Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Efficient marginal sums?"
2013 Oct 15
plotting a marginal distribution on the plane behind a persp() plot
I am trying to plot a marginal distribution on the plane behind a persp() plot. My existing code is:
X <- mvrnorm(1000,mu=c(0,0),Sigma=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2))
X.kde <- kde2d(X[,1],X[,2],n=25) # X.kde is list: $x 1*n, $y 1*n, $z n*n
persp(X.kde,phi=30,theta=60,xlab="x_b",ylab="x_a",zlab="f") ->res
Any suggestions are very
2011 Oct 23
FW: Re: symmetric matrix multiplication
Just to avoid possible confusion, let me correct a typo
(at step [2] in the example below). Apologies!
-----FW: <XFMail.111023084327.ted.harding at wlandres.net>-----
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 08:43:27 +0100 (BST)
Sender: r-help-bounces at r-project.org
From: (Ted Harding) <ted.harding at wlandres.net>
To: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] symmetric matrix multiplication
2013 Jan 09
[solved] t-test behavior given that the null hypothesis is true
Hi Ted,
yes this was the problem. Thank you very much.
On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Ted Harding <Ted.Harding@wlandres.net>wrote:
> Ah! You have aqssigned a parameter "equal.var=TRUE", and "equal.var"
> is not a listed paramater for t.test() -- see ?t.test :
> t.test(x, y = NULL,
> alternative = c("two.sided",
2002 Dec 17
Changing "..." inside a function: impossible? desirable?
This is was something like a request for your comments, thoughts
on the topic...
Many of you will know that the "..." (aka \dots) argument is
very useful for passing ``further graphical parameters'',
but can be a pain when itself is passed to too many plotting
functions inside your own function.
An artificial example being
myplot <- function(x,y, ...) {
plot(0:1, 0:1,
2007 Jan 09
A question about R environment
Hi all,
I created environment "mytoolbox" by : mytoolbox <- new.env(parent=baseenv())
Is there anyway I put it in the search path ?
If you need some background :
In a project, I often write some small functions, and load them into my workspace directly, so when I list the objects
with ls(), it looks pretty messy. So I am wondering if it is possible to creat an
2007 Apr 27
Randomising matrices
I would like to be able to randomise presence-absence (i.e. binary)
matrices whilst keeping both the row and column totals constant. Is
there a function in R that would allow me to do this?
I'm working with vegetation presence-absence matrices based on field
observations. The matrices are formatted to have sites as rows and
species as columns. The presence of a species on a site is
2004 Mar 26
(marginal) dot diagram
I am attempting to plot something called a (marginal) dot diagram which is a regular scatterplot with an extra set of plots in the margins along both the X and Y axes. I have looked everywhere I can think for information. Can anyone give me any suggestions? Is there a single command that generates it or do I have to generate a regular scatterplot then add the additional plots in the margins?
2013 Apr 25
Decomposing a List
For some reason I am not managing to work out how to do this
(in principle) simple task!
As a result of applying strsplit() to a vector of character strings,
I have a long list L (N elements), where each element is a vector
of two character strings, like:
L[1] = c("A1","B1")
L[2] = c("A2","B2")
L[3] = c("A3","B3")
2010 Jun 10
error message fitting tcopula
Hi r-users,
I really need help in fitting the t-copula. I try to reproduce the example given by Jun Yan in “Enjoy the joy of copula” but I’m not sure how to correct the error based on the error message. I tried so many ways but still could not get it working.
loglik.marg <- function(b, x) sum(dgamma(x, shape = b[1], scale = b[2], log = TRUE))
ctrl <- list(fnscale = -1)
#dat <-
2010 Jun 10
error message in fitting tcopula
Hi r-users,
I really need help in fitting the t-copula. I try to reproduce the
example given by Jun Yan in "Enjoy the joy of copula" but I'm not sure
how to correct the error based on the error message. I tried so many
ways but still could not get it working.
loglik.marg <- function(b, x) sum(dgamma(x, shape = b[1], scale = b[2],
log = TRUE))
ctrl <- list(fnscale
2013 Mar 26
edit.data() read-only?
