Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Vioplot / list help"
2008 Apr 22
Feed list of vectors to vioplot()?
I have a list of vectors and am trying to coerce them into something that
vioplot will take as groups of data to be plotted independently. Can
someone nudge me into the right direction?
Thanks, Joh
2005 Oct 26
horizontal violin plots?
I am trying to make horizontal violin plots. I have tried both vioplot
and simple.violinplot, but both of them seem to not be willing to take
the horizontal option. Is this correct, or am I just bungling it
For instance, for vioplot (from the example shown, with the horizontal
> vioplot(bimodal,uniform,normal, horizontal=TRUE)
Error in median(data) : need numeric data
2013 Mar 26
Increase font size in plots
I am using violin plots (type of boxplots) and I am trying to increase the font size in the plots.
It looks like that the violin plots do not work as "normal" plots as the cex parameters are ignored.
You can have a loot at the code below
2011 Nov 22
logarithmically scaled y-axis in vioplot
Dear all
I am trying to make a graphic with the "vioplot" package. I use the following code:
x1 <- GSMrxDL
x2 <- WIFI
x3 <- UMT
vioplot(x1, x2, x3, ylim=c(0, 10), names=c("GSMrxDL", "WIFI", "UMT"), col="gold")
title("NIS Strahlung", xlab="Sender", ylab="V/m")
Now I want to scale the y-axis
2017 Jul 24
Compare output of Violin plot from ggplot2 and vioplot . Need Explanation
I have made violin plot with both ggplot2 and vioplot package with same data.?
The results and code are as follows.?
################### ?Loading data?
data.melt <- dget("https://gubox.box.com/shared/static/rirth0eym114afwyjxwe128sjzipzdym.txt")
################### ?Violin plot by library(vioplot)
data.use_11<- data.melt$value[data.melt$ident == 0]
2006 May 29
variation on vioplot?
I have been using the package vioplot to make
boxplot/densityplots. Now I am looking for a variation of this, and I
was wondering if someone could give me any tips on how to do what I
I have nine groups of values, each group containing two sets of
numbers which show the difference between two values, such as this:
Start dev Stop dev
-1 10
5 -2
2016 Apr 30
Removing NAs from dataframe (for use in Vioplot)
First post and a relative R newbie....
I am using the vioplot library to produce some violin plots. I have an input CSV with columns off irregular length that contain NAs. I want to strip the NAs out and produce a multiple violin plot automatically labelled using the headers. At the moment I do this
ds1 = read.csv("http://www.lecturematerials.co.uk/data/spelling.csv")
2005 Mar 21
Violin plot for discrete variables.
Dear Rgurus,
To my knowledge the best way to visualize the distribution of a discrete
variable X is
The problem which I have is the following. I have to discrete variables
X and Y which distribution I would like to compare. To overlay the
distribution of Y with lines(table(Y)) gives not satisfying results.
This is the same in case of using density or histogram.
Hence, I am
2008 Feb 04
adding the mean and standard deviation to boxplots
Dear list,
How can I add the mean and standard deviation to each of the boxplots using the example provided in the boxplot function?
boxplot(len ~ dose, data = ToothGrowth,
boxwex = 0.25, at = 1:3 - 0.2,
subset = supp == "VC", col = "yellow",
main = "Guinea Pigs' Tooth Growth",
xlab = "Vitamin C dose mg",
2008 Aug 06
How to calculate GLM least square means?
Hello R-helpers,
I would like to calculate least square means after having built a GLM with
quasipoisson errors.
In my model the dependent variable is continuous, I have one continuous
independent variable and one categorical independent variable (that is the
variable for which I would like to calculate the least square means).
I've looked around for the command to calculate the least
2010 Dec 17
box-and-whisker plots based on summary not data
Is it possible to produce box-and-whisker plots given that I have the
median, interquartile and 5/95th centile values, but not the data from
which they come? It seems that it ought to be possible to coerce bxp
to do what I want, but I can't quite see how.
Matthew Vernon, Research Fellow
Ecology and Epidemiology Group,
University of Warwick
2005 Oct 20
Boxplot labels
I am creating boxplots from a dataframe and would like to add to the
standard output a marker representing the value from a particular row in the
.....And I apologize if the solution is as trivial as it seems it should be.
Thanks for any assistance.
2010 Dec 14
colour-plot of point intensities?
I've spent a while scrabbling around at this problem, to no avail. I'm
sure there /should/ be a simple answer...
I have a large (14 million rows) data set, with two columns. Each row
contains the number of times an individual moved, and the distance
that individual moved in total. I would like a figure where the colour
indicates the density of points, rather like this one my
2010 Dec 20
Time Series of Histograms
Dear List,
I have a set of distributions recorded at an equal interval of time and I would like to plot them as series of horizontal histograms (with the x-axis representing time, and y-axis representing the bins) since the distribution shifts from unimodal to multimodal in several occasions. What I would like to see is something close to a violinplot, but I do not want a kernel density
2018 Feb 13
Suppress horizontal mean line in beanplot()
I would like to use the beanplot() function from the beanplot package.
Unfortunately, I can't find out how to suppress the dashed horizontal
line, that shows the overall mean.
In the help I've found the argument "overallline", but it only allows
for "mean" or "median" .
I have tried overallline = F, overallline="n", and
2011 Nov 10
beanplot without log scale?
Is it possible to force beanplot not to use a log scale? I want to be able to create multiple beanplots of different data on the same specified y-axis.
When I try to force a ylim, I get the following...
> beanplot(reg5vel,ylim=(c(0,12000)))
log="y" selected
Warning message:
In plot.window(xlim = c(0.5, 7.5), ylim = c(0, 12000), log = "y") :
nonfinite axis limits
2012 Jan 13
beanplot-Error: sample is too sparse to find TD
Hi all,
Since two days I am trying to find a solution to be able to create
beanplots for my data. When I call the beanplot function the following
error appears:
> beanplot(y1 ~ x1, log="", what=c(1,1,1,0), ylim=c(0,1))
> Error in bw.SJ(x, method = "dpi") : sample is too sparse to find TD
What is really strange: I have 32 different vectors and the problem occurs
2009 Nov 24
Help: Beanplots calculating wrong average
Hi there,
I have a set of data that looks like this:
As1988<-c(1254.0, 22.0, 4.2, 1081.0, 35.0, 6.0, 1772.0, 192.0, 7.6)
The mean of this (as calculated by R) is: 485.9778
The median of this (as calculated by R) is: 35
If I then make a beanplot(As1988), I find that the beanline (average) is now
77.68561 while the beanline (median) is 35.39739 (using the locator function
to check the
2009 Dec 10
Help with beanplot fromatting
Dear Helpful R Users,
I am graphing some data using the beanplot, but I am having trouble
getting the output I desire. I have five tanks (A-E) and 2 groups for
each tank grp1 or grp2, except tank C where there is only grp1. (I only
changed the grouprep to "C grp1" for the example) When I plot them, I
would like A B C(only grp1 - half of the bean plot) then D and E (as
full beans).
2011 Mar 23
argument handling in boot.ci
boot.ci fails to check if the "type" argument is valid or not. This
tripped me up when I had a script that called boot.ci(type="normal",...)
repeatedly - only later when I tried to do some further analysis did I
realise I'd got nothing useful back from boot.ci.
It strikes me that this behaviour is probably incorrect, and that
boot.ci should stop if the