similar to: Add values of rlm coefficients to xyplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Add values of rlm coefficients to xyplot"

2005 Mar 24
Robust multivariate regression with rlm
Dear Group, I am having trouble with using rlm on multivariate data sets. When I call rlm I get Error in lm.wfit(x, y, w, method = "qr") : incompatible dimensions lm on the same data sets seem to work well (see code example). Am I doing something wrong? I have already browsed through the forums and google but could not find any related discussions. I use Windows XP and R
2011 Mar 14
discrepancy between lm and MASS:rlm
Dear R-devel, There seems to be a discrepancy in the order in which lm and rlm evaluate their arguments. This causes rlm to sometimes produce an error where lm is just fine. Here is a little script that illustrate the issue: > library(MASS) > ## create data > n <- 100 > dat <- data.frame(x=rep(c(-1,0,1), n), y=rnorm(3*n)) > > ## call lm, works fine > summary(lm(y ~
2003 Oct 02
using a string as the formula in rlm
Hi, I am trying to build a series of rlm models. I have my data frame and the models will be built using various coulmns of the data frame. Thus a series of models would be m1 <- rlm(V1 ~ V2 + V3 + V4, data) m2 <- rlm(V1 ~ V2 + V5 + V7, data) m3 <- rlm(V1 ~ V2 + V8 + V9, data) I would like to automate this. Is it possible to use a string in place of the formula? I tried doing: fmla
2012 Jul 06
How to do goodness-of-fit diagnosis and model checking for rlm in R?
Hi all, I am reading the MASS book but it doesn't give examples about the diagnosis and model checking for rlm... My data is highly non-Gaussian so I am using rlm instead of lm. My questions are: 0. Are goodness-of-fit and model-checking using rlm completely the same as usual regression? 1. Please give me some pointers about how to do goodness-of-fit and residual diagnosis for
2009 Dec 03
Avoiding singular fits in rlm
I keep coming back to this problem of singular fits in rlm (MASS library), but cannot figure out a good solution. I am fitting a linear model with a factor variable, like lm( Y ~ factorVar) and this works fine. lm knows to construct the contrast matrix the way I would expect, which puts the first factor as the baseline level. But when I try rlm( Y ~ factorVar) I get the message "'x'
2008 May 14
rlm and lmrob error messages
Hello all, I'm using R2.7.0 (on Windows 2000) and I'm trying do run a robust regression on following model structure: model = "Y ~ x1*x2 / (x3 + x4 + x5 +x6)" where x1 and x2 are both factors (either 1 or 0) and x3.....x6 are numeric. The error code I get when running rlm(as.formula(model), data=daymean) is: error in rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method, wt.method =
2008 Dec 08
residual standard error in rlm (MASS package)
Hi, I would appreciate of someone could explain how the residual standard error is computed for rlm models (MASS package). Usually, one would expect to get the residual standard error by > sqrt(sum((y-fitted(fm))^2)/(n-2)) where y is the response, fm a linear model with an intercept and slope for x and n the number of observations. This does not seem to work for rlm models and I am wondering
2004 Oct 11
split and rlm
Hello, I'm trying to do a little rlm of some data that looks like this: UNIT COHORT perdo adjodds 1010 96 0.39890 1.06894 1010 97 0.48113 1.57500 1010 98 0.36328 1.21498 1010 99 0.44391 1.38608 It works fine like this: rlm(perdo ~ COHORT, psi=psisquare) But the problem is that I have about 100 UNITs, and I want to do a
2008 Jan 19
How do we get two-tailed p-values for rlm?
How do we get 2-tailed p-values for the rlm summary? I'm using the following: > fit <- rlm(oatRT ~ oatoacData$erp, psi=psi.bisquare, maxit=100, na.action='na.omit') > fitsum <- summary(fit, cor=F) > print(fitsum) Call: rlm(formula = oatRT ~ oatoacData$erp, psi = psi.bisquare, maxit = 100, na.action = "na.omit") Residuals: Min 1Q Median
2010 Dec 13
Wrong contrast matrix for nested factors in lm(), rlm(), and lmRob()
This message also reports wrong estimates produced by for nested factors when using the correct contrast matrix. And in these respects, I have found that S-Plus behaves the same way as R. Using the three available contrast types (sum, treatment, helmert) with lm() or, but just contr.sum with rlm() and lmRob(), and small examples, I generated contrast matrices for
2012 Jul 18
How does "rlm" in R decide its "w" weights for each IRLS iteration?