Greetings All.
The function edit.data() allows a convenient spreadsheet-like
view of a dataframe with too many rows/columns to fit on the
screen (especially when there are many columns). Very useful
when scanning through a dataset (row & column are conveniently
identified by the labels at the side and above).
However, there seens to be no option to set it "read-only" on
2012 Jul 10
RGB components of plot() colours
A quick question:
Is there anywhere a listing of the RGB components of the
named colours listed by colors()?
For example, where would I find the RGB for "orange1"
or "salmon"?
When I look at an EPS file from R where I have used
these colours, it seems that for:
0.9804 0.5020 0.4471 rgb
1 0.6471 0 rgb
However, this is a tedious way
2006 Sep 09
How to actively join you all
Hello R Community,
I am really impressed by the 'R'. I am a computer engineer. Further, I
have done work on Linux Code at my home and Worked on Cisco IOS platform.
I would like to contribute to the software i.e. i would like to devote my
free time for its development, but i do not know how to join the
development team. If anybody can tell me the way then please show me the
way. I
2012 Feb 25
Finding name of variable supplied as function argument
Greetings All.
I want to do the following simple thing. I have defined
a function med3x3() such that, given vectors X,Y,
med3x3(X,Y) returns a 3x3 table where:
Row 1: X > median(X)
Row 2: X = median(X)
Row 3: X < median(X)
Col 1: Y < median(Y)
Col 2: Y = median(Y)
Col 3: Y > median(Y)
(with intersections of these conditions for the individual cells).
I can easily define fixed
2004 Apr 13
I am new to R. I need your help.
I have got the time series of fifteen variables in data file. I would like
to plot it in R in separate ps pages, not in same ps page.
I was reading about mts, but I could not figure out how to do it.
Can anyone help me out?
with regards;
Santosh Kumar
2007 Mar 28
Regarding Vista
Hi All
Does R supports Vista Business and Vista Home Premium. I am planning to
upgrade my system. Before that I just wanted to confirm whether R will
work on Vista or not.
Thanks for this help in advance
Sayonara With Smile & With Warm Regards :-)
G a u r a v Y a d a v
Assistant Manager,
Economic Research & Surveillance Department,
Clearing Corporation Of
2007 Apr 20
Error: cannot change value of locked binding for
Hello R experts
What does this error means and how to resolve this issue (cannot change
value of locked binding for ). Please suggest
> mc = MonteCarloOption(dt = 1/360, pathLength = 30, mcSteps = 5000,
mcLoops =
+ 50, init = TRUE, innovations.gen = sobolInnovations, path.gen =
+ payoff.calc = arithmeticAsianPayoff, antithetic = TRUE, standardization
+ FALSE, trace = TRUE,
2011 Feb 17
missing values in party::ctree
After ctree builds a tree, how would I determine the direction missing values follow by examining the BinaryTree-class object? For instance in the example below Bare.nuclei has 16 missing values and is used for the first split, but the missing values are not listed in either set of factors. (I have the same question for missing values among numeric [non-factor] values, but I assume the answer
2007 Aug 16
residual plots for lmer in lme4 package
I was wondering if I might be able to ask some advice about doing residual
plots for the lmer function in the lme4 package.
Our group's aim is to find if the expression staining of a particular gene
in a sample (or "core") is related to the pathology of the core.
To do this, we used the lmer function to perform a logistic mixed model
below. I apologise in advance
2006 Sep 16
regarding chaos
hi all,
I have a simple question that does power spectral analysis related to
capacity dimension, information dimension, lyapunov exponent, hurst
If yes then please show me the way. I am newbie in the world of chaos.
Sayonara With Smile & With Warm Regards :-)
G a u r a v Y a d a v
Senior Executive Officer,
Economic Research & Surveillance Department,