I have fitted the following model :
> lmer1<-lmer(mp ~ l + op + l*op+ us_lev + bw_lev +(1|tatu) ,
+ family = binomial(link="probit"),
+ method = 'Laplace',
+ data = matings,
+ msVerbose= True)
> summary(lmer1)
Generalized linear
2010 Feb 01
Missing names in LMER and GLM
I'm having trouble with 'lmer' and would really appreciate it if anybody
could help.
I am trying to run generalized linear mixed effect model, and am using
'lmer', but some of the names inside the data do not show up in the summary
after I compute the 'lmer'. As a close example of the data I have, the
objects are
Calls = MM, MB, MM, MM, MN, MNX, MNX, ...
2008 Aug 25
lmer4 and variable selection
Dear list,
I am currently working with a rather large data set on body temperature
regulation in wintering birds. My original model contains quite a few
dependent variables, but I do not (of course) wish to keep them all in my
final model. I've fitted the following model to the data:
2008 Feb 13
lmer: Estimated variance-covariance is singular, false convergence
Dear R Community!
We analyse the impact of climbing activity on cliff vegetation. During
our fieldwork, we recorded 90 Transects in 3 climbing sites. The aim is
to see, if the plant cover (response: Cover) is influenced only by
crevice availability (predictor: Cracs), or, additional, by the distance
to the climbing route (predictor: Distance). Six plots are nested within
one Transect
2007 Oct 08
estfun & df
I need an URGENT help from you please!
How can I see the "estfun" (empirical estimating function) and "df" (degree of freedom) from the following mixed-model please?
(fm1 <- lmer2(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
Many thanks in advance for your kind help.
2007 Aug 07
lmer() : crossed-random-effects specification
Dear all,
I want to estimate a crossed-random-effects model (i.e., measurements,
students, schools) where students migrate between schools over time.
I'm interested in the fixed effects of "SES", "age" and their
interaction on "read" (reading achievement) while accounting for the
sample design. Based on a previous post, I'm specifying my model as:
fm1 <-
2007 Mar 07
Failure to run mcsamp() in package arm
Dear r-helpers,
I can run the examples on the mcsamp help page. For example:
> M1 <- lmer (y1 ~ x + (1|group))
> (M1.sim <- mcsamp (M1))
fit using lmer,
3 chains, each with 1000 iterations (first 500 discarded)
n.sims = 1500 iterations saved
mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% Rhat n.eff
2008 Feb 11
Logistic regression with repeated measures
Hello R list,
I am hoping to conduct a logistic regression with repeated measures,
and would love an actual "code run through" for such an analysis. I
found only one related post on this list, but a full answer was never
provided. I understand that the routine lmer (or lmer2) in the lme4
package is often recommended in such a case, but actually implementing
it is where I've hit a