similar to: Please help with one problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Please help with one problem"

2009 Aug 24
[] for R
I am assuming the variable out is the output parameter. However, I don't understand what is out[1+xi*xx>0]? Can someone explain this to me? Thanks in advance, Chen dGEV <- function(x, xi, mu = 0, sigma = 1, logvalue=FALSE) { xx <- (x-mu)/sigma #use the new dGumbel which passes mu and sigma: #if (xi==0) out <- dGumbel(xx,logvalue=TRUE)-log(sigma) if (xi==0) {
2009 Oct 10
Possible bug in the Rd parser?
Dear list, I got an automatic email complaining than some of my packages didn't pass 'R CMD check' for R-2.10.0 alpha anymore. Both of them make use of the "cases" LaTeX environment. Inspecting the log outputs I got: LaTeX errors when creating PDF version. This typically indicates Rd problems. LaTeX errors found: ! Misplaced alignment tab
2012 Jul 03
EM algorithm to find MLE of coeff in mixed effects model
I have a general question about coefficients estimation of the mixed model. I simulated a very basic model: Y|b=X*\beta+Z*b +\sigma^2* diag(ni); b follows N(0,\psi) #i.e. bivariate normal where b is the latent variable, Z and X are ni*2 design matrices, sigma is the error variance, Y are longitudinal data, i.e. there are ni
2010 Jul 30
hi! l have a question please help me
1) dmatrix1<-function(n,p,rho,sigma,k){ muvec1=zeros(1,p) truep<-as.matrix(c(3,1.5,0,0,2,0,0,0)) A=eye(p) for(i in 1:p){ for(j in 1:p){ A[i,j]=rho^(abs(i-j)) X=mvrnorm(n,muvec1,A) y=X%*%truep+as.matrix(rnorm(n,0,sigma)) Y=X[1:k,] w=y[1:k] Z=X[(k+1):n,] z=y[(k+1):n]}} return(list(X,Y,w,Z,z)) } I made this code which performs
2009 Aug 20
Understanding R code
What is 1. par.ests <- optimfit$par 2. fisher <- hessb(negloglik, par.ests, maxvalue=maxima); 3. varcov <- solve(fisher); 4. <- sqrt(diag(varcov)); Thanks a lot, fit.GEV <- function(maxima) { sigma0 <- sqrt((6. * var(maxima))/pi) mu0 <- mean(maxima) - 0.57722 * sigma0 xi0 <- 0.1 theta <- c(xi0, mu0, sigma0) #10/5/2007: removed assign() for
2011 Jun 07
variable selection in linear regression
Hello With due respect, have a nice time. I would like to ask some command in R. It is regarding variable selection in linear regression. In R, there is one rebuild function called "step" which selecting variables according to AIC. let say i have data [y, x1,x2,x3,x4] we start with y~b0 i compute the partial F test and choose the variable with maximum partial F to enter the
2012 Oct 16
how to extract from list
Hi all, I have a list of 20000 data, and the list look like below. I wonder what is the simplest way to extract 'kappa' value (or 'xi' or 'alpha' for the matter) from each of the data. How can I simply code it without having to change the list to a dataframe first? Many thanks! $X19997 xi alpha kappa 784.7718640 165.4065141 -0.2709599 $X19998
2012 Jun 20
lmomco in gev estimation
Hi guys, I'm trying to use lmomco package. first I did the manual calculation on what is the estimates scale and location parameter given L-CV=0.2, L1=1000 L-moments and k (shape parameter) =- 0.1. so what i get is: location: 821.0445 scale: 260.7590 shape: -0.1000 #I assign this as GEV vectors using vec2par GEVpara2<-vec2par(c( 821.0445 , 260.7590 ,-0.1),'gev') #then I
2020 Oct 13
Please need help to finalize my code
Hm. Google tells me that kernel function is in stats package which comes with base installation and is invoked when you start R. search() [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:stats" "package:graphics" [4] "package:grDevices" "package:utils" "package:datasets" [7] "package:methods" "Autoloads"
2005 Aug 23
priority of operators in the FOR ( ) statement
Dear All, I spent an entire evening in debugging a small, fairly simple program in R - without success. It was my Guru in Bayesian Analysis, Thomas Fridtjof, who was able to diagonose the problem. He said that it took a long time for him also to locate the problem. This program illustrates in some ways the shortcomings of the error messages that R responds with. In this case, it was quite
2020 Oct 10
Please need help to finalize my code