Hi all, I am also confused about the manual: a. The input arguments: wt.method are the weights case weights (giving the relative importance of case, so a weight of 2 means there are two of these) or the inverse of the variances, so a weight of two means this error is half as variable? w (optional) initial down-weighting for each case. init (optional) initial values for the
2004 Apr 07
Problems with rlm
Dear all, When calling rlm with the following data, I get an error. (R v.1.8.1, WinXP Pro 2002 with service pack 1.) > d <- na.omit(data.frame(CPRATIO, HEIGHTZ, FAMILYID)) > c <- tapply(d$CPRATIO, d$FAMILYID, mean) > h <- tapply(d$HEIGHTZ, d$FAMILYID, mean) > c 1 2 3 6 7 9 10 11 6.000000 2.500000 3.250000
2007 Jun 07
rlm results on trellis plot
How do I add to a trellis plot the best fit line from a robust fit? I can use panel.lm to add a least squares fit, but there is no panel.rlm function. -- Alan S Barnett <asb at> NIMH/CBDB
2005 Mar 27
p values when using rlm
R 2.0.1 Linux I am using rlm() to fit a model, e.g. fit1<-rlm(y~x). My model is more complex than the one shown. When I enter summary(fit1) I get estimates for the model's coefficients along with their SEs, and t values, but no p values. The p value column is blank. Similarly, when I enter anova(fit1) I get DF, Sum Sq, Mean Sq, but the column for F value and Pr(>F) are blank. Any
2005 Feb 25
vcov on result of rlm() yields "-- please report!" (PR#7707)
Dear r-bugs, I looked over the FAQ. Hope I'm reporting this correctly. I ran this on both solaris and windows. I've provided terminal snapshots which include how R was called from the command line, and the result of version at the R prompt. I have attached the .r file, and the data file and the output snapshots. Below also find everything except only a few lines of the data file. Note
2010 Aug 17
Singular error in rlm
I am absolutely new to R and I am aware of only a few basic command lines. I was running a robust regression in R, using the following command line library (MASS) rfmodel2 <- rlm (TotalEmployment_2005 ~ ALABAMA + MISSISSIPPI + LOUISIANA + TotalEmployment_2000 + PCWhitePop_2005 + UnemploymentRate_2005 + PCUrbanPop2000 + PCPeopleWithACollegeDegree_2000 +
2004 Jun 11
comparing regression slopes
Dear List, I used rlm to calculate two regression models for two data sets (rlm due to two outlying values in one of the data sets). Now I want to compare the two regression slopes. I came across some R-code of Spencer Graves in reply to a similar problem: at The code was: > df1 <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=1:10+rnorm(10))
2011 Mar 16
cross validation? when rlm, lmrob or lmRob
Dear community, I have fitted a model using comands above, (rlm, lmrob or lmRob). I don't have new data to validate de models obtained. I was wondering if exists something similar to CVlm in robust regression. In case there isn't, any suggestion for validation would be appreciated. Thanks, user at -- View this message in context:
2011 Apr 18
apply lm.beta() to rlm object (robust regression)
Hello, I'm trying to do a regression analysis (multiple linear regression) and have to deal with a slight heteroscedascitiy in my data. I've read somewhere that it's possible to use the rlm (robust regression) out of the MASS package in such cases. Is it possible to apply the lm.beta method (from package QuantPsyc) to the returned rlm object and/or is there a way to calculate
2004 Apr 27
lmRobMM vs rlm
I am needing some expertise with regard to the S-Plus command lmRobMM and its R counterpart rlm(formula,data,method="MM") I have used lmRobMM(formula,data) in S-Plus on the Stackloss data and obtained for my residuals 6.217777 1.150717 6.427946 8.174019 -0.6713005 -1.248641 -0.4236203 0.5763797 -1.057899 0.3593823 11 12 13 14 15 16