similar to: comparing levels of aggregation with negative binomial models

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "comparing levels of aggregation with negative binomial models"

2004 Nov 01
Hello, I have a problem concerning estimation of GLMM. I used methods from 3 different packages (see program). I would expect similar results for glmm and glmmML. The result differ in the estimated standard errors, however. I compared the results to MASS, 4th ed., p. 297. The results from glmmML resemble the given result for 'Numerical integration', but glmm output differs. For the
2005 Aug 18
GLMM - Am I trying the impossible?
Dear all, I have tried to calculate a GLMM fit with lmer (lme4) and glmmPQL (MASS), I also used glm for comparison. I am getting very different results from different functions, and I suspect that the problem is with our dataset rather than the functions, but I would appreciate help in deciding whether my suspicions are right. If indeed we are attempting the wrong type of analysis, some
2009 Oct 15
plotting/examining residuals of a mixed generalised linear model
Dear R users, I'm hoping that more experienced users will be able to assist me in examining the model fit of a mixed generalised linear model. The example using the data 'bacteria' within the MASS package will hopefully illustrate what I would like to acheive; library(MASS) library(nlme) attach(bacteria) # y being output and the trt - treatment group being an explanatory variable.
2005 Jun 16
identical results with PQL and Laplace options in lmer function (package lme4)
Dear R users I encounter a problem when i perform a generalized linear mixed model (binary data) with the lmer function (package lme4) with R 2.1.0 on windows XP and the latest version of package "lme4" (0.96-1) and "matrix" (0.96-2) both options "PQL" and "Laplace" for the method argument in lmer function gave me the same results (random and fixed effects
2007 Oct 11
creating summary functions for data frame
I have a data frame that looks like this: > gctablechromonly[1:5,] refseq geometry gccontent X60_origin X60_terminus length kingdom 1 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria 2 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria 3 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria 4 NC_009484 cir 0.6799
2012 Jan 09
glmmPQL and predict
Is the labeling/naming of levels in the documentation for the predict.glmmPQL function "backwards"? The documentation states "Level values increase from outermost to innermost grouping, with level zero corresponding to the population predictions". Taking the sample in the documentation: fit <- glmmPQL(y ~ trt + I(week > 2), random = ~1 | ID, family =
2012 Mar 02
Why do my regular expressions require a double escape \\ to get a literal??
Hi, I was recently misfortunate enough to have to use regular expressions to sort out some data in R. I'm working on a data file which contains taxonomical data of bacteria in hierarchical order. A sample of this file can be generated using: <- read.table(header=F, con <- textConnection(' G9SS7BA01D15EC Bacteria(100) Cyanobacteria(84) unclassified G9SS7BA01C9UIR
2007 Sep 19
function on factors - how best to proceed
Sorry about this one being long, and I apologise beforehand if there is something obvious here that I have missed. I am new to creating my own functions in R, and I am uncertain of how they work. I have a data set that I have read into a data frame: > gctable[1:5,] refseq geometry X60_origin X60_terminus length kingdom 1 NC_009484 cir 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria 2
2010 Mar 25
Insert .eps files in to an R plot.
Hello Everybody, I have an eps figure an awesome bacteria and a plot (generated using R) also in eps format. Now it looks like there is space for only one figure and I have to insert the picture of the bacteria into the plot. Is there a way to insert figures (eps/png/jpg) in to plots (may be control over placement of figures in the plot as well?) ? By plots I mean data represented using axes and
2005 Jan 20
glm and percentage data with many zero values
Dear all, I am interested in correctly testing effects of continuous environmental variables and ordered factors on bacterial abundance. Bacterial abundance is derived from counts and expressed as percentage. My problem is that the abundance data contain many zero values: Bacteria <-
2008 Dec 06
Questions on the results from glmmPQL(MASS)
Dear Rusers, I have used R,S-PLUS and SAS to analyze the sample data "bacteria" in MASS package. Their results are listed below. I have three questions, anybody can give me possible answers? Q1:From the results, we see that R get 'NAs'for AIC,BIC and logLik, while S-PLUS8.0 gave the exact values for them. Why? I had thought that R should give the same results as SPLUS here.
2011 Apr 20
Pattern match
Hi ALL, I have very simple question regarding pattern matching. Could anyone tell me how to I can use R to retrieve string pattern from text file. for example my file contain following information SpeciesCommon=(Human);SpeciesScientific=(Homo sapiens);ReactiveCentres=(N,C,C,C,+ H,O,C,C,C,C,O,H);BondInvolved=(C-H);EzCatDBID=(S00343);BondFormed=(O-H,O-H);Bond+
2008 Jul 06
Error: cannot use PQL when using lmer
> library(MASS) > attach(bacteria) > table(y) y n y 43 177 > y<-1*(y=="y") > table(y,trt) trt y placebo drug drug+ 0 12 18 13 1 84 44 49 > library(lme4) > model1<-lmer(y~trt+(week|ID),family=binomial,method="PQL") Error in match.arg(method, c("Laplace", "AGQ")) : 'arg' should be one of
2005 Sep 23
multi-class histogram?
I am new to R, and I couldn't find the answers to my question in a faq. This could however be because I didn't know what to look for...:) I have three classes of data, data for bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. I wish to display these in a histogram where all of the values are used to calculate each column. But, I want each column split in three, where the size of each coloured area
2013 Feb 28
Negative Binomial Regression - glm.nb
Dear all, I would like to ask, if there is a way to make the variance / dispersion parameter $\theta$ (referring to MASS, 4th edition, p. 206) in the function glm.nb dependent on the data, e.g. $1/ \theta = exp(x \beta)$ and to estimate the parameter vector $\beta$ additionally. If this is not possible with glm.nb, is there another function / package which might do that? Thank you very much for
2007 Apr 25
heatmap and phylogram / dendogram ploting problem, ape package
I am having trouble displaying a dendrogram of evolutionary relationships (a phylogram imported from the ape package) as the vertical component of a heatmap, but keeping the hierarchical clustering of the horizontal component. The relationships of the vertical component in the generated heatmap are not that of the dendrogram, although the ordering is. In more detail, I am attempting to generate
2012 Jul 13
Vuong test
Dear All, I am using the function vuong from pscl package to compare 2 non nested models NB1 (negative binomial I ) and Zero-inflated model. NB1 <-  glm(, , family = quasipoisson), it is an object of class: "glm" "lm" zinb <- zeroinfl( dist = "negbin") is an object of class: "zeroinfl"   when applying vuong function I get the following: vuong(NB1,
2025 Jan 06
Possible bug in direct.evidence.plot?
The explanation is likely that class(x) returns a character vector of length > 1. If you go into the code you can achieve what is probably intended without triggering this error by replacing that statement with the following: if (inherits(x,"netmeta")) ... HTH, Eric On Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 9:57?AM Miland Joshi <miland_j at> wrote: > I succeeded in getting
2005 Jan 30
New for spdep
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2006 Jun 12
variance specification using glm and quasi
Hi all, Cameron and Trivedi in their 1998 Regression Analysis of Count Data refer to NB1 and NB2 NB1 is the negative binomial model with variance = mu + (alpha * mu^1) yielding (1+alpha)*mu NB2 sets the power to 2; hence, variance = mu + (alpha*mu^2) I think that NB2 can be requested via negbin2<-glm(hhm~sex+age,family=quasi(var="mu^2",link="log")) Is