similar to: Non-positive definite cross-covariance matrices

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Non-positive definite cross-covariance matrices"

2010 Oct 21
how do I make a correlation matrix positive definite?
Hi, If a matrix is not positive definite, make.positive.definite() function in corpcor library finds the nearest positive definite matrix by the method proposed by Higham (1988). However, when I deal with correlation matrices whose diagonals have to be 1 by definition, how do I do it? The above-mentioned function seem to mess up the diagonal entries. [I haven't seen this complication, but
2006 Jul 21
positive semi-definite matrix
I have a covariance matrix that is not positive semi-definite matrix and I need it to be via some sort of adjustment. Is there any R routine or package to help me do this? Thanks, Roger [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jun 26
constructing arbitrary (positive definite) covariance matrix
Dear list, I am trying to use the 'mvrnorm' function from the MASS package for simulating multivariate Gaussian data with given covariance matrix. The diagonal elements of my covariance matrix should be the same, i.e., all variables have the same marginal variance. Also all correlations between all pair of variables should be identical, but could be any value in [-1,1]. The problem I am
2013 Jun 07
Function nlme::lme in Ubuntu (but not Win or OS X): "Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance"
Dear all, I am estimating a mixed-model in Ubuntu Raring (13.04ΒΈ amd64), with the code: fm0 <- lme(rt ~ run + group * stim * cond, random=list( subj=pdSymm(~ 1 + run), subj=pdSymm(~ 0 + stim)), data=mydat1) When I check the approximate variance-covariance matrix, I get: > fm0$apVar [1] "Non-positive definite
2011 Nov 18
Ensuring a matrix to be positive definite, case involving three matrices
Hi, I would like to know what should I garantee about P and GGt in order to have F = Z %*% P %*% t(Z) + GGt always as a positive definite matrix. Being more precise: I am trying to find minimum likelihood parameters by using the function 'optim' to find the lowest value generated by $LogLik from the function 'fkf' ( The
2006 Dec 29
Failure loading library into second R 2.3.1 session on Windows XP
Hi. I am using R 2.3.1 on Windows XP. I had installed a library package into my first session and wanted the same package in my second session, so I went out to the CRAN mirror and tried to install the package, and got the following message: ********************************************************************* >utils:::menuInstallPkgs() trying URL
2012 Aug 10
Lavaan: Immediate non-positive definite matrix
Hi, I recently tried to estimate a linear unconditional latent growth curve on 7 repeated measures using lavaan (most recent version): modspec=' alpha =~ 1*read_g0 + 1*read_g1 + 1*read_g2 + 1*read_g3 + 1*read_g4 + 1*read_g5 + 1*read_g6 beta =~ 0*read_g0 + 1*read_g1 + 2*read_g2 + 3*read_g3 + 4*read_g4 + 5*read_g5 + 6*read_g6 ' gmod=lavaan(modspec, data=math, meanstructure=T,
2006 Jul 11
non positive-definite G matrix in mixed models: bootstrap?
