similar to: Big data (over 2GB) and lmer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Big data (over 2GB) and lmer"

2011 Mar 23
Estimating correlation in multiple measures data
Dear R-helpers, This may sound simple to you, but I'm a beginner in this, so please be forgiving. I have a following problem: two analytes were measured in patient's blood on 4 occasions: ProteinA and ProteinB. How to correctly evaluate correlation between ProteinA and ProteinB? I tried: x <- data.frame(Patient.ID=rep(1:10, each=4), Visit=rep(c(1:4),10), ProteinA=rnorm(m=10,
2009 Aug 05
Starting NONMEM (nmfe6) from R
Hello, I have made an R script that prepares a NONMEM dataset and I would like to start the NONMEM run right after the dataset is ready. I am using windows XP, R 2.9.1 and NONMEM 6. I have prepared a run.bat file that looks like this: ---------------------------------------- call K:\nmvi\NMdirectories.bat call K:\nmvi\nmfe6 "path\control.txt" "path\output.txt"
2010 May 26
Problem with plotting survival predictions from cph model
Dear R-helpers, I am working with 'cph' models from 'rms' library. When I build simple survival models, based on 'Surv(time, event)', everything is fine and I can make nice plots using plot(Predict(f, time=3)). However, recently I tried to be more specific and used 'Surv(start, stop, event)' type model. Using this model 'plot(Predict(f))' works OK, but
2012 May 02
Problem with 'nls' fitting logistic model (5PL)
Dear R-Helpers, I'm working with immunoassay data and 5PL logistic model. I wanted to experiment with different forms of weighting and parameter selection, which is not possible in instrument software, so I turned to R. I am using R 2.14.2 under Win7 64bit, and the 'nls' library to fit the model - I started with the same model and weighting type (1/y) as in the instrument to see
2010 Mar 30
Problem comparing hazard ratios
Dear R-Helpers, I am a novice in survival analysis. I have the following code: for (i in 3:12) print(coxph(Surv(time, status)~a[,i], data=a)) I used it to fit the Cox Proportional Hazard models separately for every available parameter (columns 3:12) in my data set - with intention to compare the Hazard Ratios. However, some of my variables are in range 0.1 to 1.6, others in range 5000 to
2010 Jan 15
'nlme' library - lme function results
Dear R-helpers I am running a simple mixed effects model using lme(). The call looks like this: fit <- lme(Analyte~Sample, data=Data, random=~1 | Run) I am particularly interested in the estimated random effects. When I print the 'fit' object, it looks something like example below: (...) Random effects: Formula: ~1 | Run (Intercept) Residual StdDev: 3.483794 3.637523
2010 Aug 10
Plotting confidence bands around regression line
Dear R-helpers and graphics gurus, I have two problems with plotting confidence bands: 1. First is relatively simple. I am using the Passing-Bablok procedure to obtain "unbiased" regression coefficients. This procedure yields the "a" & "b" coefficient values along with their confidence intervals. I then plot the raw data with the regression line, but I would
2010 Apr 29
How to estimate the residual SD for each sample separately in mixed-effects model?
Dear R-helpers, I am developing a Mixed-Effects model for a study of immunoassays using 'lme4' library. The study design is as follows: 10 samples were run using 7 different immunoassays, 3 times each, in duplicates. Data attached. I have developed the following model: c.lme <- lmer(Result~SPL + (SPL|Assay/Run) -1, data=data) This model has excellent predictions - the Rsquared of
2008 Jun 10
Problem with by(... , median)
Hello everyone, I am new to R, I have been using SAS for a while. Not surprisingly, I find R much better in graphics, which is publication ready right away. Recently, I have been trying to calculate some basic statistics using R. I have a dataset of multiple rows per subject. For example: Subject Date Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 P1 0.5 1 1 3 P1 1 3 2 5 P1 2 3 5 NA ... P2 0.5 1 6 4 P2 1 2 NA 7 P2
2008 Jul 21
Coefficients of Logistic Regression from bootstrap - how to get them?
