similar to: Finding indexes of minum and maximum elements of an array

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Finding indexes of minum and maximum elements of an array"

2012 Dec 10
equivalent of group command of the egen function in Stata
Dear R listers, I am trying to create a new variable that uniquely identifies groups of observations in a dataset. So far I couldn't figure out how to do this in R. In Stata I would simply type: egen newvar = group(dim1, dim2, dim3) Please, find below a quick example to show what I am dealing with: I have a dataset with 4 variables: var <- runif(50) ## a variable that I want to group
2011 Aug 17
multinomRob - error message
Hi, I would like to use the multinomRob function to test election results. However, depending on which independent variables I include and how many categories I have in the dependent variable, the model cannot be estimated. My data look like this (there are 68 observations): > head(database) RESTE09 GAUCHE09 PDC09 PLR09 UDC09 MCG09 RESTE05 GAUCHE05 PDC05 D1 1455
2012 Feb 25
which is the fastest way to make data.frame out of a three-dimensional array?
foo <- rnorm(30*34*12) dim(foo) <- c(30, 34, 12) I want to make a data.frame out of this three-dimensional array. Each dimension will be a variabel (column) in the data.frame. I know how this can be done in a very slow way using for loops, like this: x <- rep(seq(from = 1, to = 30), 34) y <- as.vector(sapply(1:34, function(x) {rep(x, 30)})) month <- as.vector(sapply(1:12,
2010 Nov 08
unknown dimensions for loglm
Dear R-help community, I am working with multidimensional contingency tables and I am having trouble getting loglm to run on all dimensions without typing out each dimension. I have generated random data and provided output for the results I want below: d1.c1 <- rnorm(20, .10, .02) d1.c2 <- rnorm(20, .10, .02) d2.c1 <- rnorm(20, .09, .02) d2.c2 <- rnorm(20, .09, .02) d3.c1 <-
2012 Dec 07
points3d and ordirgl
Hello all, I have been using the function ordirgl to plot 3D dynamic ordinations. The ordirgl function works just fine. IN fact, I was even able to write a function that allows me to identify points in the 3D plot: identify.rgl<-function(env_var,ord,dim1,dim2,dim3) { tmp<-select3d(button="left") tmp.keep<-tmp(ord[,dim1],ord[,dim2],ord[,dim3])
2010 Jan 20
Change an array into a dataset of four variables, dim1, dim2, dim3 and its elements
Hi, See my example below. a<-array(1:12,c(2,3,2)) > a , , 1 [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 3 5 [2,] 2 4 6 , , 2 [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 7 9 11 [2,] 8 10 12 I want to get a result something like dim1 dim2 dim3 elements 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 I tried the data.frame and expand.grid functions,
2004 Jul 16
labels for 3d Plots
High! How can I add variable labels (rownames for instance) to a plot created with ‚clouds’ ( clouds(dim3~dim1*dim2)) – package lattice? Thanks in advance! Martina Renninger [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Nov 17
Numerical integration
Hi! I was wondering if there are any other functions for numerical integration, besides 'integrate' from the stats package, but which wouldn't require the integrand to be vectorized. Oh, and must be capable of integrating over (-inf,+inf). Thanks in advance, Eduardo Horta [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jan 03
Saving objects inside a list
Hello there, any ideas on how to save all the objects on my workspace inside a list object? For example, say my workspace is as follows ls() [1] "x" "y" "z" and suppose I want to put these objects inside a list object, say object.list <- list() without having to explicitly write down their names as in object.list$x = x object.list$y = y object.list$z = z Is
2010 Feb 10
system.time provides inaccurate sys.child (PR#14210)
