Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Error message in using nlm() and optim()"
2007 Feb 20
Standardized residual variances in SEM
I'm using the "sem" package to do a confirmatory factor analysis on data
collected with a questionnaire. In the model, there is a unique factor G
and 23 items. I would like to calculate the standardized residual
variance of the observed variables. "Sem" only gives the residual
variance with the "summary" function, or the standardized loadings with
2009 Nov 12
Transforming a dataframe into a response/predictor matrix
I currently have a data frame whose rows correspond to each student and whose columns are different variables for the student, as shown below:
Lastname Firstname CATALOG_NBR Email StudentID EMPLID Start
1 alastname afirstname 1213 *@uark.edu 10295236 # 12/2/2008
2 anotherlastname anotherfirstname 1213 **@uark.edu ## 10295236 9/3/2008
Xattempts Q1
2012 Jun 02
Compare data between two groups/countries on 5-point Likert scale questionnare?
Hi everyone, I'm stuck on my dissertation which is due next week. I'm a
business major student and my project is a comparative research on corporate
social responsibility (CSR) between Chinese and German firms. According to
my literature review, it's quite obvious that German firms have much better
CSR initiatives and strategies than the Chinese ones and I wanted to test
whether it was
2004 Oct 12
constrained optimization using nlm/optim?
I'm looking for an example of a simple R script that impliments a
contrained nonlinear function using nlm or optim. I'm not exactly sure how
to impliment the constraints within the objective function that is passed
to nlm/optim.
obj.func <- function( p ) {
x(p) <- unconstrained obj function value
if( constraint1 > something ) {
obj.func <- x(p)
} else {
2011 Sep 01
[PATCH 5/5] resample: Add NEON optimized inner_product_single for floating point
From: Jyri Sarha <jsarha at ti.com>
Also adds inline asm implementations of WORD2INT(x) macro for fixed
and floating point.
libspeex/resample_neon.h | 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libspeex/resample_neon.h b/libspeex/resample_neon.h
index ba93e41..e7e981e 100644
--- a/libspeex/resample_neon.h
2010 Feb 02
how to use optim() or nlm() to solve three nonlinear equations
Dear all,
I just know how to solve an eaquation by using optim() or nlm(). But, now, I have three nonlinear equations,
how could we use optim() or nlm() to solve a system of nonlinear equations in R? Thank you so much.
您的生活即時通 - 溝通、娛樂、生活、工作一次搞定!
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2008 Oct 13
optim and nlm error to estimate a matrix
Dear R users,
I'm trying to estimate the matrix of regression parameters.
I need to do it numerically, so I used optim and nls.
I got the initial parameter estimates from least squares, and input them into those functions.
But when I run the optim function, it stops in 30 seconds and shows 'convergence=1'.
And if I use the nlm function, then it runs for a while, and finally stops
2007 Apr 10
nlm() and optim()
Dear R-users,
I have just joint the list and much appreciate any thoughts on 2 issues.
Firstly, I want to reproduce some minimization results conducted in MATLAB. I have suceeded with nlm and optim-method CG. I have been told that I should get also with other optim methods. Actually, I found the same results when testing a very straightforward equation. However with a more complicated model it
2003 Jan 23
Profile on optim/nlm
Before I reinvent the wheel has anyone done a profile function for a
fit using optim (or nlm)? (like the buggy profile.ms in S+) . It
seems a bit tricky as the function to be minimised has to have
arguments corresponding to the variables being fitted - which is one
less than the function provided to optim()... I guess you can create
another function on the fly somehow.
2002 Apr 26
optim or nlm with matrices
I have the following hypothetical optimization problem:
where A,x,x1 are matrices. A coefficients and x and x1 are variable matrices or vectors.
I tried to apply optim and nlm functions but I kept receive the following massage:
Error in A%*%x1 : non-conformable arguments.
The massage appears even the -det() can be calculated and the dimensions are checked.
