similar to: sum with times

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "sum with times"

2010 Apr 16
Yet Testing rKward
Hi, I continue testing rKward. I dont know how to save the results from a script execution without use copy and paste or using a rkward output system. Now I try to understand how adapt my script do use the rKward output system. Example: I have this script: ---------------------- ## Carregar a tabela de riqueza e equitabilidade library(gdata) dadosriq <-
2012 Oct 10
StartonRails na [:koshtech] @ Thu 2012-10-11 19:00 - 22:00
Aguardo-os amanhã. Confirmem presença aqui, por favor. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Google Calendar <> Date: 2012/10/9 Subject: Reminder: StartonRails na [:koshtech] @ Thu 2012-10-11 19:00 - 22:00 To: Fernando Kosh <> more details
2003 Sep 25
CDR Web Search Frontend
*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro* Hey all, I've just done a quick (but functional) web front end for searching the CDRs in a MySQL database. Anyone interested in trying it out? I'm wondering what to add to it next. So far you can seach using source, destination, CLI, channel and date ranges. It also displays ALL fields in the database table.
2012 Jan 13
Preços por serviços e equipamento
Senhores algu?m pode me passar os valores aproximados para realizar essas configura??es, uma amigo n?o sabe como e quanto cobrar para fazer as configura??es para um cliente e fica me perguntando, eu cobro por hora, e o senhores ? O servi?os s?o: - Configura??o do PABX digital - Configura??o de URA - Configura??o de redirecionamento para celular por operadora ATT -- Cl?udio Duarte (61)
2014 Jul 25
[AsteriskBrasil] [Elastix-pt] Melhor Chipeira para Integrar com Elastix
Acrescentando o report do Dell, os equipamentos da Khomp s?o homologados pela Anatel - funcionamento normalmente nas implementa??es de Asterisk puro, FreePBX ou Elastix. Caso desejem mais informa??es sobre equipamentos da Khomp, consultem a CAM Tecnologia. A CAM Tecnologia atua com revenda ou venda direta da khomp para o cliente final. Contato: Rubens Duarte de Andrade Tel: (21) 3189-1050
2011 Feb 11
Using merge
Hi, I have two tables and I need to merge both. I use the merge command, but in this way the name must be exactly. How I can make to compare independently of upper or lower-case? Look: data1<-data.frame(journal=c("Ecology","Environmental Entomology","Neotropical Biology And Conservation"))
2010 Apr 15
Bug#481105: Lembrete: Marco Sinhoreli convidou você para entrar no Facebook...
======================================= Para se cadastrar no Facebook, clique no link abaixo: ======================================= Ol?, A pessoa abaixo convidou voc? para o Facebook: Marco Sinhoreli (Invite sent: Mar 30, 2010) O Facebook ? um ?timo ambiente para se manter em contato com
2012 Apr 18
Bom dia galera! Venho aqui divulgar e buscar feedback de vocês sobre o lançamento de um novo site. Chama-se um novo modelo de compras na internet. Desenvolvido em: Ruby On Rails + MongoDB Você diz quanto quer pagar por um produto, e os lojistas recebem todas as ofertas que os usuários estão criando. Se interessar ao lojista "cobrir" aquela oferta, ele aceita e
2003 May 05
Help to make a for for index
Hi, I try to make a vector in a for for loop, but it dont work. Look: > a <- 0;for(i in c(1:2)) { for(j in c(1:2)) { a <- i+j; print(a)}} [1] 2 [1] 3 [1] 3 [1] 4 I try to make this a vector, like this: [1] 2 3 3 4 > a <- 0;for(i in c(1:2)) { for(j in c(1:2)) { a[j] <- i+j}}; print(a) [1] 3 4 > a <- 0;for(i in c(1:2)) { for(j in c(1:2)) { a[i] <- i+j}}; print(a) [1]
2011 Dec 13
Problem with package compilation
Hi, I have a R package with some functions made all of then only with R code. I use the command R CMD build to build a package that I can install on linux, windows or mac, because all the code is only R code. But I have some problems with R version. For each new R version I need to rebuild the package to be install in this new version. It is possible to make a package without this R Version
2010 Apr 22
Help with tapply selection
Hi, I try to create a data.frame from results of a tapply. I have this results from tapply: -------------------------- , , tapinom sp 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA , , wasm sp 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA
2010 Aug 09
Different colour in each bar in lattice package
Hi, I try to plot bars with different colours in a barchart graphic. My idea is make that all X-Levels from trat var with different colour (grey scale). I search for a solution but dont find any. Any help? Thanks dados <- structure(list(Medias = c(0.994169096209855, 0.99416342412449, 0.974683544303797, 0.954430379746835, 0.669047619047619, 0.999999998475569, 0.994163424124514,
2010 Apr 15
Bug#481200: Lembrete: Marco Sinhoreli convidou você para entrar no Facebook...