Hello all, I am trying to optimize my logistic regression model by using bootstrap. I was previously using SAS for this kind of tasks, but I am now switching to R. My data frame consists of 5 columns and has 109 rows. Each row is a single record composed of the following values: Subject_name, numeric1, numeric2, numeric3 and outcome (yes or no). All three numerics are used to predict
2009 Apr 24
Problem with greek "beta" symbol in plot using CairoPDF (Windows)
Dear R-Helpers, I have a problem with displaying the greek "beta" symbol in PDF files using Cairo library - it displays as an empty box. The same also happens for a dash symbol in subscript. Both symbols are displayed correctly if the plot is produced on screen (outside of CairoPDF). The syntax that I use for it in plot command is:
2011 Aug 28
Trying to extract probabilities in CARET (caret) package with a glmStepAIC model
Dear developers, I have jutst started working with caret and all the nice features it offers. But I just encountered a problem: I am working with a dataset that include 4 predictor variables in Descr and a two-category outcome in Categ (codified as a factor). Everything was working fine I got the results, confussion matrix etc. BUT for obtaining the AUC and predicted probabilities I had to add
2008 Oct 17
Beginner's question: number formatting
Hello R-helpers, I have a problem with formatting a single number to show leading zeros. For example, I want "2" displayed as "002". My numbers have 1 to 3 digits and I would like them all to display 3 digits for printing. I know I could use "paste" in a loop with several "if"s, but I was wondering if there is a single function that can do this. I have
2008 Jul 23
[Fwd: Re: Coefficients of Logistic Regression from bootstrap - how to get them?]
I think the argument supporting the use of bootstrap to determine coefficients, as opposed to just running linear regression on the whole dataset, is the comparison of Rsq and prediction errors between these two approaches - page 1502. There's a substantial difference in favor of the bootstrap approach. -- Michal J. Figurski Gustaf Rydevik wrote: > The url for the mentioned paper is
2008 Jul 24
[Fwd: Re: Coefficients of Logistic Regression from bootstrap - how to get them?]
Thank you Frank and all for your advices. Here I attach the raw data from the Pawinski's paper. I have obtained permission from the corresponding Author to post it here for everyone. The only condition of use is that the Authors retain ownership of the data, and any publication resulting from these data must be managed by them. The dataset is composed as follows: patient number / MMF dose in
2011 Aug 26
Predictions from a logistic regression model with validation for ROCR
Dear experts, I am looking for a package that does logistic regression with corssvalidation and gives me the probabilites of all the corssvalidations so that I can plot them in ROCR. Would also like to know if the corssvalidate model would give me a summary coefficient for the intercept and my to predictors. Thank you. Best regards, Jon Toledo, MD Postdoctoral fellow University of Pennsylvania
2008 Oct 06
Need to calculate within- and between- run CV
Dear R-helpers, I have a dataset named "qu", organized as follows: Sample Run Replicate Value 1 1 1 25 1 1 2 40 1 1 3 33 1 1 4 29 1 2 1 37 1 2 2 44 1 2 3 45 1 3 1 25 1 3 2 40 1 4 1 33 1 4 2 29 1 4 3 25 2 ... Basically, a sample was run on an assay multiple times within a single day. Each of these results is "Replicate". Then run was repeated several times in
2013 Jan 18
utils::tar() and files >= 2GB
Hi, The current implementation for utils::tar() seems to generate broken tarballs when some of the files to include in the tarball are >= 2GB. For example, when running 'R CMD build' on a big Bioconductor data package, we see this warning: * checking for file ?ChIPXpressData/DESCRIPTION? ... OK * preparing ?ChIPXpressData?: * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK *
2002 Dec 12
if problem in function
Dear all, I have written a function for calculating the volume of a tree (=trad) or snag (=h?gst). The included volume regreesion model includes ten parameter values, which are tree species specific. bj?rk.formh? is an object which includes the parameter values (parameter set) for birch (=bj?rk). There is one row per tree in the data object. > relev.kols[1:5,
2003 Jan 02
replace NA with factor class
Dear all, I have a tree data matrix. For some trees I lack info about tree species, but I want to set them to be spruce. For some reason the tree species names on the remaining (non-NA) rows are changed into numbers (that I do not recognise). I guess that ifelse is not the correct function to use, but I have not found any better one in my searches. Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Tord >