2010 Jul 08
Using nlm or optim
I am trying to use nlm to estimate the parameters that minimize the
following function:
+ v = c*M^z
+ return(v)
+ }
M is a variable and c and z are parameters to be estimated.
I then write the negative loglikelihood function assuming normal errors:
logl<- -.5*n*log(2*pi) -.5*n*log(s) -
2008 Aug 05
optimize simultaneously two binomials inequalities using nlm( ) or optim( )
Dear R users,
I?m trying to optimize simultaneously two binomials inequalities (used in
acceptance sampling) which are nonlinear solution, so there is no simple
direct solution. Please, let me explain shortly the the problem and the
question as following.
The objective is to obtain the smallest value of 'n' (sample size)
satisfying both inequalities:
(1-alpha) <= pbinom(c, n, p1)
2005 Oct 11
Sometimes having problems finding a minimum using optim(), optimize(), and nlm() (while searching for noncentral F parameters)
Hi everyone.
I have a problem that I have been unable to determine either the best
way to proceed and why the methods I'm trying to use sometimes fail. I'm
using the pf() function in an optimization function to find a
noncentrality parameter that leads to a specific value at a specified
quantile. My goal is to have a general function that returns the
noncentrality parameter that
2010 Jun 15
Error in nlm : non-finite value supplied by 'nlm'
I am trying to compute MLE for non-Gaussian AR(1). The error term follows a difference poisson distribution. This distribution has one parameter (vector[2]).
So in total I want to estimate two parameters: the AR(1) paramter (vector[1]) and the distribution parameter.
My function is the negative loglikelihood derived from a mixing operator.
2008 Mar 19
Error en nlm(logdgenexpn, p = c(vmomest[[1]], vmomest[[2]]), x = x.genexp, : valor no finito provisto por 'nlm'
Dear useRs,
I am analysing the behaviour of MLE for the two parameters of a kind
of exponential distribution, leaving as initial values the estimators
moments produced by the variation coefficient.
I do using simulations, giving them an accountant, r. But running my
codes remains a problem with the nlm function. To review details
On one of the lines put status
2003 Oct 24
first value from nlm (non-finite value supplied by nlm)
Dear expeRts,
first of all I'd like to thank you for the
quick help on my last which() problem.
Here is another one I could not tackle:
I have data on an absorption measurement which I want to fit
with an voigt profile:
fn.1 <- function(p){
for (i1 in ilong){
ff <- f[i1]
ex[i1] <- exp(S*n*L*voigt(u,v,ff,p[1],p[2],p[3])[[1]])
out <-
2009 Feb 19
Source code for nlm()
Where can I find the source code for nlm()? I dowloaded the R2.8.1.tar.gz
file and looked at all the .c and .f files, but couldn't find either nlm.c
or nlm.f
There is an nlm.r file, but that is not useful.
Thanks for any help,
Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, The Center on Aging
2008 May 22
Computing Maximum Loglikelihood With "nlm" Problem
I tried to compute maximum likelihood under gamma distribution,
using nlm function. The code is this:
vsamples<- c(103.9, 88.5, 242.9, 206.6, 175.7, 164.4)
mlogl <- function(alpha, x) {
if (length(alpha) > 1) stop("alpha must be scalar")
if (alpha <= 0) stop("alpha must be positive")
return(- sum(dgamma(x, shape = alpha, log = TRUE)))
2012 Oct 19
likelihood function involving integration, error in nlm
Dear R users,
I am trying to find the mle that involves integration.
I am using the following code and get an error when I use the nlm function
integ<-matrix(c(0),nrow=10, ncol=2)
for (k in 1:2){
for(s in 1:10){
2008 Jun 03
nlm behaviour and error
Hi R-Gurus,
I've been cutting along quite nicely with nlm, until
I threw in the following condition in the function that nlm is
if (((term*bexp) < 0.0001)) {
#warning(term*bexp, "=term*bexp",psi,"=psi")
Now when I run this function anywhere else, there is no problem, whether
or the if's condition is met.