Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "predict.coxph and predict.survreg"
2010 Nov 12
Since I read the list in digest form (and was out ill yesterday) I'm
late to the discussion.
There are 3 steps for predicting survival, using a Cox model:
1. Fit the data
fit <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + ph.ecog, data=lung)
The biggest question to answer here is what covariates you wish to base
the prediction on. There is the usual tradeoff between too few (leave
out something
2011 Apr 12
Testing equality of coefficients in coxph model
Dear all,
I'm running a coxph model of the form:
coxph(Surv(Start, End, Death.ID) ~ x1 + x2 + a1 + a2 + a3)
Within this model, I would like to compare the influence of x1 and x2 on the
hazard rate.
Specifically I am interested in testing whether the estimated coefficient
for x1 is equal (or not) to the estimated coefficient for x2.
I was thinking of using a Chow-test for this but the Chow
2010 Jul 28
Time-dependent covariates in survreg function
Dear all,
I'm asking this question again as I didn't get a reply last time:
I'm doing a survival analysis with time-dependent covariates. Until now,
I have used a simple Cox model for this, specifically the coxph function
from the survival library. Now, I would like to try out an accelerated
failure time model with a parametric specification as implemented for
example in the survreg
2010 Nov 15
interpretation of coefficients in survreg AND obtaining the hazard function
1. The weibull is the only distribution that can be written in both a
proportional hazazrds for and an accelerated failure time form. Survreg
uses the latter.
In an ACF model, we model the time to failure. Positive coefficients
are good (longer time to death).
In a PH model, we model the death rate. Positive coefficients are
bad (higher death rate).
You are not the first to be confused
2010 Nov 13
interpretation of coefficients in survreg AND obtaining the hazard function for an individual given a set of predictors
Dear R help list,
I am modeling some survival data with coxph and survreg (dist='weibull') using
package survival. I have 2 problems:
1) I do not understand how to interpret the regression coefficients in the
survreg output and it is not clear, for me, from ?survreg.objects how to.
Here is an example of the codes that points out my problem:
- data is stc1
- the factor is dichotomous
2010 Nov 16
Re : interpretation of coefficients in survreg AND obtaining the hazard function for an individual given a set of predictors
Thanks for sharing the questions and responses!
Is it possible to appreciate how much the coefficients matter in one
or the other model?
Say, using Biau's example, using coxph, as.factor(grade2 ==
"high")TRUE gives hazard ratio 1.27 (rounded).
As clinician I can grasp this HR as 27% relative increase. I can
relate with other published results.
With survreg the Weibull model gives a
2010 Nov 24
Is there an equivalent to predict(..., type="linear") of a Proportional hazard model for a Cox model instead?
Hi all,
Is there an equivalent to predict(...,type="linear") of a Proportional hazard
model for a Cox model instead?
For example, the Figure 13.12 in MASS (p384) is produced by:
(aids.ps <- survreg(Surv(survtime + 0.9, status) ~ state + T.categ +
pspline(age, df=6), data = Aidsp))
zz <- predict(aids.ps, data.frame(state = factor(rep("NSW", 83), levels =
2010 Apr 22
Convert character string to top levels + NAN
Dear all,
I have several character strings with a high number of different levels.
unique(x) gives me values in the range of 100-200.
This creates problems as I would like to use them as predictors in a coxph
I therefore would like to convert each of these strings to a new string
x_new should be equal to x for the top n categories (i.e. the top n levels
with the highest
2009 Mar 09
understanding the output from survival analysis
Why do I get different sign of the coefficients of covariates when I run the
semi-parametric proportional hazard model (coxph) compared to the parametric
proportional hazard model (survreg)?
Anyone with experience in extracting information form survreg to make
predictions are free to contact me.
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2008 Apr 17
survreg() with frailty
Dear R-users,
I have noticed small discrepencies in the reported estimate of the
variance of the frailty by the print method for survreg() and the
'theta' component included in the object fit:
# Examples in R-2.6.2 for Windows
library(survival) # version 2.34-1 (2008-03-31)
# discrepancy
fit1 <- survreg(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + frailty(litter), rats)
2004 Oct 26
vcov method for 'coxph' objects
Dear all,
The help file for the generic function vcov states
"Classes with methods for this function include: 'lm', 'glm', 'nls', 'lme',
'gls', 'coxph' and 'survreg' (the last two in package 'survival')."
Since, I am not able to use vcov.coxph(), I am wondering whether I am
missing something (as I suspect..)
2003 Apr 20
survreg penalized likelihood?
What objective function is maximized by survreg with the default
Weibull model? I'm getting finite parameters in a case that has the
likelihood maximzed at Infinite, so it can't be a simple maximum
Consider the following:
> set.seed(3)
> Stress <- rep(1:3, each=3)
> ch.life <- exp(9-3*Stress)
> simLife <- rexp(9,
2013 Jan 17
coxph with smooth survival
Hello users,
I would like to obtain a survival curve from a Cox model that is smooth and does not have zero differences due to no events for those particular days.
I have:
> sum((diff(surv))==0)
[1] 18
So you can see 18 days where the survival curve did not drop due to no events.
Is there a way to ask survfit to fit a nice spline for the survival??
Note: I tried survreg and it did not
2010 Dec 10
survreg vs. aftreg (eha) - the relationship between fitted coefficients?
Dear R-users,
I need to use the aftreg function in package 'eha' to estimate failure times for left truncated survival data. Apparently, survreg still cannot fit such models. Both functions should be fitting the accelerated failure time (Weibull) model. However, as G?ran Brostr?m points out in the help file for aftreg, the parameterisation is different giving rise to different
2011 Mar 14
coxph and drop1
A recent question in r-help made me realize that I should add a drop1 method
for coxph and survreg. The default does not handle strata() or cluster()
However, for coxph the right options for the "test" argument would be
likelihood-ratio, score, and Wald; not chisq and F. All of them reference
a chi-square distribution. My thought is use these arguments, and add an
2010 Feb 05
Using coxph with Gompertz-distributed survival data.
Dear list:
I am attempting to use what I thought would be a pretty straightforward practical application of Cox regression. I figure users of the survival package must have come across this problem before, so I would like to ask you how you dealt with it. I have set up an illustrative example and included it at the end of this post.
I took a sample of 100 data points from each of two populations
2006 Feb 13
Survreg(), Surv() and interval-censored data
Can survreg() handle interval-censored data like the documentation
says? I ask because the command:
survreg(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ 1, data = heart)
fails with the error message
Invalid survival type
yet the documentation for Surv() states:
"Presently, the only methods allowing interval censored data are
the parametric models computed by 'survreg'"
2009 Mar 16
FW: Select a random subset of rows out of matrix
Dear all,
I have a large dataset (N=100,000 with 89 variables per subject). This dataset is stored in a 100.000 x 89 matrix where each row describes one individual and each column one variable.
What is the easiest way of selecting a subset of let's say 1.000 individuals out of that whole matrix?
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP-EAP European School of
2011 Dec 20
Extract BIC for coxph
Dear all,
is there a function similar to extractAIC based on which I can extract the
BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) of a coxph model?
I found some functions that provide BIC in other packages, but none of them
seems to work with coxph.
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2009 Feb 23
predicting cumulative hazard for coxph using predict
I am estimating the following coxph function with stratification and frailty?where each person had multiple events.
> head(xmodel)
id enum dtime status gender cage uplf
1 1008666 1 2259.1412037 1 MA 0.000 0
2 1008666 2 36.7495023 1 MA 2259.141 0
3 1008666