similar to: create sequence of numbers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "create sequence of numbers"

2010 Oct 22
R step-by-step execution
Hello! I wouldl ike to ask you if R supports step by step execution. I have written some nested loops and I would like to check on every step what are the values of some variables. Printing all the variables just creates a really big output of numbers. Could you please give some debugging tutorial that included the aforementioned functionalities? |Moreover can you please tell me how I
2011 May 09
Recursive Indexing Failed
Dear all, I would like to ask your help concerning an error message I get. I have the following struct str(CRagentInTime[[1]]) List of 2 $ timelag: int 0 $ CRagent:List of 50 ..$ :List of 3 .. ..$ CRmap: num [1:256, 1:256] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... .. ..$ xy : num [1:2] 10 177 .. ..$ sr : num [1:49] -94.9 -92.8 -79.5 -97.6 -78.4 ... and I wanted to select all the sr fields
2010 Nov 20
Merge two ggplots
Hello everyone. I am using ggplot and I need some help to merge these two plots into one. plot_CR<-function(x,y,agentid,CRagent){   library(ggplot2)     agent<-CRagent[[agentid]] # To make following expression shorter   ggplot((data.frame(x=CRX,y=CRY,sr=agent$sr)))+   geom_point(aes(x,y,colour=cut(sr,c(0,-10,-20,-30,-40,-50,-60,-70,-80))))+   geom_text(aes(x,y,color=cut(sr,
2010 Nov 17
Give me all operator
Hello is there in R any operator that give you all the data of a matrix for example in matlab x(2,3) returns the 2ndth row and 3rdth column x(2,:) returns all the columns of the 2nd row. In R now I would like to print all the  CRagent[[i]][2]  CRagent[[:]][2] doesnot work of course. Other option is to make a loop with an index i that spans from 1:last element of CRagent[[]] but this is not
2011 Jan 06
Find and remove elemnts of a data frame
Dear all, I have a data frame that is created like that data.frame(x=CRX[-1],y=CRY[-1],z=CRagent[[1]]$sr) the output looks like 45 116 162 -30.89105988567164 46 128  79 -42.66296679571184 47 180 195 -30.45626175641315 48 114  83 -45.26843476475688 49 118  73 -46.85389245327003 How can I select only the rows that their third column is higher that -45? This will return the following 116 162
2010 Nov 22
plot inside function does not work
Hello everyone, when I commit a plot using console(command line?) plot works fine. I have created a function that plots based on the input. This function is called plot_shad. When I call this function alone in the command line I get my plot. Then I tried to use another function as depicted_below to do some calculation before calling the function that does the plotting.
2010 Oct 05
Linear Integration
Hello I would like to calculate a weighted line integral. The integral is calculated by the cells that this lines trasverses (the small cells belong to matrix (m*n) that represent the value that a specific area has. I need to calculate the weights by finding out how much the line touches or impinges inside a cell. The weight is less if a line just touches one of the four edges of a square
2017 Jun 22
3D plot with coordinates
Thanks. So after searching 4 hours last night it looks like that there is no R package that can do this right now. Any other ideas or suggestions might be helpful.RegardsAlex On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 3:21 PM, Alaios via R-help <r-help at> wrote: Thanks Duncan for the replyI can not suppress anything these are radiation pattern measurements that are typically are
2017 Jun 21
3D plot with coordinates
Thanks Duncan for the replyI can not suppress anything these are radiation pattern measurements that are typically are taken at X,Y and Z planes. See an example here, where I want to plot the measurements for the red, green and blue planes (so the image below withouth the 3d green structure inside) at
2003 Mar 22
SecuRemote and Shorewall Problem
Sat Mar 22 14:16:55 CST 2003 This post is a bit long, but I want to make sure I am providing the information up front that can help in others helping me solve this mystery. I am having a bit of difficulty getting Shorewall to work with SecuRemote and its FW-1 server. I have attached the "rules" file I am using and the output of "shorewall show nat". The diagram below
2012 Mar 22
Create weird type of sequences
Dear all, I would like to create the following sequence of numbers 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 and so on (actually I double the number of same elements).... the reason is that I want then to feed the sequence above to  tapply(myVector, weirSeq, FUN = mean) and then average over those... Could you please provide some guidance how I can create such a sequence in R? Regards Alex
2010 Sep 23
Simple categorical scatter plot
New to R. I am trying to create a simple xy plot wherein the line segment color is determined by a categorical column The following does not change colors for me, probably because I don't quite have a handle on either functions or value mapping syntax. ---------- time <- c(1, 2, 3, 7,10,11,14,16,20) pressure <- c(0,10,20,20,50,18,60,65,90) status <- c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 3, 3,
2007 Jan 17
sp: proj4string has no impact
Hi all, I'm faced with a problem applying the sp package: The projection argument in readShapePoly(Shapefile,proj4string="CRS class argument") e.g.: CRS("+proj=aea +lat_1=46 +lat_2=73 +lat_0=60 +lon_0=84 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=clrk66 +units=m +no_defs") doesn't have any impact on the plotted object. I also tested the simple example: xy = cbind(x = 2 * runif(100) -
2012 Oct 22
Assigning values to several consecutives rows in a sequence while leaving some empty
Hello all, I'm trying to group several consecutives rows (and assigning them the same value) while leaving some of the rows empty (when a certain condition is not fulfilled). My data are locations (xy coordinates), the date/time at which they were measured, and the time span between measures. Somehow simplified, they look like this:
2005 Jan 14
debugging encrypted part of isakmp
Are there any tools to decode encrypted part of isakmp provided that identities of both peers are known to me and that I am able to observe the whole exchange ? -- Andriy Gapon
2005 Aug 02
probes on udp port 500
Last couple of days some of my hosts were probed for UDP port 500 (IKE daemon, used by IPSec for key exchange) from dialup IPs. Don't remember seeing similar probes before. Some new vaulnerability that script kiddies (and pro crackers) are trying out, or is this some old stuff? I do remember there were some security problems with racoon in the past (that were fixed in current CentOS
2011 Feb 02
Help me apply mapply
Hello all I would like to ask your help use mapply. I have a function called findCell that takes two arguments(x,sr) where x is a vector of size two (e.g x<-c(2,3) and sr is a matrix. I would like to call many times the findCell function (thus I need mapply) for different x inputs but always for the same sr. as x is a vector of size two (two cells) I want to pass inside inside the following
2010 Nov 17
How to catch warnings
Hello when my code executes I receive the message that were some warnings. I want to catch warning messages at run time so to print some local variables and try to understand why this warning happens. I searched on internet and I tried withCallingHandlers( which seems to work but as I used Rkward the result is awful. I get a prompt to copy paste a value only while at the same time my background
2007 Sep 20
Hi, I am just new to the FreeBSD system and look forward to take active part in contributing. Can someone please guide where can I find OCF source code in FreeBSD and also is there IKE implementation and OpenSWAN ? Regards, Raja
2013 Jul 09
Apparent website misconfiguration?
Hi All, Not sure if you already know this: I was just in the process of showing someone xapian, when I found that the website is not functioning correctly. It appears that PHP config is somehow not functioning correctly. -- My apologies if this is the wrong place to report this, or if you already know this problem exists. Best, .ike