Full_Name: Manuel L?pez-Ib??ez Version: R version 2.6.2 (2008-02-08) OS: linux-gnu Submission from: (NULL) ( This is only relevant for CPU intensive child processes. Otherwise, the problem is not obvious. Therefore, we need a CPU intensive program like this one: /************************************/ /*** Compile with: gcc -o timer-test -O0 timer-test.c -lm */ #include
2010 Dec 13
Integration with LaTex and LyX
Hello, Are there any packages which allow for a good integration between R and LaTex / LyX? I'm interested mainly in automatic (automagic?) imports of plots/graphics. Thanks in advance and best regards, Eduardo de Oliveira Horta [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Sep 25
apply on a 4D array
I am trying to multiply a 3D array of 4x4x4 by the 4 3D arrays of a 4D array with dimensions 4x4x4x4 (the last dimension being the one that I want to split by). (4x4x4 array) > hiaAry , , a1 i1 i2 i3 i4 h1 9.5936098 6.001040 0.08772 0.3138600 h2 1.2003500 1.454570 2.79248 0.0000000 h3 0.1346500 0.201220 0.39256 0.5464000 h4 0.0109000 0.012270 0.16417 0.2766900 ,
2001 Dec 31
Extracting/setting elements from/in a matrix/array
Dear all, I had to extracts/set elements from/in a matrix. Let say I have two vectors dim1 and dim2 of indices in the respective two dimensions of a matrix: I want to extract all the corresponding elements. I the case of a nxn matrix, dim1 <- 1:n and dim2 <- 1:n would extract the diagonal. I know one way would be to use the functions 'row' and 'col', but the matrixes I
2003 Jul 30
reverse array indexing
Hi, Suppose I have a multidimensional array: tmp <- array(1:8, c(2,2,2)) is there a function out there that, given a one-dimensional array index, will return the separate indices for each array dimension? for instance, tmp[8] is equivalent to tmp[2,2,2]. I'd like to derive the vector (2,2,2) from the index 8. thanks, Brad Buchsbaum
2006 Jun 02
basic array question
I have a large array and would like to extract from it the row and column indices just of values for which a particular boolean condition is true. I assume there's a simple way to do this, but I haven't figured it out yet. Any help would be appreciated. Tim
2010 Nov 16
Vectors out of lists?
Hello there I have a list, Y, and each component of that list is a real-valued function (that is, Y[[i]](u) returns a number). I was wishing to build the mean function and the first thing I thought of was Ybar<-function(u){ mean(Y[[1:n]](u)) } but obviously this doesn't work, since Y[[1:n]] is not allowed at all. Any elegant suggestions? I really would like to avoid something like
2010 Apr 22
using which to select range of values
Hi all, I would like to get the array index for a range of values, say 0 < x < 1.5. I'm wondering if there is an alternative for the following which I've done x0 <- rnorm(100) x1 <- ifelse(x0 > 0 & x0 < 1.5,"t","f") x2 <- which(x1=="t",arr.ind=TRUE) x0[x2] Thanks. -- Muhammad
2010 Nov 27
Two time measures
Hello! I have a csv file of intra-day financial data (5-min closing prices) that looks like this: (obs - the dates are formated as day/month/year, as is usual here in Brazil) Date;Time;Close 01/09/2009;10:00;56567 01/09/2009;10:05;56463 01/09/2009;10:10;56370 ##(goes on all day) 01/09/2009;16:45;55771 01/09/2009;16:50;55823 01/09/2009;16:55;55814 ##(jumps to the subsequent day)
2008 Sep 10
Return dimension index from array with n-dimensions
Hi, I have been dealing with some problems finding a fast way of getting to know in what dimension a specific value is located out of an array (like the 'which' function for a vector returns its position). Unable to find anything about this on the internet I wrote a function myself. Could you please comment if such a function already exists, and if not, please feel free to comment the
2011 Jan 05
Adding lines in ggplot2
Hello, this is probably a recurrent question, but I couldn't find any answers that didn't involve the expression "data frame"... so perhaps I'm looking for something new here. I wanted to find a code equivalent to > x=sqrt(1:10) > y=log(1:10) > plot(1:10, x, type="lines", col="darkgreen") > lines(1:10, y, col="red") to use with