Dear list, In a mixed model I selected I find a non positive definite random effects variance-covariance matrix G, where some parameters are estimated close to zero, and related confidence intervals are incredibly large. Since simplification of the random portion is not an option, for both interest in the parameters and significant increase in the model fit, I would like to collect
2011 May 05
matrix not positive definite (while it should be)
I do have some trouble with matrices. I want to build up a covariance matrix with a hierarchical structure). For instance, in dimension n=10, I have two subgroups (called REGION). NR=2; n=10 CORRELATION=matrix(c(0.4,-0.25, -0.25,0.3),NR,NR) REGION=sample(1:NR,size=n,replace=TRUE) R1=REGION%*%t(rep(1,n)) R2=rep(1,n)%*%t(REGION) SIGMA=matrix(NA,n,n) for(i in 1:NR){ for(j in
2011 Jun 02
generating random covariance matrices (with a uniform distribution of correlations)
List members, Via searches I've seen similar discussion of this topic but have not seen resolution of the particular issue I am experiencing. If my search on this topic failed, I apologize for the redundancy. I am attempting to generate random covariance matrices but would like the corresponding correlations to be uniformly distributed between -1 and 1. The approach I have been using is:
2010 Dec 02
Hmisc label function applied to data frame
Hello, I'm attempting to create a data frame with correlations between every pair of variables in a data frame, so that I can then sort by the value of the correlation coefficient and see which pairs of variables are most strongly correlated. The sm2vec function in the corpcor library works very nicely as shown here: library(Hmisc) library(corpcor) # Create example data x1 = runif(50) x2 =
2013 May 19
Generate positive definite matrix with constraints
Hi, I have a question for my simulation problem: I would like to generate a positive (or semi def positive) covariance matrix, non singular, in wich the spectral decomposition returns me the same values for all dimensions but differs only in eigenvectors. Ex. sigma [,1] [,2] [1,] 5.05 4.95 [2,] 4.95 5.05 > eigen(sigma) $values [1] 10.0 0.1 $vectors [,1]
2011 Dec 08
Relationship between covariance and inverse covariance matrices
Hi, I've been trying to figure out a special set of covariance matrices that causes some symmetric zero elements in the inverse covariance matrix but am having trouble figuring out if that is possible. Say, for example, matrix a is a 4x4 covariance matrix with equal variance and zero covariance elements, i.e. [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 4 0 0 0 [2,] 0 4
2013 Jun 17
Invert a positive definite symmetric Block Toeplitz Matrix
Is there a function in r that let's you efficiently invert a positive definite symmetric Block Toeplitz matrix? My matrices are the covariance matrices of observations of a multivariate time series and can be 1000*1000 or larger. I know the package 'ltsa' which seems to use the Trench algorithm to compute the inverse of a Toeplitz matrix. I am looking for a so to say
2003 Apr 04
nlme and variance-covariance matrices.
-- Dear R users, I have data on around 2000 birds from 3 generations for which I know an individual's pedigree (i.e. the relationship it shares with other individuals e.g brother, uncle, mother) and also a pedigree based on foster-families, because half broods were removed from their nest of origin and placed in a foster parent's nest. From this I want to model two types of random
2005 Dec 07
KMO sampling adequacy and SPSS -- partial solution
Dear colleagues, I've been searching for information on the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA). This statistic is generated in SPSS and is often used to determine if a dataset is "appropriate" for factor analysis -- it's true utility seems quite low, but it seems to come up in stats classes a lot. It did in mine, and a glance through the R-help
2010 Jan 22
Equality between covariance matrices?
I have conducted a discriminant function analysis with lda() in the MASS Package, and I am interested in testing that the covariance matrices of the groups are equal. Does anybody have any suggestions on how I could test for equality between covariance matrices? Any help would be great. Thank you in advance. Cheers -Rob -- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Feb 03
GAM (mgcv) warning: matrix not positive definite
Dear list, I fitted the same GAM model using directly the function gam(mgcv) ... then as a parameter of another function that capture the warnings messages (see below). In the first case, there is no warning message printed, but in the last one, the function find two warning messages stating "matrix not positive definite" So my question is: Do I have to worry about those warnings and
2012 Aug 11
Problem when creating matrix of values based on covariance matrix
Hi, I want to simulate a data set with similar covariance structure as my observed data, and have calculated a covariance matrix (dimensions 8368*8368). So far I've tried two approaches to simulating data: rmvnorm from the mvtnorm package, and by using the Cholesky decomposition ( The problem is
2009 Mar 11
non-positive definite matrix remedies?
Hi all, For computational reasons, I need to estimate an 18x18 polychoric correlation matrix two variables at a time (rather than trying to estimate them all simultaneously using ML). The resulting polychoric correlation matrix I am getting is non-positive definite, which is problematic because I'm using this matrix later on as if it were a legitimately estimated correlation matrix (in order