Good evening dear administrators, It is with pleasure that I am writing to you to ask for help to finalize my R programming algorithm. Indeed, I attach this note to my code which deals with a case of independence test statistic . My request is to introduce the kernels using the functional data for this same code that I am sending you. So I list the lines for which we need to introduce the
2009 Mar 27
LME as part of meta-analysis
Hi, I'm having a problem using LME and hopefully I can get some help. Here is what I'm doing: I have a model like this: yi = alpha + theta * xi + beta * zi + error, errors are normally distributed mean 0, var sigma^2 xi and zi are generated from normal distributions within a specified range. True values of alpha, theta, beta and sigma^2 are chosen with a specific mean and variane
2020 Oct 13
Please need help to finalize my code
What do you *mean* "when you want to use the kernels". WHICH kernels? Use to do WHAT? In your browser, visit then select "Packages" from the list on the left. Then pick the alphabetic list. Now search for 'kernel'. You will find dozens of matches. On Wed, 14 Oct 2020 at 05:15, PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at> wrote: > Hm. Google tells
2020 Oct 09
Aide pour finaliser ce code
Hello. Here is my R code. I used the functional data . Now I need to use the functional data by applying the kernels instead of the xi, yi functions. Bonjour. Voici mon code en R . J'ai utiliser les donn?es fonctionnelles . Maintenant j'ai besoin d'utiliser les donn?es fonctionnelles en appliquant les noyaux ? la place des fontions xi, yi library(MASS)
2011 Jun 30
Saving fExtremes estimates and k-block return level with confidence intervals.
I am estimating a large model by groups. How do you save the results and?returns the associated quantiles? For this example I need a data frame n?? ?xi??????? mu????????beta 1?? 0.1033614? 2.5389580 0.9092611 2? ?0.3401922? 0.5192882 1.5290615 3?? 0.5130798? 0.5668308 1.2105666 I also want to apply gevrlevelPlot() for each "n" or group. ? #Example n <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2,
2013 May 16
R looping help
Hey I'm not really sure what I should put on here, but I am having trouble with my R code. I am trying to get the p-values, R^2s etc for a number of different groups of variables that are all in one dataset. This is the code: #Stand counter st<-1 #Collections stands<-numeric(67) slopes<-numeric(67) intercepts<-numeric(67) mses<-numeric(67) rsquares<-numeric(67)
2010 Mar 04
which coefficients for a gam(mgcv) model equation?
Dear users, I am trying to show the equation (including coefficients from the model estimates) for a gam model but do not understand how to. Slide 7 from one of the authors presentations (gam-theory.pdf URL: shows a general equation log{E(yi )} = ?+ ?xi + f (zi ) . What I would like to do is put my model coefficients and present the equation used. I am an
2007 Oct 18
R-graphics printing greeks
I have tried to print a table of greek alphabet names and symbols without success. I can print one character at a time but can't seem to find a way to automate an entire list of the symbols. Some of the code I have tried is below. I have searched on help, worked the examples in the December 2002 R Help Desk article and plotmath but have not been able to find a way to accomplish the
2006 Jun 02
Multivariate skew-t cdf
Dear All, I am using the pmst function from the sn package (version 0.4-0). After inserting the example from the help page, I get non-trivial answers, so everything is fine. However, when I try to extend it to higher dimension: xi <- alpha <- x <- rep(0,27) Omega <- diag(0,27) p1 <- pmst(x, xi, Omega, alpha, df = 5) I get the following result: >p1 [1] 0 attr(,"error")
2006 Jul 04
Problems when computing the 1rst derivative of mixtures of densities
Hi everybody, I am currently working on mixtures of two densities ( f(xi,teta)= (1-teta)*f1(xi) + teta*f2(xi) ), particularly on the behavior of the variance for teta=0 (so sample only comes from the first distribution). To determine the maximum likelihood estimator I use the Newton-Rapdon Iteration. But when computing the first derivative I get a none linear function (with several asymptotes)