======================================= Para se cadastrar no Facebook, clique no link abaixo: ======================================= Ol?, A pessoa abaixo convidou voc? para o Facebook: Marco Sinhoreli (Invite sent: Mar 30, 2010) O Facebook ? um ?timo ambiente para se manter em contato com
2010 Apr 16
Bug#491660: Lembrete: Marco Sinhoreli convidou você para entrar no Facebook...
======================================= Para se cadastrar no Facebook, clique no link abaixo: ======================================= Ol?, A pessoa abaixo convidou voc? para o Facebook: Marco Sinhoreli (Invite sent: Mar 30, 2010) O Facebook ? um ?timo ambiente para se manter em contato com
2013 Dec 06
ENC: atualização
Estou usando a vers?o 4.0 e quero migrar para a vers?o 4.1, uso centos 6.4 e fa?o as atualiza??es via sernet ( <> ). Posso atualizar s? mudando o caminho do yum e n?o vai dar nenhum problema com o que j? tenho hoje ou tenho que come?ar do inicio (do zero)?
2011 Mar 10
Stress in metaMDS from vegam package
Hi, I have a newbie doubt. I try to use metaMDS in R, it is OK, but the stress that I get is 16.32, in other programs stress is showed like 0.173. I don't find a good explanation about this calculations on books, I think that R show stress em a percentage data (0-100) and other software in a proportional data (0-1), it is correct? Thanks Ronaldo -- 11ª lei - Você deve conhecer mais de
2011 Jun 09
Help on survival analysis
Hi, I need a help in a survival analysis using survreg function with weibull distribution from survival package. Look the data sample: ########## Start of script dados <- structure(list(TFD = c(20L, 34L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 50L, 26L, 1L, 50L, 21L, 3L, 13L, 11L, 22L, 50L, 50L, 1L, 50L, 9L, 50L, 1L, 13L, 50L, 50L, 1L, 6L, 50L, 50L, 50L, 36L, 3L, 46L, 10L, 50L, 1L, 18L, 3L, 36L, 37L, 50L, 7L, 1L,
2010 Apr 16
Help on rKward
Hi, I'm testing rKward and it's become a great GUI for R on linux, mainly for new linux users. I'm not a new linux user and I use Emacs for my own R's script. But I always try new GUIs or IDEs for to recommend to my students. The most dificult for new R and Linux users is: I have installed R on my linux but I dont found the R icon. This happen because R on linux have only the
2011 Dec 18
write.xls dont find the object in function
Hi, I try to use write.xls from dataframes2xls inside a function. The write.xls work normally in console, but inside a function it dont find the object. Look this example: > library(dataframes2xls) > test <- function(x){ + a <- data.frame(A=c(1,2),B=c(10,11)) + write.xls(a,file="a.xls") + } > test() Erro em get(s[i]) : objeto 'a' não encontrado Why the
2011 Dec 31
Simple problem
Hi, when I use the install.packages() function this make a download of packages, try do compile/install packages and delete the downloaded file. But if the compilation of package fail, I need to make the download again because R delete all downloaded file. How I can make install.packages dont delete the downloaded file automatically to be used again in case of compilation fail? Thanks